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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. I know drums are not a thing with surf, it is more about hats and snare but I would like to hear the kick just a tad more @freddy j. Other than that a new side to you I quite enjoyed perhaps back off the delay a tad as it can get a little messy in places.
  2. Wookiee


    Pleasant little tune Douglas, I do wonder if it just wanders on a little to long I did listen to the end.
  3. Pleasant enough little ditty made my furry ears smile, which is always a good thing, cheeky little reference at the end.
  4. Wookiee


    Slick, nothing to say but
  5. Nice enough tune sung with some emotion, for me far to much reverb and or slap-back on the vocal, but is your tune and your mix. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Open source means the potential for hundreds of different versions no thanks.
  7. Wookiee

    Lady Moon Selune

    Thank you Douglas. It is using a module from Cherry Audio's Voltage Modular called a Lyrinx formant filter and two Vintage oscillators controlled by a couple of ADSR's. I appreciate your time and ears thank you again.
  8. Being in the Admin Group is not the same as full Admin rights under Win 7 and upwards. There is a in effect a GOD mode above your rights within the Admin group. It does give you the ability to run with the right click "Run as Admin" option.
  9. Wookiee

    Lady Moon Selune

    @freddy j Never be afraid of your inner furriness or your inner wolf, go out and howl at the Moon it is very therapeutic, one night you might be surprised at how many howl back. Thanks for your ear, time and kind words, there may be some more drums, having invested in SD 3 the Rooms of Hansa and another three other SDX's along with the Orchestral SDX.
  10. Wookiee

    Rowan's Ship

    @Starise nice piece to start a day of listening Tim. I am hearing a few clicks and ticks almost like you have a vinyl emulation on this? Very pleasant I enjoyed it very chilled and relaxing.
  11. Wookiee

    Lady Moon Selune

    Thank you @Starise glad you enjoyed this little one.
  12. Wookiee

    Lady Moon Selune

    Inspired by the late night Moon and other such wonders ? Lady Moon Selune Arturia's Wurlitzer EP, Korg M1 Toontrack Superior Drummer 3 Toontrack EZBass Cherry Audio Voltage Modular on lead. Thanks for your time and Ears.
  13. I am not a big fan of reverb either @Kevin Perry but I do use a global reverb on a buss which has an EQ before it that rolls off all the bass below about 150hZ at an externally sharp slope 48dB/Oct. Using tiny little send amounts from each synth, most of which have their own reverb as part of the voice sound, to create reverb glue that keeps them all in the same sound space. This Black Hole mix sounds better it has more top end air compared with the Post WIP mix which to me sounded quite boxy.
  14. Nice to hear it has been expanded I have just one thought it could do with some subtle sparkly reverb dust over the top of the mix. It sounds a little like it is constrained here on the Adam's. Thanks for sharing the expanded tune.
  15. Wookiee


    Suitably dramatic,, nice dense of the dark, I agree with Tom the strings are panned a little to wide for my personal furry taste.
  16. Wookiee

    My Better Days

    Mix and performance are very good, no comment on the lyrical content.
  17. @Robert Bone You are correct, for a short while Sir (As he bl&&dy well should be called) Bill Bruford, drummer extraordinaire, did play on the Seconds Out Tour before Mr Thompson joined as the permanent drummer for when Phil was out front. I do understand, I would hate to have to transcribe Collins drumming, his HH work on Nursery Cryme is a wonder to listen to, whilst he may have been a solo PITA, his drumming in early Genesis and Brand X is exquisite. Yes I am a bit of a drumming nerd I did play drums once.
  18. You is evil only 13 seconds of one of the best Tony Banks moments ever, do not keep us waiting Mr. Bone. ? It does sound quite good though @Robert Bone.
  19. By 91 I had sort of moved on from what had become metal having had the luxury of being educated by the likes of Black Sabbath, Black Widow, Led Zeppelin, Taste etc. Consequently never got in those 80 "Heavy Metal" bands or the subsequent derivatives. Mix sound much as I suspect it should, perhaps just a tad more chest crushing kick but......
  20. Interesting interpretation of a Raaga, what did you use for Tabla? mix works well here on the Adam's, nice guitar tones.
  21. Wookiee

    The Surf

    Thank you Leadfoot, you are most kind your ears and time are appreciated.
  22. Wookiee

    The Surf

    Thank you Freddy it all started with me trying to emulate Wind and Surf, out of which I do have a 60 minute track of just that, it is a one off I set markers at the one hour mark and armed the Audio and let VM just play for an hour. If I did it again ti would be a totally different rendering. A Most relaxing thing to listen too when the stress of the day just will not let the mind turn off. Thank you for your time, your ears and your kind words.
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