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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. You can't save from every window in Cakewalk. The main screen needs to be in focus. Trying to save from a VST focused window or something like notes won't allow a save. Save is only in the main screen.
  2. Maybe we can convince Noel to sell full licenses out of the trunk of his car! Psst. Buddy ...
  3. Agreed. Not all questions have been answered and the developers have been clear that they are not prepared to answer these questions yet. So continuing to pound them over it is futile. We will just have to continue to vibrate and squirm in our chairs until they do.
  4. Yeah, I'm saying the same thing Will, if I have interpreted the developers comments correctly. But at some point CbB will end but existing installations will continue to work. Sonar will live on. I think this is a fair concession to the CbB people that helped make it better. If we like the Sonar UI we can switch to it. I'm excited to see it and if I like it, hopefully I can afford it! While we can argue costs, have the Cakewalk developers ever given us crap? A few bugs, yes, but the products themselves have always delivered. That will continue.
  5. Sorry, I thought one of the earlier staff posts mentioned that. I will strike through that. Ah, Next. Ok, I corrected that too.
  6. So it sounds like: 1. CbB will get updates with some new features but that will be the end of the road for it. 2. The CbB core will get a new UI and become Sonar. This is the main product going forward. 3. You're releasing a totally new product called Next directed towards song writers. This will also be ported to MacOS. 4. You're also porting Sonar to MacOS to compete with the big boys. <--- Not true per Noel.
  7. Is it too early to start suggesting new Sonar features? Just asking for a friend.
  8. That and girls. I've had many an access violation. Seriously, great overview of the issue. C0000005 is frustrating to deal with. And there have been times where the developers were able to point to the specific issue and contact the VST company. It's not silence like some believe.
  9. I'm staring at my Cakewalk for DOS floppy and thinking about how far we have come (users and the developers.) Given some of the issues with the past (such as how Cakewalk ended in 2018) there is no reason people can't express their doubt and concern and it IS justified even if those that made that happen are no longer involved. As one person said (paraphrasing) 'Engineers go about things often far different from marketing.' But considering how CbB and the developers themselves have treated us since 2018, I willing to give them a lot of leeway. And I'll bet they don't forget about us. Maybe we will be the ones that benefit from our willingness to try and help (even when I did ask extraordinarily stupid questions that caused them to burst out laughing.) As long as I can use Cakewalk, I will continue to use it. Hopefully I can. With a little want included.
  10. See, now I'm scared. And I don't even use Onstar. You know, maybe they will pay US to use it!
  11. There are other options if we don't like the final offer. If it's reasonable, I'm in even if I don't get exactly what I want.
  12. I said want. And it's not impossible but certainly unlikely. And if I disconnect from the internet Windows will continue to work even if it never connects again. The fact that companies do it now doesn't mean it's desirable. Get ready, your heated seats, remote start and entertainment system in your car will be subscription. Want.
  13. I want a product that once I pay money for it, if I never contact the company again, the software will still work.
  14. Considering the fact that CbB barely gets honorable mention if any mention at all in DAW reviews, management has to know they can't expect to compete with the current favorite DAWs by pricing in their range with these new products. Maybe they will go for generating a user base to pay the bills first and price it somewhere very inciting. At least, I hope so. But as said, we have to see what reality turns out to be.
  15. I would certainly beta test. It would be worth it just to get a feel for the new UI. This all sound interesting and promising. If it's not worth it, there are alternatives. But I suspect ...
  16. I always assumed this "free" thing was temporary. Maybe that change is at hand. If I have to pay, I will judge the cost vs value and go from there. If I get a decent break, cool. If I don't - I have wandering eyes.
  17. Try Pitchproof or Melda Productions MAutopitch.
  18. Sorry Bruno, I don't get what you are saying. I can see the PC controls in the track view when the inspector is closed? I can see the track controls in the inspector, yes but not the PC controls on the track. I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. I want to have the inspector closed and know the PC is active.
  19. Not in my opinion. I want to know if PC is active if I don't have the inspector open. I want to the track to tell me. I often don't have the inspector or PC open. I don't want to use the inspector when I don't want to use the inspector LOL. But hey, what do I know, eh? I don't think there's any risk of the developers jumping on this and doing anything. 😀
  20. HI Mark, I don't see anything. Maybe I'm not being clear. In the Track View, I don't see any indication that Pro-Channel is active. You can certainly see it's active in the Pro-Channel window itself but if that is off or the Inspector window isn't open, there is nothing in the track section itself that lights up. For example, track 15 has Pro-Channel on. Maybe I'm missing something. I did switch back to stock the themes in case Flat White Matcha doesn't show it but I still didn't see anything.
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