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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Wookiee

    Lucky Me

    That was a pleasant start to the days music, thank you @Douglas Kirby
  2. And this sir is why you is the master and I is not worthy of even being called the apprentice. (Though I could raise you one Wheel and 9 de-tuned Oscillators )
  3. Wookiee

    The Blues

    Nice jazzy blues groove sweet
  4. @Lynn you are to kind and I am most thankful for your ears, kind words and continued support, I just go where the music takes me, as Edgar once said there are only 13 notes.
  5. @Starship Krupa this is what it looks like and how to open it, you need to configure it in Preferences > MIDI > Control surfaces to create one and set what the MIDI I/O ports it will use.
  6. @bitflipper Thank you Dave I really do always appreciate your input, you are such a talent your self. I was just experimenting and selected the first kit preset and it seem to fit the feel it uses a Gretsch 24" x 16" Round Badge. The preset only has one ambience mic loaded as default. I did as you suggested on one of my other tracks I used drums on recently as the fully loaded kit was over 5 Gig this kit was just over gig. Again many thanks for your time, ears and kind words.
  7. Nice musical track @Makke very nice good clear mix, nice definition and placement.
  8. Thanks, that means I must be getting something right seriously thank you I do appreciate the feed back along with your time and ears.
  9. Yes basically because of the way Arturia have the MIDI mapped all I need to do is make sure the synth I want to tweak has its MIDI in focus. Have you tried keeping the ACT window open I have noticed previously SONAR tracked moves to different items in focus but I have not really tried recently. I would also check out http://www.azslow.com/index.php he has some interesting tools for configuring ACT far more simpler.
  10. Thank you sir you are most kind glad you popped in to have a listen.
  11. Well three 99 euro plugins for only 49 euros one does not look the gifted horse in the mouth. You will love them Nigel all three are definitely worth the 49 Euros. Thanks for the listen and kind words sir.
  12. Wookiee

    SONG: Easing Up

    Easy tune that makes progression and changes on the journey.
  13. My MIDI keyboard controller also has knobs and sliders it is designed to be used with the Synths I use the most so I can easily tweak the controls I am most likely to want to tweak. The only things I really have configured to control anything in CbB that is not a synth is the transport. That is why I have my Arturia Keylab 88 Mk I because it makes life very easy to edit synths and stop and start the transport.
  14. @garybrun I think the ears become more sensitive to jarring sounds and odd pitch as part of our self preservation. As one get older one get a little slower better to react sooner than later that strange sound might just be something hunting for lunch. Thank you very much for your time and your ears, (Sorry if i hurt them ) I appreciate your comments to.
  15. Wookiee


    Time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so (The Hitch hikers Guide to the Galaxy). Time is a mathematical construct created by mathematicians so their maths works. ? Time become shorter the more you experience it. ? On your first day on this world you had no idea of a day, by the time you reach the evening days of our time here you have experienced thousands of days each one feels a little shorter every day. Nice job on this @freddy j I do like.
  16. From a master of the blues, the boogie and the surf you are most kind to me and I really do appreciate that from you thank you, thank you, thank you.
  17. Hey you do a grand job and have some fantastic ideas and love to experiment which is always cool. Thank you @bjornpdx I do appreciate your time and comments.
  18. You are not alone Tom, thanks for having a listen and commenting I really do appreciate your time and ears.
  19. @Douglas Kirby Thank you sir, the first two parts are following a classic 12 bar Blues Am, Dm, Em pattern, part 3 diverges but is still 12 bars in length. Thank you I suppose there is an element of his flying tea cups thank you sir you are most kind. @Hidden Symmetry You are most kind sir thank you.
  20. Thank you David, that is actually the Arturia's Phaser Bi-Tron which is a two channel Phaser I do appreciate your time and ears thank you again.
  21. ? Never thought of it. Thank you for your ears and comments they are really appreciated.
  22. A very pleasant listen @bjornpdx, nothing rang any bells in these furry ears.
  23. Very Aja vibe and groove on this Nigel, nice stuff I must say well worth a
  24. Sorry David I completely missed your comment you are most kind, thank you. (I think )
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