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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Maybe, maybe not. The Mystery Bass of While My Guitar Gently Weeps - YouTube
  2. There is also speculation that he played the same bass on While My Guitar Gently Weeps too.
  3. Did you know that Azslow created a utility to open a Cakewalk project in Reaper? I tested it out on some very deep (50+ tracks, beaucoup plugins) and it worked very well.
  4. That is so totally fake. My string-ray-alembik bazz is red and has two pickups.
  5. Bapu

    DIY Pic

    Might need a more high tech phone than that
  6. Right now I'm good until 25 Jan 2023.
  7. There's this*: I waited too long to order the Sunburst. Now out of stock so I ordered the "blackie" * a Squier will suffice as I may not play this one every time I record. A new Fender Custom Shop Bass VI is 10 times, yes I said 10 times, the cost.
  8. @cclarry So in theory I can pick up 9 plugins for probably just a few dollars extra.
  9. To my thinking Reaper has more updates than any other paid DAW (of the ones I own)..
  10. @cclarry What are the BF sales like for PA? I have a $250 voucher burning a hole in my digital pocket.
  11. How about if they give you free WUP for life? 🙂
  12. Bapu

    DIY Mic

    Wasn't it made out of bicycle parts? Really, I'll get me coat.
  13. So now I have to replace my FaderPort 16 when I want to use MixBus/MIxbus 32C?
  14. Bapu


    If you give me your banking info etc. I can set that up for youse.
  15. Bapu


    Can I use IK Jam Points? Do I need the Full version of Kontakt? Will it require an iLok? Is there a subscription model? What's the WUP fee? A little "Deals" forum humor. I'll get me coat.
  16. Just think, your customers will say "I'm glad you're using a free DAW instead of a paid for Reaper".
  17. Apply for a(nother) CC with a high limit?
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