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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wonderful tribute @freddy j time a few peeps realised that we do in deed all live in the same house.
  2. Wookiee

    The Surf

    It happens occasionally thanks for your ears, time and kind words.
  3. You are just going to have readjust your overly perfect self @daryl1968. Cute, beautifully delivered vocal, (no sarcasm detected at all) production very cool.
  4. Wookiee

    The Surf

    @daryl1968 My thanks glad you enjoyed this.
  5. Wookiee

    The Surf

    Sorry Tom I did not mean to fry your brain. Switched-on-Wookiee interesting idea, thanks for your kind words, your ears and your time.
  6. Wookiee

    The Surf

    Feel free if you want the 24 bit Wave give me a shout, as for the guitar it is what you hear. Thanks Bats.
  7. Wookiee

    The Surf

    Is it not all structured randomness Tom?, thanks for your ears, your time and your thoughts.
  8. Wookiee

    The Surf

    @Starise Thanks yep still plunking away glad you enjoyed my little ditty.
  9. Nice nothing else would have any value.
  10. Nice Freddy a different Freddy vibe. In answer I think it is usually right in front of us but we can not see it for looking. Like you I have not left the Falcon since the 16th of March, to many numpties out there for my liking, stay safe Freddy keep making the music.
  11. Wookiee

    Platinum 72

    I like the overall vibe and groove of the tune, is there parts of the mix that could be improved, is there not always something that just a tweak here or there could perhaps make a difference probably. I liked anyway thanks for sharing.
  12. No comment on lyrical content, music sounds OK mix works quite well here.
  13. Rocking little tune about Deep Purple, not bad, but not really my thing though.
  14. Wookiee

    The Surf

    Nice to know I conveyed that image, glad you enjoyed this thanks for your ears and time.
  15. Wookiee

    The Surf

    @Douglas Kirby My thanks glad you enjoyed my little ditty.
  16. Wookiee

    The Surf

    You are too too kind Nigel thank you.
  17. Do not know how I missed this first time round @bjornpdx very nice good use of those synths and FX.
  18. Nice @batsbrew I like the easy of this the tranquillity of those acoustic tones with that Gilmour lead tone and style sweet (You got two listen out of me.)
  19. I just like that you manged to capture the groove that is so intrinsic to the song. If I can have the courage to sing some one who can should push their vocal a little more forward. Nice one @steve@baselines.com
  20. It is not hard just let it go it will find it own way there, honest ?
  21. Only listened Personal Jesus but there is some good advice re a remix for this as it sounds very constrained to me. They certainly used to rock out when they practised in a flat near/over my friends house.
  22. This is a pleasant little tune, I remember Tom's original I think you have done quite cool job on this @markno999
  23. @Kevin Perry Not bad but I have just listened to most of The Space Ritual so I may be just a little deaf. You should develop it it is ripe for more, could easily expand in to a cool chilled 30 minuet piece.
  24. As ever Tom you add a twist to all you do I imagine this is has all the main features of classic club EDM, not hat I have been to a classic club. The only thing I would say from the EDM sets I have watch from UK Festivals is you need some sub kick on your kick. Just like with Metal the Kick should crush your chest I get the feeling that is also the case with EDM. I can imagine this being used by an intelligent DJ in sections to segue his set and bring some interest to the normal 4 to the floor mind numbing EDM set. Nice @emeraldsoul
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