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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Thanks Gary, I did have a little play with the sound of the Kick within this kit but I rather got the impression it was meant to sound this way, it almost feels like one of the skins is a little slack. It is a very old school kick/Bass drum sound. Again thanks for your time and ears Gary.
  2. @Amicus717 and @daryl1968 my thanks to you both, I try to get my mixes sounding as open as I can, I thank you both for you confirmation.
  3. Not Quite The Blues Superior Drum 3, Blues Room with some tweaks on the mixer plus my default Pro Channel stuff (N-Type, > +10 dB Comp Boz Digital > Quad Curve EQ) EZBass Modern clean DI no other FX or Amp emulation apart from my default Pro Channel stuff. (N-Type, > +10 dB Comp Boz Digital > Quad Curve EQ) Arturia's Wurli V2 Warm Wurlie. (Plus my default N-Type, > Channel Comp > Quad Curve EQ) My iBanez Bur Poplar makes two appearances 1. Guitar Rig 5 Pro AC30 > Arturia's Phaser Bi-Tron (this is a new FX from them based on the Mu-Tron Bi-Phase) (Plus my default N-Type, > Channel Comp > Quad Curve EQ) 2. Guitar Rig 5 Pro AC30 > Audiority's Echoes T7E MkII (Bison Echo unit) > Arturia's Chorus Dimension-D (this is another a new FX from them based on Roland's Dimension-D (Plus my default N-Type, > Channel Comp > Quad Curve EQ, PC Saturation) Thanks for listing to the furry pawed scrapping.
  4. Sounds nice here on the Adam's.
  5. The newer version made the furry ears smile even more @Amicus717
  6. Wookiee

    Road Trip

    Bounced along rather nicely, good share.
  7. @Douglas Kirby my thanks to you sir you are most kind. Yeah sorry about that it is just the way it happens, I do however appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment.
  8. Well we all some of them on occasions, thank Bjorn you are too kind sir. Yes EzBass did sort of extract the bass line. It is not perfect though and requires a few edits to tidy it up.
  9. You are most kind @Amicus717 thank you very much for your time and generous words.
  10. Wookiee


    Yeah that was quite an electronic journey.
  11. This track was as much about experimenting with the new arranger function recently introduced into CbB. I create a collection of themes and passages of different lengths, about five in all. Then using the Arrange function I chopped them up into four or five bar phrases. It did create some chaos with the Aftertouch on the CS 80-V but nothing that could not be easily adjusted. Which I then created 5 different arrangements. When I had got one I liked I add EzBass to create a Bass line. Arturia's OBxA V and CS 80 V Toontrack's SD 3 Room's of Hansa Meistersaal kit and EzBass The result:- Ride of the Nightmares Thanks for the ears and your time.
  12. Sympathies, we all have days like that. Moments like, why can I not hear anything two hours later having checked every possible thing on your PC you discover you have not turned on your active monitors?
  13. Wookiee

    What Storm

    Nice to see you here Mesh hope all is well with you, thank you for your ears and kind words.
  14. Wookiee

    What Storm

    Thank you Bjorn glad you enjoyed this one.
  15. Wookiee

    What Storm

    Thank you Sir, we are doing OK here for a number of reasons I have been no where since 18th of March but I am OK as is Ms W.
  16. Wookiee

    What Storm

    Only when I have been inspired Daryl and then only if I want to hurt people thank you you are most kind.
  17. Thumping great bash along tune, nicely done, bags of energy, great mix good and clear definition of the instrument @Douglas Kirby
  18. Wookiee

    What Storm

    Thank you Sir you are most kind, two lots of drums this time too.
  19. Wookiee


    Nice enough track, good groove, easy on the ears, what more could one want, good share @Hidden Symmetry
  20. Wookiee

    What Storm

    If you say so? Thanks for the ears and your time.
  21. Wookiee

    What Storm

    A little cross something What Storm ? 4 Lots of Rapture Pro 2 Lots of Superior drummer 3 1 Arturia Solina V2 2 Demented Wookiee's playing an Ibanez Bur Popular Guitar through Guitar Rig 5. (I forgot them two) ? Thanks for listening.
  22. @Keith Wilby Much better, it is also much clearer.
  23. @simon Please remember to keep politics, how ever small the subject maybe, out of these forums. thank you.
  24. I do not know, look at the Youlean analysis look at the true peak figure 1.4 that is + 1.4 over digital 0.0dB.
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