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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. I thought it was Dumbledore on 1st read, but nothing Harry Potter in the vid. I love travel videos of places I've never been and probably never will. Just excellent production here, the video and the music and the horizons were all level. One of your best Nigel! -Bjorn
  2. bjornpdx


    Rex, while listening to this great song I got a nostalgia wave for 70s music, songs by James Taylor, Jackson Browne and others probably well before your time. I don't know, they're just well crafted songs that hit that emotional spot in your head. So, well done with that but I did want to hear something more engaging in the solo, maybe a more melodic line. -Bjorn
  3. bjornpdx

    Spanish Guitar

    noynekker (Bruce?) Thank you. I wasn't sure if the orchestral part really fit so I appreciate your comment. Andy I can't get enough of that eerie mood a classical guitar song can generate. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check it out. daryl Thank you. I'm glad you mentioned that intro part. Kind of simple but I worked on it for a long time. Nigel, Thank you. Appreciate the comment as always. -Bjorn
  4. bjornpdx


    I always pay attention to the accompaniment tracks because there's always something there to learn (and steal) I like what was going on in the background, kind of subtle and simple but effective. -Bjorn
  5. bjornpdx

    Spanish Guitar

    Spanish Guitar I've always liked classical guitar music. I wrote a song a few years in a "Spanish" scale and here's another one. Thanks for listening/comments. -Bjorn NI Strummed Acoustic NI Picked Nylon Vir 2 Acou6tics u-he Zebra NI Session Strings Pro AAS Ultra Analog VA 3
  6. Paul, I really like the song esp the storytelling! -Bjorn
  7. Very engaging song and Still sounds great. Kind of reassuring that creative efforts can live on after you're gone. (The older I get the more I think about these things.) -Bjorn
  8. Those things that are hard to put in words can be better said in music. Take care -Bjorn
  9. Thanks Lynn. I appreciate the comment. Thanks Freddy. Yeah, the sun did come out but didn't help much. I think my visit coincided with a spell of bad weather. -Bjorn
  10. Hi Freddy Very nice accompaniment track to this and I really like the transitions between sections. Well done. I think it's been shown that a lie told often enough becomes the truth. -Bjorn
  11. Nicely done. I agree with the other comments about the voc being a bit too low. Didn't know what was going on in the story but I made up my own. I once helped a guy make a movie in public areas. Mostly went okay except for the airplanes, the screaming kids and people wanting to know what we were up to. So I can imagine what it was like making your vid. -Bjorn
  12. Thanks Steve. I appreciate the comments. -Bjorn
  13. Great lyrics! Totally enjoyed the listen. Usually you listen to a song and you settle in to the style after a few bars, but this one makes you wonder what's coming up next. Very well done. -Bjorn
  14. Great song. Love the guitar! The overall sound gives me kind of a mystical vibe if that makes sense to anyone. -Bjorn Edit: I just noticed my comment is about the same as hidden symmetry's above. Great minds...
  15. Very cool video. As well as the instrument I like the music scale you used which gives the song a kind of exotic touch. -Bjorn
  16. Orkney and Shetland Islands trip I don't remember if I ever posted this 12 min video of my trip to the Orkney and Shetland Islands in 2013. I don't have anything else worthwhile to post so thought I'd dig into my old stuff. Thanks for watching/commenting. -Bjorn
  17. bjornpdx

    Inevitable Monday

    I really like this song! Vocal stands out very well. I like all the extra bits in the background too. -Bjorn
  18. Catchy tune and nicely arranged. You can always depend on Nigel to come up with a professional caliber production. -Bjorn
  19. Sometimes less is more and the song certainly proves it. Elizabeth has a beautiful voice. Really stands out in the song. I recognized a couple of Daryl's trademark chord changes in there. Well done! -Bjorn
  20. There's a lot going on in the music, all the different instruments interacting with each other developing the theme. Lot of hard work put into this and i think you did an excellent job! -Bjorn
  21. bjornpdx

    Sad Day

    "it is so sad to see how she is disappearing" Well said Wookie. The words brought a tear to my eye as did the music. Take care. -Bjorn
  22. bjornpdx

    One Touch Away

    Beautiful song and well produced. Professional caliber as usual. I wasn't hearing any bass if there is one? Not sure if the falsetto works (just my opinion) Boy, that's one held note at the end. Wish you the best. -Bjorn
  23. Glenn, sounds good. I like it. The 4 notes behind the lyrics "come on to me" have a nice hook that could be developed more. But idk they also sound a little familiar? -Bjorn
  24. Great guitar work as usual. You do a lot of surfing there in Finland? -Bjorn
  25. Very creative use of sound fx. You should add a little something in that last 30 sec of silence. -Bjorn
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