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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Sidechains and auxes are just different sides of the same problem. Internally they are buses. In Cakewalk when you send to a sidechain its sending to a hidden sidechain bus, Thats how multiple tracks can send to the same sidechain.
  2. Yes bouncing with source category buses works because the logic for bouncing buses is different from bouncing tracks. Track bounce only includes the signal flow from selected tracks whereas buses automatically take into account the upstream signal flow. The export process behind the scenes rewires the entire project routing based on the mix options. I plan to extend similar behavior to tracks and aux tracks when exporting but it will require some work.
  3. Hi folks there is a new build 99 posted today that addresses several issues noted. See the main post.
  4. @Xel Ohhthis is fixed in build 99 among other things. Please redownload the new build try it again.
  5. Thanks @Dave Maffris let us know ASAP if you see any regressions so we can fix it before release. Its already gone through a lot of testing.
  6. @Light Grenade thanks for the feedback. Could you please send us some examples of wave files where you see it needing improvement?
  7. Sidechains and aux tracks are a tricky problem to handle automatically when exporting stems. We havent done that yet.
  8. You can select all by pressing CTRL-A in the list and then pressing space bar to toggle values. There is a small bug there where the first time you have to use the mouse to toggle a track. Not sure why you had different gainstaging with the aux approach. Without seeing your project its hard to say. I suggested aux tracks because ultimately we may make folders behave like a built in aux. So adding specific folder functionality seems redundant.
  9. That means that the sum of all drum tracks is +3.2 dB. Since this is a submix in itself this isn't an issue since as long as you have gain reduction on the master it wont clip. It does mean that the input to the drum bus is too hot.
  10. @Xel OhhOoh, I can reproduce it. We'll investigate and fix it. Thanks for the report.
  11. I understand what you are asking for but it seems unnecessary from what I understand, because you can do that today. Imagine if all the tracks within each folder were routed to output to an aux track within the folder (named the same as the folder name). Now if you export each aux track independently using "Tracks Through Entire Mix" this should give you functionally what you are asking for. Can you try it?
  12. @Xel Ohh thats weird. So you don't get any error popup or anything? It seems like export is running into an error. If you do the operation without creating a task queue (i.e. just export) do you still get an error and if so what is the message? Could you please PM me a link to any project file that can repro the problem? (with the audio zipped) I'm sure its something simple to fix once we can get a repro.
  13. To me this means the plugin is ignoring the sample accurate automation timestamps being sent to it and only using the value at the buffer start. Please contact the plugin developer to fix it. Cakewalk sends the plugin explicit intra-buffer timestamped values.
  14. Thanks for explaining. Even with how you are setting it up, wouldn't it make sense to route all your cymbal tracks to a Cymbals-aux which then goes to the Master? Then use the new "Tracks Through Entire Mix" source category and pick the Cymbals-aux. This will export a stereo mix of just the cymbals.
  15. You have noticed that the MP3 and Windows Media audio settings now have a checkbox to use the same settings for all output files?
  16. This is expected. You can easily recheck all the tasks. Press CTRL-A in the task window and then press SPACEBAR to toggle them back on.
  17. So you want to export all vocals as a stereo mix? If so why not just bus them to stems in your project which is a standard way to do it. You can send them either to buses or to individual aux tracks. Then you can use source category tracks or buses to pick these and export.
  18. Nothing has changed - you misunderstood the statement that offline processes are not dependent on buffer size as far as dropouts go. IOW unlike realtime playback a realtime export cannot fail even if it is running at a sub 1 ms buffer size because there is no such thing as a drop out for offline export. Of course this doesnt apply to a realtime audible bounce.
  19. Buffer size affects performance. Processing 1000 small buffers vs 1 large buffer is a lot more expensive and therefore takes longer. Same reason why low latency is prone to dropouts.
  20. This is a symptom of running plugins that don't support sample accurate automation. i.e only VST3 plugins can deal with sub buffer automation. If you have pitch bends or other plugin automation, when you run at a high buffer size, unless the plugins support sample accurate automation you will hear it applied at the buffer boundaries, hence you get quantization. There is no solution to that other than running at a lower buffer size. One thing I can potentially consider in the future is artificially running plugins are a lower buffer size when they have automation to work around this limitation. BTW @Promidi this problem should not happen for VST3 plugins because we are already sub decimating buffers to 5 msec boundaries. So even if you had a buffer size of 350, VST3 plugins should receive periodic sub buffer automation timestamps every 5 msec. Can you verify that this is not an issue with VST3 plugins?
  21. Not sure what you mean by "Folders". What to export refers to sources within the current project such as tracks, buses, arrangements.
  22. Also to add to what Mark said, tasks are by definition per project so it doesn't make sense to share them across project since they contain information that is keyed to a specific project. MP3 presets would be a different feature that we may consider in the future.
  23. Are you confusing presets with the task queue? The queue and its tasks is saved and recalled as part of a project file.
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