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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. Thanks for the detailed workflow description, Grem. The existing modes and their variations might work without a hitch for me as well if my songs could be recorded entirely in bites that didn't run the entire length of the song. You're setting out with the idea that you are making a song that will be comped together, and planning and tracking accordingly. Where I run into problems is when I want to lay down drum or rhythm guitar tracks that go for the entire length of the song, and I want to play them like that and just do a minimal amount of comping. I might do 5 takes, but they're 5 takes of the whole song, not 5 takes of the bridge, 3 takes of the first verse, 6 takes of the second verse, etc. I sometimes actually nail a take and don't do any comping at all. It goes right from recording to mixing, just use the editing tools to cut the lip smacks and breath sucks out of the vocals, maybe nudge a kick or snare or bass note, no "comping" as such in the sense of assembling the track from various independently recorded parts. How I mostly do my tracking up is that I set Cakewalk up to record in Loop mode with Loop Markers that are 2 measures farther apart than the length of my song. Then (for instance) I sit down at the drums, hit "R," wait through the first bar, play through the song, let the cymbals ring through the empty measure, then repeat as many times as it takes for me to get a "keeper." This works a TREAT as long as I play through the full song each time and let it loop. I will end up with what I want, which is either a pile of takes with a full good one I can use, or multiple takes I can stitch together. Nice, full-length takes, each in their own lanes, pre-grouped, OH-L, OH-R, Snare, Kick. If, however, I drop a stick 2 measures in while tracking and decide that I don't want to sit through the entire song to wait for it to start over, that's when things get more difficult. If I stop the recording, top it, and start over, it will of course leave a stub clip. And then when I start recording again and Cakewalk comes to that point in the tracking, it will stop recording in the current clip in the current lane and start a new clip adjacent to the stub clip in the previous lane and continue the recording in that clip. Since my goal in all this is complete song-length clips, this messes me up. I don't like to play the game of "I think it would be pretty simple to" but it doesn't seem like we're that far from having a Take Lanes mode that would make people like me happy. I think if it could work just like Sound on Sound mode, but mute the previous takes, that's how I want to record. Or a checkbox for Restrict Take To Its Current Lane or whatever.
  2. It kinda makes sense to me. I'm not entirely sure how USB hubs work, but back at TOP I suggested that if there were a way to add more hardware buffering at the computer end that would be a good thing to try. Since Ted has this rocket sled DAW and a steampunk MIDI interface, I had the idea that the rig was "tripping over its own feet," and float the theory that the USB 2.0 hub adds enough buffering so that the way-quick mobo isn't winding up starved.
  3. Right away I can say that one of the most important things to get right in a rock mix is the relationship between the kick drum and the bass (whether guitar or synth). My mixing strategy (and BTW, if you don't follow a mixing strategy you should start trying to) is to first get a good standalone drum mix happening, then add the bass and get those elements working before I bring in guitar, keys vocals, etc. Next, I can say that the solo'd tone of any given instrument in a good sounding full mix will likely have little relation to what we would consider a good sounding tone in isolation. Take a great-sounding mix with acoustic and electric guitars and vocals and hit the "solo" button for one of the acoustic guitars and you will likely be surprised at how thin it sounds compared to how fat it sounds in the mix. I roll off a lot of lows and lower mids. They almost wind up sounding like unplugged solidbodies mic'd up. I'd bet that yes, you have a mix that sounds good to you and a bass track that sounds good to you, but the thing is, you can't just take a good mix and plop a full-sounding bass on it without drowning out a bunch of important stuff. So you need to whittle away a bunch of stuff from your bass with EQ to make it fit in the mix without stomping on other elements, and correspondingly, make space for the bass to be heard by applying EQ to the other elements of the mix. Neither of the two will sound as good by themselves anymore, but the bass will be filling in the missing freqs from the mix and vice versa.
  4. That was one of the things that I was seeing, and I thought I remembered Noel saying something about how that was how it was supposed to work in Comping mode, but on the subject of lanes, there is plenty of "not understanding" on my part, so I will cop to just about anything. 😊 Mea culpa. Maybe he said that that was how it was supposed to work with UNmuted take lanes and I misunderstood? In any case, if it's a bug, please fix it, if it's a feature, please give me a way to bypass it. When we have a preference that allows us to select Create New Lanes On Overlap, it seems odd to create the new lanes but then go ahead and put half of the new material in the old lanes, or it does put the material in the new lanes, but for whatever reason cuts it into clips whose boundaries reflect the start and stop points of the previous takes. Like Fantasy Island? "You said you wanted new Lanes, Mr. Krupa. You never said anything about putting your Takes in them." (Roarke smiles enigmatically).
