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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Hi Steve I didn't hear the 1st version so can't compare the mixes. It's a beautiful song and yet it's all about pain and loss. You transmit that feeling to the listener so well in the music and in your voice. (I know, I've said all this before) Always a big fan Bjorn
  2. bjornpdx


    Thanks Jeff. I wrote the music with Edvard Grieg in mind. I just love the kind of mystical places Peer Gynt takes you to. I used the Spitfire BBC orchestra clarinet and strings. The guitar was MusicLab RealGuitar, an oldie but a goodie. -Bjorn
  3. Hi Jerry I've been duly impressed seeing the images from the James Webb Telescope lately and now listening to your music (and also being duly impressed) I thought wouldn't that be cool to combine the two into a symphonic video? Don't know if you're into "planetarium" music but might be something to think about. Always a fan -Bjorn
  4. Hi Jeff. I think "summer vacation" is a music genre isn't it? This one certainly has that carefree feel to it. Nice blending of images with the music. -Bjorn
  5. bjornpdx


    Norway I got back from Sweden and Norway a couple of weeks ago with thousands of pictures and videos of fjords and villages and churches etc etc. I was going to jump in and make a music video from my Norway images, but I came down with Covid a day after I returned. Until a couple of days ago I felt like crap - coughing and nausea and fever, but the worst was a sore throat that discouraged eating and drinking. And yeah, I'm fully vaccinated but I think I got the newer variant that manages to get by the vaccine. Hope you're all doing okay. -Bjorn
  6. Cruisin' PCH in a '57 T-Bird Back in the day a friend of mine and I would cruise down Pacific Coast Highway in his dad's '57 Thunderbird. This is the highway in Southern California that straddled Pacific Ocean beaches from Los Angeles down to San Diego. We were pretty cool back then just cruising in that classic T-Bird and that's what I thought of when writing this song. I don't particularly like jazzy stuff but that's how the song sort of evolved to. Thanks for listening/comments. I'm traveling to Norway in a couple of days for the fjords, waterfalls and things like that to take pictures of. So I probably won't be responding to comments for a while. Massive X Indiginus Renegade love how well it pitch bends NI Grandeur Trilian Addictive Drums Kontakt Factory Library Tenor Sax -Bjorn
  7. I feel the same as you Freddy and I think so do most of America. This would work really well as a soundtrack to all the news videos lately. Sad thing is it would work for all the future videos as well. -Bjorn
  8. bjornpdx

    Relax Already

    I sat back and listened and I'm real relaxed now. Sounds great. Is the sax improv? -Bjorn
  9. bjornpdx


    Not my favorite genre but I'm blown away by the musicianship. Most excellent performance! -Bjorn
  10. bjornpdx

    No GOD

    Hip hop Jack. I like how you explore different genres and not afraid to put them out there. -Bjorn
  11. bjornpdx


    Yeah, "cosmic soundscape" like Larry T said above. You do them very well. I didn't expect there would be microphones on the Mars Rover. Nice touch to add sounds from that planet. -Bjorn
  12. Hey Doug, Just your usual well played and produced song. Is that your voice in the background vocals? -Bjorn
  13. bjornpdx

    John O'Groats

    Wookie thanks for listening and commenting. KSband and jack c thanks for the listen andyB01 thank you. Ashokan Farewell-there's another song that gets to me every time I hear it. Larry T - I appreciate the suggestions. Thanks. Tom - I realized I was using three different instruments to play the mostly same melodic line one after the other. Maybe I should do more of the standard verse, verse, chorus verse thing I thought to myself, but after about 40 versions of this I didn't want to start all over. You're correct though and I appreciate the comment. mark - it was a lot fun to be able to put those grace notes in there and sound (almost) like a real violin. Johnbee - Thanks for the comment -Bjorn
  14. bjornpdx

    John O'Groats

    John O'Groats One of my favorite songs is the theme to the movie Local Hero by Mark Knopfler. Thought I'd try something similar but I found a song I'd already written about a year ago that was almost in the same mood as the movie IMO. I added to it and came up with this. Couldn't think of a name so I looked at a map of Scotland and found the town of John O'Groats so named it that. NI Strummed Acoustic NI Electric Sunburst Indiginus Renaxxance Bolder Fiddle Embertone Jubal Flute Heavyocity Vocalise Thanks for listening/comments. -Bjorn
  15. Oooo I really like this one Doug. A bit nastier sound from you which I'd like to hear more of. -Bjorn
  16. Seems like you were doing things that most people try not to do - the pumping effect in the background and the overly auto tune part. But I thought it worked well because I liked it. -Bjorn
  17. Very catchy guitar riff in here but it's repeated too many times without variation. 1:20 things get a little out of sync here. Larry, this has a whole lot of promise. Just have to vary it more and give it a bit of direction. Just my opinion. -Bjorn
  18. So nice. I could listen to this all day. Beautiful song, beautifully performed. -Bjorn
  19. bjornpdx

    Sand Piper

    The cello adds so much soul to an already wonderfully engaging song. Top notch everything. -Bjorn
  20. bjornpdx


    You guys are gonna make me like metal. IDK the vocal seems a little low at the beginning, but okay after that. 1:52 something dropped out? -Bjorn
  21. Nice one Jack. You're the most prolific musician I've seen and heard. -Bjorn
  22. Thanks everyone. Appreciate the comments. Wookie - No CS-80 (which is also one of my favorite synths) I did have it in there at first, but a u-He Zebra patch sounded better. -Bjorn
  23. I second The Kids are Alright. Great music and you get to know the members of Who, especially Keith Moon the comedian.
  24. Sea Anthem I started writing this about a year ago and I was really liking the melody but then I realized the melody was actually from the Song of the Seas track from Vangelis' Oceanic album. So I put the project on hold. When I heard that Vangelis had passed away recently, I got back to the project, changed the melody a bit and tried to make the song sound like something Vangelis would have done. So kind of a tribute to Vangelis. 6 minutes. Sorry. Pigments Omnisphere u-He Zebra and Repro Analog Lab V Wide Blue Sound Orbit
  25. Moods correspond to different scales, for example the "Spanish" scale has a mystic quality to it. Not sure what kind of mood corresponds to the scale you just played Wookie, but definitely not comfortable, at least to the Western ear. IMO -Bjorn
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