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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. And soon, it was. But ending the interface process in TM did nothing to release CbB from Background Processes.
  2. When 2 clips are linked, any changes made to one automatically changes the other so you don't have to edit them separately. In PRV I often want to edit a series of notes in a linked clip, so I right-click lasso them, then copy & paste to a new location. At the new pasted location is where adjacent notes will disappear for no reason. Lasso selection is what causes this. Not sure if that's intended. Obviously single notes in linked clips don't need to be lassoed. But lassoing several notes is much faster than Shift+click selecting them individually.
  3. Ongoing issue here, even with empty (no) projects. Only TM doesn't work when CbB is dumped into Background Processes. I also have to force the system off (hold the power button) for it to shut down properly. Will try using TM to End Task for the audio interface next time... which will be soon.
  4. FWIW they all work fine on my Win11 2-screen system at any scaling. CbB Inspector Bank/Patch menus, on the other hand...
  5. Don't get me wrong, I love Ctrl+C&V. But in this case cooler ways exist. One more bug that bugs me tho is when clips are LINKed, adjacent notes disappear when lassoed notes are pasted.
  6. Only when bouncing... clips or glass vases.
  7. Auto focus doesn't affect my issues. But thanks for reminding me why I couldn't switch focus by clicking on the faded notes. That was driving me nuts as well. You also got me reading up on moving/copying notes. I've learned a whole new way of doing it that will hopefully end the issues. Ctrl+C&V is so 20th century! However, the new method as explained is misleading as you end up with either a scissor or eraser cursor. Scarry!
  8. Confirmed. Folder had to be created at some point and entered in Preferences initially. Once there, it will recreate the folder if found MIA.
  9. Right. There are times when it works as intended and then moments when it doesn't. Usually after a long session of editing. The full length clip thing happens sporadically at will. I could blame it on my version of Windows, but these issues have been with me forever. I prefer working full screen but may try splitting TV and PRV so switching is faster.
  10. May have mentioned these in the past but these 2 issues have persisted for years thru every version of Sonar/CbB. I don't change any settings and they seem to happen at will. Using Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V 1. Sometimes pasted notes don't go to the intended track. They (1) end up on another track, or (2) disappear completely even tho "Undo Paste" is in the Edit list. Normally I can select the target track with the PRV Track list, but not always. When that fails, sometimes I have to switch to Track View and Select & Focus the intended track for it to paste there. Sometimes even this does not work and the note simply doesn't paste. 2. Pasted note clips should only be as long as the notes themselves but about 50% of the time they will paste with a new full length clip. Is this intended behavior?
  11. Yes, according to his 3rd screen shot and my comments above. But I was replying to his 2nd screen shot which I took to be Saved or Saved As to the same location (overwritten), which has never reduced file count for me.
  12. I forgot you can click the display times to change them, so original mod was updated to preserve this function. >Select From Time. The current From time. Click to modify. >Select Thru Time. The current Thru time. Click to modify.
  13. Who said you could leave?! I just followed the info someone wrote on pg 144 of Colin's YLIP. Since the module's background "display" area is really partially dead canvas space, I extended the button dimensions to overlap it adding extra elements using trial & error to line everything up. Most 5 state buttons can be resized, but each frame must have equal dimensions. Since Select module has no "ON" state, frame #4 can be blank. ?
  14. Been working on a new Onyx mixer styled theme and for some reason decided to see if the Select module could mimic the mixer's FX screen. Turns out it can. Loop & Punch Modules too. All hand painted, and as usual... "over baked". CbB interactive control bar.mp4 Great for touch screens. Updated
  15. Thanks. I vaguely remember that. At least for me it's a Display Scaling issue when set to a value other than (Recommended). And as Bruno mentioned, SI Instruments along with other older Cake instruments also suffer from a form of 'menuitis'.
  16. I wish Cakewalk allowed cc lane patch changes like Samplitude does.
  17. It broke some things for me, so it's not as DAW friendly as Windows 10.
  18. It was probably me... No doubt it will carry over. I just reported it because I didn't know why it happens. Then I fooled with display setting and found the answer. But probably no point in further reports as CbB is now obsolete. My guess is those menus are linked to Windows instead of the app?? They upgraded some of the main menus but not this one. I may just resign to using the obscure, overlooked, hiding in plain sight, Patch Browser.
  19. Memory laps... This is a screen scaling issue and happens even when CbB is on screen #2 @100% and screen #1 is @125%. Weird. Both screens have to be @100% to correct it, but I need screen #1 @125% to see it. AFAIK this is the only bug resulting from screen scaling.
  20. 1. Hover mouse over "0" (do not click on it) 2. Use mouse wheel to scroll up or down by octaves 3. Do the same while holding Shift key to scroll by semitones 4. Double-click to return to zero
  21. After opening, I have to select Workspaces > None for the layout to be corrected. So at least for me, Workspaces are seriously broken.
  22. Looks like you're using Create one file per clip when saving, which will reduce the number of files saved to a new location. Bouncing actually increases file count. W/O Create one file per clip: Project unbounced tracks = 22 audio files in folder / 22 reported files in Project > Audio Files... / cwp = 1082kb Project all tracks bounced = 31 audio files in folder / 9 reported files in Project > Audio Files... / cwp = 831kb Same results after saving/closing/reopening CbB. With Create one file per clip: Project unbounced tracks = 12 audio files in folder / 12 reported files in Project > Audio Files... / cwp = 1082kb Project all tracks bounced = 21 audio files in folder / 9 reported files in Project > Audio Files... / cwp = 829kb Same results after saving/closing/reopening CbB.
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