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Everything posted by ensconced

  1. Now the download link takes you to the download page, but still no 360. So it's changing, I guess the site is just not ready yet.
  2. @Dimi So whats the go, it's there on the site, download link is there but it takes you to where the only thing you can do to proceed is add a Custom Efektor bundle, don't want to add the bundle, already own them, even if you add it to your order, there is no sign of 360 in the order. So how do you just download 360? and whats the point of the download link? is it just to early? site not quite ready?
  3. Wait, I can here the sound of screeching tyres
  4. What? You made her 'um . . . . . . . . . (close but no cigar) You made her do all that . . .
  5. @RobertWS No, it was pretty much the same as the above without the 'hmmm . . . . ' bit. I know why it was removed though, even though it broke no rules, an embarrassed overzealous Mod was concerned about the pic above, (which I have now edited to remove his name etc), it was basically a screen cap of a post HE made on the old forums, follow the link ^^
  6. He's still steaming along with the 'Friday Tip Of The Week' for Studio One https://blog.presonus.com/index.php/category/friday-tip-of-the-week/ and put out 5 or 6 books to boot (not sure what the one is in the other lingo) https://shop.presonus.com/software/Software-Line--eBooks
  7. I reported this way way back, they said that they were aware of it, and basically just to build your own presets from scratch was the way to go (which is true). This was years ago, so it will likely never be fixed.
  8. hmmm, my post seems to have disappeared I have some, but they are locked away in the folder marked in the following pic any idea how I can access them? http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3564242
  9. only another 49 to go until things get real interesting 😇
  10. I have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and . . . (well you get the idea 😉) for this, and it has been 'coming soon' for so long that there must be another meaning to the word soon over there? 😊 I would hate for Kuassa to be hanging me up by the family jewels, and telling me they would let me down 'soon' 😂 Anyway, I look forward to it being released, I began to think that 'soon' would be after the 10 Anniversary sale winds up, so basically May 1, would that an accurate rendering of the word 'soon'?
  11. Beaten . . . that was to Wibbles 'I hate Pink Floyd Version' post
  12. You just missed a couple, 1 a little while back on BFD3 itself, and 1 recently on Expansions, may not see it again for a while. It would be very worthwhile to check out KVR's 'Sell and Buy' section, good deals can be had. You may feel uneasy about purchasing that way, but I have personally bought and sold there over the years without issue, up to you. https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=43
  13. Just after a quick look there is a Studio One 4 Pro version for sale on KVR now for $159US for example, so that option is well worth a look, and good to keep in mind should you decide to buy. https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=542905
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