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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx

    Crazy Fool

    Great mix and I love the lyrics Daryl. We need more fun pop songs. -Bjorn
  2. Brings back a memory of a super religious family member back in the 70s who hated the song because of the lyrics. Very well done cover, Steve. Really like the Incan (?) flute especially. -Bjorn
  3. Thanks Treesha, I do appreciate the comments. I love the Utah national parks. There's just something about the vastness of it all that appeals to me. There are a lot of YouTube videos for DaVinci Resolve and I recommend Daniel Batal's tutorials. I found him to be very helpful. -Bjorn
  4. Wow, they're very good! I can see why you'd be a proud dad. -Bjorn
  5. This is very nice Larry. Seems better arranged and structured than your earlier posts (IMO of course.) More variety to it as well which adds interest. Kind of a Vangelis vibe which hooked me at the beginning. -Bjorn
  6. Straight ahead classic rock. Nicely done. Enjoyed it Cool bass break in there. -Bjorn
  7. bjornpdx


    Cool song, enjoyed it a lot. Really liking that backing guitar. Lyrics are great! -Bjorn
  8. Passages Not much of a story in the video, just a series of clips I downloaded along with some special effects in DaVinci Resolve. Thanks for watching/commenting. -Bjorn
  9. bjornpdx

    Just a Smile

    Thanks. I appreciate the comment on the guitar volume. I'll fix that on the next version as well as replacing the vocal with something else. I'm a sucker for ethnic female voices even if they don't really fit in with the rest of the song.
  10. bjornpdx


    Catchy melodic bits and the different instruments play well off each other. Really good drum track. The tempo seems a tad too fast IMO. -Bjorn
  11. I like the clock like sounds at the beginning. Kind of a hint what you were going through while writing the song. Some songs just have an overall ethereal quality to them that lifts my mood nicely and this is one of them. Well done! -Bjorn
  12. bjornpdx

    Just a Smile

    Just a Smile I'm not so sure the vocal part really fits in with the rest of the song but going to leave it the way it is for now. Thanks for listening/commenting. EastWest Voices of the Empire Sound Iron Mimi Page Falcon Indiginus Renegade u-He Zebra AD2 drums
  13. bjornpdx


    Yeah, smooth and laid back, puts me in a relaxed frame of mind. Great job on the flute as well as the other instruments. -Bjorn
  14. I've mentioned it before that you have a great rock n roll voice. Still do even after Covid. Nicely done song in the classic rock style. -Bjorn
  15. Straight ahead rock n roll. Fun to listen to and I'm sure a whole lot of fun to play it. -Bjorn
  16. Oh that's nice. Feels like I'm living in a flying dream. -Bjorn
  17. Excellent video as usual Nigel. I'm liking the rock genre direction you've taken in this one. Sounds great! -Bjorn
  18. bjornpdx

    Beach tune

    Markku playing beach guitar on a nice February day in Finland. 🙂 I'm really liking the catchy melody. Great job on the composition and performance. -Bjorn
  19. Hits the nostalgia-for-days-gone-by spot in my head. Beautiful song. The music lives on. -Bjorn
  20. Sounds like a professional production to me. Very well done. Enjoyed it. -Bjorn
  21. Even if I didn't know the story behind the song, I would have felt the pain since you expressed it so well in the song. -Bjorn
  22. This is one of those songs where I'll wait in the driveway for the song to finish before pulling into the garage. I don't think I've heard a cover of the song before, maybe because of its unique sound, but you did a nice job of it Steve. -Bjorn
  23. bjornpdx


    I like the lyrics. You're expressing your feelings and they're coming across very well. Pretty catchy melody too that's staying with me after listening. The song might need a bit more variation but on the whole it's very well done. -Bjorn
  24. Wookie, I'm truly sorry to hear about all you've gone through recently. It's a lot to handle but you'll get through it. "In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer."
  25. bjornpdx

    Tight Wire

    I love it when the cello comes in. There's just something about that sound. It kind of surprises me at first because it's not that common with guitars, but then I think yeah it's perfect. Anyway, great job, you and Gary. -Bjorn
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