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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Back to a more traditional Wookiee groove Midnight Blue No Arturia synths all synths from Korg's Digital Legacy collection. M1, Wavestation, ARP Odyssey, MS 20 Superior Drummer 3 Legacy of Rock one of the Brushes kit's FX' from Arturia's three delay's you can use.
  2. Wookiee

    What Storm

    @thegaltieribrothers My thanks Paul glad you stopped by and had a listen your input is always appreciated.
  3. Wookiee

    Summer Daze

    Nostalgic view on days gone by or is that days gone bye? Thanks for sharing.
  4. Tad long but then Dylan frequently did not know when to stop, thanks for sharing enjoy the new retreat.
  5. Yeah cool tune, nice lyrics, good one @bjornpdx
  6. Wookiee

    What Storm

    You are most kind Kevin, my secret weapon for the drums is David Bendeth's +10dB Compressor from Boz Digital it includes a Pro Channel version of the Comp and a PC EQ channel along with a VST3 Plugin of the whole thing. Not cheap but does occasionally appear at a silly price. Plugin Boutique had it on for $49 two weeks ago. Thank for taking the time to listen and comment, you are most kind.
  7. Wookiee

    KC Strut

    @Chandler you got your groove on here, it felt like you could possibly play for another 10 mins to an hour good stuff cool mix very furry paw taping.
  8. Nice little rocking song, (first mix) with some interesting booze related references, cool harp sound.
  9. Nice sound, interesting characterful vocal, I liked the breakdown at the 4:04 mark, good stuff mix sound OK here.
  10. Wookiee

    What Storm

    Should I copyright it @David Sprouse ? Glad you enjoyed my directionless ramblings your time and ears are as really appreciated thank you.
  11. Wookiee

    What Storm

    Possibly @Barry Seymour . Hum not enough bounce in the drums? It was supposed to be a semi Orchestral/Rock thing thanks for the ears and your comments are really appreciated.
  12. Wookiee

    What Storm

    @DeeringAmps It happens Tom we all miss things occasionally thanks for digging it out and having a listen.
  13. Between playing live drums I was an old school DJ in a disco so no need to apologise it paid for food and petrol (gas).
  14. You are most kind @kloon thank you for your ears and time.
  15. Elephant talking horns love it.
  16. @jwnicholson78 have you considered trying on an Electric piano, that softness that @mark skinner suggests might come naturally there. nicely played by the way.
  17. Nicely done another piece suitably gentle on the furry ears, thanks for sharing.
  18. Pleasant enough piece easy on the furry ears, thanks for sharing.
  19. Good sound advice given above regarding a possible remix, it sounds as if it has potential though.
  20. Great picture Steve. I am not sure I felt the connection between your story and the music which may explain why the lyrics never came. That said, great piece of music, well played, beautifully captured, some smooth licks , thanks for sharing.
  21. I once had the pleasure of getting extremely pissed with Phil Lynott and the rest of Thin Lizzy after a Gig in a local club When their road crew failed to appear who thought the gig had been cancelled. We help them load their gear up three flights of stairs, no lift We then had to take it back down again which was quite hilarious. Mr Lynott could certainly drink. Sounds OK here well done.
  22. Nice track musically, seems well played and captured. Not sure what the subject mater of the lyrics is but I suspect I would not comment on them.
  23. Wookiee

    Happy Place

    long time no tune Kloon hope you are well, nice enough piece mix sound OK here.
  24. Bouncy little number reminiscent of the 80's disco scene. Mix works well here on the Adam's
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