  5. Nice to see you here, Mr. Pete Brown, may the sun never set on the Microsoft/Cakewalk friendship. So the FLS checker VST itself has a similar limitation? Hmm. It counts how many slots you are using and subtracts that number from 128. If the result is <0 it returns "+-0". I'll guess the person who coded it didn't know how to ask the OS how many slots were available so they did the best they could (it's somewhere in <iostream>?). Or they just didn't want to bother. Nice that it handles the >128 condition gracefully. And, good sir, you: 1. Have access to 18, 312 plug-ins on your DAW computer. 2. Which can load 4000 of them and still run Visual Studio. I'd say it's good ta be da king!
  6. Thanks, but it only ever contained my license for the CA-2A compressor VST so I don't know how it could help me with Bark of Dog as a PC module in Cakewalk. I never had a license for Sonar. I did write Boz a nice note asking him if he had any plans to make BoD ver. 1 available in the PC module version.
  7. We have a winner! The text color that affected the labels on my Custom Module was Global > Alternative Text #2. It also affected Punch, Marker, Mix Recall, Selection, ACT, and Sync.
  8. I actually found a VST that reports how many FLS slots are left. I loaded it into a project I have that doesn't have all that many plug-ins and it said that I had 79 slots left. Now I know I don't have 50 plug-ins in this project, so some of them must be using multiple .DLL's, Cakewalk itself must use several (I count 14 .DLL's in the Core folder, if that means anything). Very interesting, and I never heard of this limitation. It seems to be something that film composer types would run up against moreso than audio recorders like me. Nice that Microsoft are addressing it and announcing it right ahead of the NAMM Show.
  9. I'm hoping that we will start to see some 3rd-party PC modules again. I have Boz' free Bark of Dog, but it doesn't appear as a ProChannel module. I've bought a few of his plug-ins; I wonder if I asked him nicely if he would shoot me a copy of BoD that had the ProChannel module enabled. When I first started using CbB last year, the PC was the single feature I was most impressed with. I could mix with Cakewalk's console all dang day long.
  10. I believe that Noel has said that this is a feature, not a bug. Maybe the idea is that the next take is assumed to be one that you wish to comp with the last one, but that is seldom the case with me or the people I record. We record lots of complete (or aborted) takes, then audition them to find the good bits and comp from there. Having takes all mixed up with each other or cut up into clips makes that task needlessly complicated. From Preferences, I thought that Create New Lanes On Overlap was the answer. But the way it works is Create New Lanes On Overlap And Cut The Newly Recorded Takes Up Into Clips Based On The Length Of Previous Flubbed Takes. So it's almost the answer, but not quite.
  11. Given the depth of the feature set of Cakewalk and all, even though I've been using it since April I still consider myself a "newbie." I pick feature by feature to really delve into as my needs demand. Currently it's Lanes. I've read people complaining about the Lanes workflow and all and I had been thinking "well, I probably don't have so much to worry about, my comping needs are probably not that sophisticated; at most, I just record half a dozen takes in Loop mode, do a little cuttin' and pastin', and that's it." Here are my findings. First, I started out in Comping Mode, 'cause, like, I wanted to do some comping later on, and the documentation said it would "create Take lanes and overwrite any pre-existing sound in the part of the track you are recording into." Which was a little scary with the "overwrite" part, but I figured that it's an NLE, nothing actually gets overwritten, they mean the previous takes or clips will get muted when I make subsequent takes. Right? And I said Store Takes In A Single Track, because hey, otherwise I'm not getting Lanes, I'm getting a whole new track each take, which is not what I want, I want to comp from lanes. And yes, that's what happened, I got a bunch of lanes with takes in them, except that if I messed up anywhere and made a take that wasn't exactly the same length as the one(s) that came before it, subsequent takes would get split up into clips and could wind up seemingly anywhere. They'd get put over into the previous take lane, the next one, I thought at one point one wound up underneath other clips, it was like a serial killer had come through with a chainsaw and sliced up my takes and reassembled them with other aborted takes. So I ticked the box for Create New Lanes On Overlap and it stopped putting my clips in the wrong lanes, but it still kept chopping them at the boundaries of the previous takes. Then I tried a recipe from a forum member for Sound on Sound mode where I also selected Auto Punch and Mute Previous Takes, but that resulted in no waveforms being drawn on the screen, no metering during recording, basically, no visual feedback whatsoever that recording was taking place other than the playhead moving. And as I later discovered, MIDI would not record in this mode. It resulted in nice, non-chopped up takes, though. All of the monitoring and waveforms worked if I took it out of Auto Punch, but then I lost the muting of the previous takes and it quickly turned into a cacophany, like Robert Fripp on Ex-Lax. Last was Overwrite Mode, which seemed promising at first, although when I asked about it on the forum, nobody replied. Then I discovered why nobody wanted to talk about it. The description was similar to Sound On Sound, "Choose this option to overwrite any pre-existing sound in the part of the track you are recording into." Same except missing "create Take Lanes," but I knew that it created Take Lanes, so why not give it a shot? The "overwrite" had to just refer to muting the previous takes, they couldn't mean actual destruction of audio data. Right? Set 'er up for a 2 measure loop, and just let it go while I practiced a guitar line. 19 takes and all is happy. I cut one short and start again to see how it handles a short take, see if we get the serial killer effect. Hit Record again, play some more guitar and then Stop. The results? Not serial killer, it's more like Left Behind! I now have Lanes 20-32, which all have the audio I just recorded, and 1-19 which are empty. For some reason, Cakewalk thinks I want all my previous lanes to be not just muted, but actually devoid of their contents. Not deleted, which would free up some screen space, but just sitting there with nothing displayed in them. I was able to Ctrl-Z and get it back, so the recording is still there in the file, but the lanes have been emptied. I haven't seen the movies, but it reminded me of the trailer for Left Behind where they're just left holding empty clothing. What I was not able to do in any mode was record multiple straight takes of audio in varying lengths without having the program chop it up into clips against my will, sometimes moving those clips to adjacent lanes. I accept that the chopping up thing in Comping Mode is a feature for a workflow other than what I'm doing, and that's fine, but can we be given the option to turn it off? Or a way to adapt one of the other modes to the workflow I describe? Sound on Sound would work great if I could mute previous takes, Overwrite would work great if I could disable Left Behind mode and have it not empty the audio from my previous lanes, so we're not that far off.
