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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @p-w-m Please do the check for updates again and verify it works in 06.
  2. It seems like you might be overcomplicating the setup. Why not just use a full range PA system and mixdown all the backing tracks to stereo so that you can play with that. This is what most people do in this scenario.
  3. It is primarily for new users and users who are having other install problems. If you don't have Cakewalk already installed there is no way to get the latest version.
  4. @p-w-m please post a screenshot there should be additional information in the message window that is useful for diagnosing these problems. Never mind - since you are running 04 release you won't get the extra diagnostics. You are probably running into a problem that is already fixed in 06. For now use the new web installer to install the latest update. Going forward it should work ok.
  5. It sounds like some sort of bug or an error is happening that is not being detected in the WASAPI code. Its hard to say without troubleshooting it. Does it happen even in projects without plugins? i.e. what if you are just trying to record something from your USB mic or playback a few simple audio tracks. Also try and isolate whether this is related to playback or recording or both. i.e. eliminate your mic from the equation by deselecting in it preferences. Its possible that there is some error occuring while both audio devices are in use (the mic and the onboard audio device) that we’re not properly handing. If you can try and narrow down the conditions when it occurs it will be helpful since it may be a bug with our WASAPI implementation. I don’t think buying a new computer will help you here so don’t bother returning it.
  6. The only activation required would be for offline activation. Online activation is already native to cbb
  7. Some work is still pending with the handling of the add ons.
  8. Yes but that only affects that track or bus. Newly created tracks shouldn't be affected
  9. @Ronny.G thanks for your report. We'll investigate it. Track names should not be getting those prefixes so that is likely the root issue here.
  10. This is a peer to peer forum. If you don't answer the questions that were asked in this thread nobody can give you further support. The issue is most likely related to some external interaction. What driver mode are you using and what audio interface do you have? Post screenshots of the audio configuration in preferences. In the FAQ there is information about how to contact support and get further assistance. There is also an online form to contact support and submit a ticket.
  11. Odd that even if you add a new track the vol gets reset. Are you using a control surface? Can you post a video of what you are doing?
  12. @James Meyerhoffer @Leo Chen if the app starts and immediately exits the most likely cause is that your Microsoft VC redistributables are not up to date. Follow the instructions in this thread to make sure you update them and then retry. Let me know how it goes. The latest redistributables are here.
  13. If the project sounds OK in cakewalk but the exported file sounds different there are only a few things that can go wrong. 1. The progran you are using to playback the file is not playing it back flat without processing. (This can happen if you are playing it through a different device than what cakewalk is using, such as your onboard soundcard) 2. You are exporting the master bus but the project has tracks or other buses that are outputting directly to hardware outs. To troubleshoot 1: Load the exported file back into cakewalk as a new track. Solo it and check if it sounds the same. You can also phase invert the track and play it back from the start of the project. If the file is identical it should phase cancel and you will hear silence. To solve the problem in 2: Export with the source category set to entire mix or pick the "What you hear" export preset. This will guarantee that you are exporting the summed mix of all outputs. Generally you should always ensure that all tracks and buses feed a single master bus (that outputs to your main hardware stereo outputs) and export that bus only.
  14. No that isn’t the problem. We’re simply not dealing with a unicode characters in the user name somewhere. We’ll fix it.
  15. @Milton Sica I’m not in what context you are quoting that message here. @Starship Krupa is saying that he requested the changes we made and validates that the changes are working well for him.
  16. @Starship Krupa thanks for your analysis of the original problem. These are exactly the issues we fixed that have been around for about 20 years. We have literally had hundreds of support calls and reports about this over the years. Even though it was a huge PITA to fix I decided to do it since I was making similar changes for synth port naming which was potentially an even worse issue with multi-out synths like Kontakt.
  17. @Jürgen B. The issue is with Unicode characters in your user name. Well look into it and fix for next update. For now you can manually run the downloaded installer and that should get you going.
  18. Awesome glad you are up and running.
  19. This is not an admin issue. Most likely your Microsoft VC redist is corrupted by something else. Till you solve that you won't be able to install or run cbb. Try reinstalling those from here. After successful install of the redist reboot and then retry the cbb install https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe If you contact support they should be able to help you reinstall clean if your still have issues.
  20. @Jonathan Sasor is still working on some things to improve the add on management.
  21. The google drive warnings are normal with any exe download from there. Re defender its likely because this is a new exe that hasnt been downloaded many times so it hasnt built what they call trust.
  22. For anyone having issues downloading updates via BandLab assistant please try our new web installer that will ultimately replace BA for all installs. Note: If you already have cakewalk installed you can update directly from within the application by choosing Help | Check for Updates
  23. Thanks for the posting your test results @Heinz Hupfer Can you clarify what you are measuring when you label it as App: or Engine:
  24. For anyone having issues downloading updates via BandLab assistant please try our new web installer that will ultimately replace BA for all installs. Note: If you already have cakewalk installed you can update directly from within the application by choosing Help | Check for Updates
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