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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. The main difference between aux tracks and buses is that aux tracks can be recorded in real-time allowing you to capture any signal flow. See the use cases for patch points on this article. http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.13.html The following are a few ideas for how you can use patch points: Work exclusively in the Track view and have folders of tracks with their Aux tracks adjacent to them. This workflow can be used as an alternative to routing tracks to buses. Record a vocal track with effects to another track. For details, see To record an audio track that contains effects. Record two or more background vocal tracks to a single track. Aux tracks can be used instead of buses for busing or effects sends. For details, see To record multiple tracks to a single track. Record only the effect bus of a vocal track. For details, see To record only the send effects on an audio track. Record the metronome to an audio track. For details, see To record the metronome to an audio track. Control multiple audio track volumes with one fader. For details, see Control multiple audio track volumes with one fader. Capture the performance of guitar effects in real-time. For details, see Capture the performance of guitar effects in real-time. Control surfaces that don’t support buses can instead control Aux tracks. Record time-based effects in real-time. Record plug-in parameter changes that are not automatable. Record a bus to an audio track. Record complex reverbs and delays in real-time.
  2. @Amfysy. Are you available to do some troubleshooting early this week to try and isolate the issue? PM me your contact info and we'll arrange a session.
  3. If you are using the old command center login credentials that is completely different from BandLab login. You need to use the credentials you used to first log in to BandLab assistant when you downloaded Cakewalk.
  4. I will probably try and allow optionally skipping the prefix only for the friendly names case.
  5. If you have a semi reproducible case send me a PM and we can try and troubleshoot it further. The error happens after the fact so from the message I cannot diagnose it. You can manually capture a dump file while the message is onscreen but even that might not reveal the problem is it is state related. The best would be for us to give you an instrument beta builds and capture a log file.
  6. Reminder, please keep this thread focused on issues specific to early access. General questions or feature requests should not be posted here. Unrelated posts will be deleted by moderators.
  7. @JL I have a fix for this. Will send you a build to validate the fix. It was a tricky issue relating to the handling of mono only plugins when bouncing to clip or making region effects. It would leave the effects in a bad state and that would result in the dropout. This particular dropout is a safety fuse to prevent excessive memory allocation, that was getting triggered as a result of this issue. Thanks for the recipe since without the specific steps it would be very hard to track down just knowing the symptoms.
  8. @JL can you please send us a simple project file on which you can repro this issue? Strip it down to just the track that has the issue. Sometimes there is something specific that you may not have noticed. @Ianshawn Smith you can upload a simplified version of your project to any file sharing service and send a link via PM to me or to email support. EDIT: Never mind I can repro the issue with JL's recipe. Many thanks. I'll investigate this and fix it. Its not related to Melodyne. I think there is a bug somewhere with handling mixed interleaves when creating a region effect that is causing buffers to be excessively allocated.
  9. For the record the error is caused by a missing components in Windows 7. After I sent an updated build this is the actual error reported. For the record again, anyone running Win 7 is running it at their own risk since its an unsupported OS by both Microsoft and Cakewalk. We do not block installation today but cannot guarantee that all parts of the application will work.
  10. 2021.04 is so.... old. We're already almost on 06 lol I think you meant 06 haha
  11. @Syphus I sent you a link to a build to try. Please report back on your findings.
  12. @Syphus I'll send you a build tomorrow with some extended error checking. Where are you located in case this is a region specific error?
  13. Can you post a screenshot of the dialog you are seeing? Checking for updates doesn't require you to be logged into your bandlab account. Its completely different. However its worth checking if you are able to sign in to BandLab from within cakewalk and browse the BandLab library.
  14. Yes change the track name after that and then save the project and it should stick. I don't see how it could persist without the project being saved. Definitely not happening here so maybe you are confusing something. When a project loads it sets the bus to whatever was saved with that project so if you did not resave it after changing the bus you would get the last saved settings. I can send you a build with the fix to check later.
  15. I've fixed the issue where the preview bus was not showing the project as modified after changing it. I think that is the root problem from your recipe. You can verify by changing anything in the project such as a track name and resaving after modifying the preview bus.
  16. You should log in from Cakewalk. Logging in from BA will only lead to you getting the same issue a few months down the line.
  17. >>Because the name has changed, Cakewalk will not open the Neve 33609 in older session files because Cakewalk identifies plugins by their name rather than a plugin ID#. I'm not sure where you got that from. Cakewalk has always utilized the plugin ID. However for VST2 plugin its not sufficient to do so (because the ID is not guaranteed to be unique and many vendors make mistakes). So we use an expanded ID scheme that utilizes part of the file name (in this case its the 8.3 file name). Many years ago I improved on this to be less dependent on 8.3 file names. However you must save your projects with the plugins for this scheme to kick in. If you have old projects they will not benefit from this obviously. Also look into the details that Kevin posted above. If the session isn't opening its because the something more drastic changed in the name resulting in the ID's not matching. We don't have any UAD plugins in-house to test this with. Are the plugins still tied to UAD hardware? If you send a dump of your VST inventory from the registry and a sample project file that won't find the plugin, I can take a look at why it fails to load.
  18. Is this problem still occurring? It could have been a connectivity issue on your end.
  19. @paulo can you provide us with the project that has the issue? Also something to try - replace Kontakt with some other VST synth. See if the same issue occurs with that synth. Also you are running a very old Cakewalk build - We fixed several issues with recording aux tracks and synths in the April release. (Although that isnt directly related to this specific issue necessarily)
  20. Improved VST support doesn't mean we can magically fix preexisting bugs in plugins We added some VST3 features to support some upcoming new VST3 plugins based on feedback from the vendor.
  21. Almost surely a bug in the plugin. You should report this to the developer and send them the session file to test.
  22. There is no loss of information in fact there is a lot more information than before. With virtual instruments Cakewalk groups all outputs into pairs. However the mono stereo listing was arbitrary because there is no guarantee that a plugin output is stereo or not. The numbers now clearly indiscrete which output is being used unlike before. Most other DAWs do the same. For your purposes you can assume 1 means left 2 means right and 1+2 is stereo. What are you missing?
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