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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. I'm not familiar with the Malevolent synth (great name) but I have a couple of software MS-20's that I really like. Been thinking of getting a mini like you have. Nice demo. -Bjorn
  2. bjornpdx

    4 U

    Well produced, well mixed. Strong voc track. Couple questions: Seemed like breath sounds were emphasized instead of the usual reduction? Is that voc vibrato an Auto Tune thing? Thanks for posting. -Bjorn
  3. Makke, you do a nice job with your arrangements and playing of traditional folk songs. Great job. -Bjorn
  4. bjornpdx

    The Open Road

    The Open Road Just a nice melody to listen to while driving down a lonely highway in Utah and Arizona. NI Sunburst NI Strum Ilya Efimov guitar Trillian AD
  5. Well what can I say? Another well polished and professional production from Devine Lie. Well done, Nigel -Bjorn
  6. Impressive performance and well produced. Mix is really good except IMO the voc needs to come up a bit more. Nice job -Bjorn
  7. Great mix that hits you from the very 1st measure! Love the prechorus to chorus transition. Excellent all around. -Bjorn
  8. bjornpdx

    life sentence

    Nice backing track and chord changes. Vocal needs to be more forward in the mix. I never understand all the lyrics (but could be due to my hearing loss) Well done. -Bjorn
  9. Actually I liked the long intro. There's a drum hit (eg 1:37) that's a little distracting. The horns work really well Abrupt end. As always I like the upbeat feel of your lyrics Freddy. Nicely done. -Bjorn
  10. Larry, Very nice and well mixed but it didn't sound particularly tropical to me. Maybe slow down the tempo a bit? Add in some ocean surf sounds and Hawaiian guitars and there you go. ? -Bjorn
  11. Thanks everyone for the comments Steve - yeah, lots of women bashing back then, supposedly in a humorous way Steve @baselines - they had Cocaine Candy back then - I think I was born too late freddy - it's always the profits Nigel - my wife was a little put off when I ran the video past her. Old Joad - I used OBS studio to capture the videos off YouTube and GreenShot to capture the still images. Then DaVinci Resolve for the vid. John - I still can't believe that Winston ad! -Bjorn
  12. I like the historic audio and the song certainly has a strong beat. After a while I kind of wanted to hear more variation in the beat and maybe another lead synth on top. Well, just my opinion. Enjoyed the listen. -Bjorn
  13. Inappropriate Ads While browsing I came across some TV and magazine advertisements from the past that would definitely not be okay today. I put a few of them in a short video and added a tune I wrote about 20 years ago for the soundtrack. Can't believe some of the drug ads! -Bjorn
  14. Really good instrumentation going on here John. Love the horns. I always like your lyrics, no exception here. The voc has some high notes and then some pretty low notes. Maybe keep the pitches within the same range. Just a suggestion. -Bjorn
  15. Simple but quite a catchy melody. Could you post the lyrics please? I only picked up a few words which is probably due to my hearing loss. Thanks -Bjorn
  16. bjornpdx

    A Musical?

    That's AI? The last time I checked on vocal AI it was terrible. But this sounds pretty decent. So you can download Synthesizer V and use it on your own computer? -Bjorn
  17. Nothin' cheesy about this song (ha ha) I don't understand guitar speak but whatever you did with the instrument, it sounds really good. Great job on this one. -Bjorn
  18. Really well developed song. Sounds great! -Bjorn
  19. bjornpdx

    Asha - video

    Thanks every one. I appreciate the comments. Wookie - I'd love to hear what you come up with in an Eastern tone and scale. Johnbee - The vocal were not part of NI India library but from Loopmasters. If you want some really nice female vocal phrases I'd suggest the Vocalise libraries from Heavyocity. Best ones out there IMO.
  20. Treesha I like the unprocessed sound of your voice (at least that's how it comes across to me). But I think it could do with more treatment, bit more reverb or doubling, something like that. Very nice cadence to the lyrics - fits the music well. I kept hearing a reggae marching band in the background which actually works for me. Nice job. I like it. -Bjorn
  21. bjornpdx

    Asha - video

    Thanks for the comments and suggestions. Always appreciated! tom - I was wondering if anyone would notice Ravi Shankar's missing finger! -Bjorn
  22. One of those songs that sticks in your head for a while and that's a good thing. So, just an opinion from a casual listener here but I think the piano follows the melody a bit too much, like it's competing with the vocal. The voc might stand out better if the piano weren't as prominent. -Bjorn
  23. Good question. Shouldn't have done this, could have done that. Stuff that eats at you until you realize again there's nothing you can do about it. Good song Jack. Bit repetitive in spots but that's ok. -Bjorn
  24. Still sounds very good. You're lucky to have a video of the performance (great performance btw}. Nowadays it's so easy to record everything, but back then not so much. -Bjorn
  25. Sounds pretty darn good to me Kevin! A+ -Bjorn
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