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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Nice Piece of Fun there Tom.
  2. Wookiee

    Mortal Tears

    What is there to not like, sweet song writing, cool playing, excellent production, nice one @Bajan Blue.
  3. I think I remember this, still nice track @bjornpdx.
  4. This is cool music, nicely done @Hidden Symmetry. Probably the age of the original file may have been the cause of the crashes, but you got there in the end. (PS Followed you on Bandlab too)
  5. Hi @Lee Shapiro, nice, sounds good for a quick test of your new toys.
  6. Following on from the kind words of encouragement and some advice, @emeraldsoul thanks Tom, here is a remix of On The Wind Of Dreams
  7. I think the comedian Frank Skinner did this with a ukulele once. Hum not sure about this one chaps.
  8. MIX seems OK here there is a slight hint of bass rumble/mud. Listening on Adam A7x's no sub
  9. Westworld has moved on a tad from the Yul Brynner days. Not bad Kaustub.
  10. Wookiee

    Glasgow Blue

    As Tom notes it feels very much like a work in progress, it does have a good sound. Will keep the furry lugholes out for the development. Thanks for sharing.
  11. @batsbrew Only heard the second one nice grooving
  12. Wookiee


    @bjornpdx This has Klaus written all over it, but with your vision. It is most suitable for just kicking back and drifting away. Cool job
  13. Nice composition @jsg, what did you use for this some interesting sounds. Mix is really nice and balanced on the Adam's.
  14. This is pleasant listen, I never crit vocals, Wookiee vocals kill all none Wookiee life forms within a Parsec or two in the native tongue . Good stuff keep em coming.
  15. @bjornpdx Thank you, you have been an inspiration without realising.
  16. How the feck did I miss this? I like I do indeed like this love the whole style of this. Nice one sir nice one. PS The hat is on order.
  17. Wookiee

    Losing Hope

    Nothing I could add, interesting vocal sound, mix works here on the Adam's
  18. Mix worked here, as Tom said an abrupt end did find my mind wandering a little towards the end perhaps some other ear candy to keep that from happening would have been nice on such a long track (he says not that he ever write long tracks ) Welcome to the forum keep em coming.
  19. Cheeky poly-rhythms, nicely played and produced, nothing to crit here, thanks for sharing.
  20. Nicely atmospheric tones Bats, will keep the furry lugs on the listen for the finalised version.
  21. Wookiee

    Elysium Angel

    Interesting musical journey, mix certainly works well here.
  22. This has all the hallmarks of a show tune, production, composition, playing and mix are all excellently performed. s much as the may seem a strange thing to say @steve@baselines.com this is worth an (PM if you want to know what it means)
  23. I enjoyed this @Douglas Kirby sounded good here on the Adam's
  24. Upbeat song that is coming one well, will listen out for the more finalised version, thanks for sharing.
  25. Not my thing if I am honest, but it sounded well written and played, perhaps a tad to much reverb on the steel but that is very much a personal choice thing, thanks for sharing.
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