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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. post some screenshots of how you have set up the track inputs and your audio preferences settings. Also what driver mode are you using and what audio interface.
  2. This is a win 7 issue. See this thread. Note that win7 isn't supported
  3. Well I think a better adjective is workflow rather than old school Those programs are built for different primary use cases rather than production. Cakewalk has deep midi editing tools and now articulation support that those programs don't have. And our console view is one of the better implementations depending on your perspectives of course. Look and feel aesthetics vary a lot and we will continue to update our UI. Cakewalk is a program that has roots 30 years ago so there are bound to be some elements that are legacy but that isn't always a bad thing for reasons that you state. PS: try going to Europe and telling people that their architecture is old school lol.
  4. That is very strange. Can you please attach the reduced project that crashes so we can double check this?
  5. Curious what aspect feels old school to you and what you are comparing it to.
  6. Realtek ASIO has bugs that are known to cause symptoms like what you saw. I would uninstall that driver.
  7. Thanks for your feedback. In friendly names mode you can now also name the left, right and stereo components independently for completely control over the names.
  8. Its an old bug. The same thing happens in SONAR. We'll look into improving it.
  9. @Heinz HupferWhen you say it crashes without error does the program exit? If so that is likely heap corruption from a plugin. Have you tried setting the ExceptionHandlingSeverity to 5 or 7 to see if you get an error dialog?
  10. Bus waveform preview is completely different from the clip waveforms so it doesn't show clip outlines there. Its not a bug but we can consider doing it for consistency in the future.
  11. @paul terry, please attach the dump file created by the crash reporting (its listed in the crash dialog). That is the only way for us to analyze crashes.
  12. @Brian Lawler I verified that it is related to a fix I made in 06. There were cases where some windows messages were being skipped by certain UI controls that could cause unexpected UI behavior in some plugins. The spin control used for changing tempos was one of them that had the bug. >>Also- the data does not send on mouse up for me- I have to click somewhere outside the tempo window (Win Pro 21H1) That part is expected, only when you press enter or click away from the control is the new value committed. It's normal behavior for a spin control.
  13. Which version were you using before you updated? The slider always send data at the end (on mouse up) but there was a a bug fix for something else in the UI that may have caused an unwanted plugin interaction.
  14. This may seem unrelated but what audio interface are you using and what is the driver mode set to?
  15. Honestly, that is subjective depending on whether you prefer seeing stereo or mono first. I like the bold text but currently it isn’t easy to do. When we switch to the new menuing system in the future we can consider it.
  16. We have discovered that there is a serious bug in the latest Microsoft VCRedist installer. The Cakewalk installer includes this to install various files that are required by the application. The latest iteration of this file has a bug where if you run it for the first time it works. However if you run it a second time it removes several files from the system32 folder that are used by our application and many others. The most typical symptom would be that our installer fails to register CW130Auto.dll (error code 3) and after that the application will fail to launch. Fortunately we have not shipped a version of CbB that uses this VCRedist yet. However if you install the latest redistributables manually from the Microsoft website you will most likely run into this issue so please be aware of it. Here is a thread where several people have reported the issue. Please upvote the post if you have a Microsoft account so that they escalate the issue. If you have the problem you can typically fix it by running the vcredist manually a second time.
  17. Hi @p-w-m the issue is this: 12175 WinHTTPSendRequest A security error occurred. This means your Windows operating system has not been configured for TLS 1.2. ... To configure your Windows operating system's WinHTTP stack for TLS 1.2, run Windows Update and make sure all updates have been installed. Are you running Windows 7? This is a known issue where some systems don't have the latest TLS libraries installed. If you are running Windows 7 please be advised that it isn't a supported configuration for reasons like this. See this thread for a solution.
  18. Oh wow, is that something you installed recently? Most likely it installed something that gets enumerated on startup of CbB and crashes. So many things that can screw up a machine!
  19. Please follow this thread. If its crashing on startup most likely your VC redists are somehow out of date.
  20. I’ve made a few tweaks to the port naming logic for the next update. When friendly names are used it will no longer show the generated prefixes and leave it upto the user to name them appropriately. The I/O channels are now only shown in the menu and not in the actual port name field to make the name even more compact. (it will be shown in the tooltip) The channel display in menus now separates the channel from the port name text from the driver more clearly by using columns You can choose to display the I/O channel information as a prefix or suffix to the port names showin in the menu. Hopefully these changes should make it even more useful. Regarding arbitrary ordering of ports, while its technically possible it would be quite complicated since we already have abstraction for ports because you can already choose to disable channels that are not in use. Adding reordering on top of that would make my head explode
  21. @Steve_Karl were you running the latest Cakewalk release for 2021-06? BandLab assistant will likely be deprecated soon so you will ultimately need to be able to login through Cakewalk. How were you attempting to log in - did you use the Google auth or Facecebook sign in option or just the BandLab sign in credentials? If it worked in BandLab assistant as long as you are using the same kind of sign in the same credentials should work. If this is not working send me a PM and we can try and work through why its failing for you.
  22. Amusing article. https://www.zdnet.com/google-amp/article/how-to-bypass-windows-11-limits-and-install-on-almost-any-old-pc/
  23. Edge webview is a component that is part of windows but is not necessarily installed by every user so we need to run the MS installer. It is not = edge browser. Its like saying the chrome runtime is Chrome. Cakewalk start screen has used the Chrome embedded framework (CEF) for a decade now and we didn't need to announce that. Its a part of the requirements to build the tools in CbB. We will likely deprecate CEF soon and only rely on edge webview runtime since that is more modern.
  24. What was the issue? You should not need to login to assistant. It should be working in Cakewalk directly.
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