  12. Dang, y'all on it! It's good to see that you veterans have to struggle with this stuff, too, that it's not just me who has to go spelunking around to figure out where the resources are hiding, and to learn, to my befuddlement, that what I thought was a color was an image, and what I thought was text was an image.... I caught the theme bug and am working on one of my own, called Black Turquoise. The concept is to have Tungsten's flat black look with as much of the orange (and text in general) replaced by 00FEFE (and variations on it) as I can manage without completely losing my mind. My Tools Module is to die for with its blue buttons. My inspiration is the blue fluoroscan displays like the one on my Pioneer cassette deck from back in 1981. It looked so cool in the dark. My experience of using tools for UI design is about zero except that I know how to switch colors and brushes in GIMP and the antique version of Photoshop I'm using. I don't wish to say how long it took me to figure out how to change the color of the track label backgrounds in the Console View. But I mention it because I want to let you know that I did figure it out. So you know that I Am Serious, and not just taking some of the buttons from Mercury and reverting them in Tungsten and calling it "Munstercry" or whatever. I'm tempted to cheat sometimes because Mercury has blue buttons I want, but they have shadowing, and I want FLAT. My question, if you want to help a brother out: I would really like the text on my Custom Module to have the 00FEFE glow. To quote David Byrne, "how do I work this?"
  13. I'd be happy, for starters, if I could just put the transport into Record, Stop, and Rewind to Zero from a smartphone. For starters. The features could creep all they want to from there.😊
  14. Dang, I've been delving deeply into Windows 10 settings. Buncha new stuff this time around. Everyone know about Exploit Protection? A whole list of things it wraps each program in to prevent it from being able to launch malware attacks on the system. Of course I added cakewalk.exe to the exception list and excluded every last one and no help.
  15. Thank you ien and Noel for the suggestions. Didn't know about Controlled Folder Access, but it was already turned off. Noel, all of your items were already ticked as well. I would like to note at this point that projects of similar complexity start right up and go in Mixcraft 8. Noel, is that palette flash any clue for you as a developer? It's restricted to just the Cakewalk window, not the entire screen. It's brief, and it doesn't happen every time, but I've seen it. It's something I was trained to take notice of when I was a pro QA dude.
  16. These old 4-tracks have a certain cult appeal, for the reason mentioned by Chuck E. (forces simplicity), and for sonic reasons as well. After all, Our Favorite DAW has that PC module baked right in so that if we wanted to, we could make every track sound like it was recorded on tape. BTW, JohnBee, in my experience, belts for '80's decks don't dry up, they disintegrate by turning into a sticky goop that is very difficult to remove (which must be done thoroughly). I tried doing a plain old stereo deck of mine and it would have gone just fine but for the goop all over everything.
  17. The lag happens even if I click the button to turn off all FX, so it must not be a plug-in, right? And it is happening across multiple projects.
  18. I have an MT2X that I haven't turned on in years. I'm afraid to. What tends to go in old cassette decks is belts. They just turn to this black jelly. Good news is that you can usually get belt kits on eBay. The only thing is that you need to either be able to install them yourself or find someone able to do so.
  19. I am very much considering the scorched earth fresh Windows 10 install, and have addressed it by attaching my Microsoft ID to the system in question. I'm waiting for when the day comes I feel like de and re authorizing all of my PACE'd plug-ins, reinstalling everything else, etc. As for the other (and, yes, those are all good things to check when a Windows system won't behave) things you list, it would be such a letdown to find out that Windows 7 was so blithely capable of handling a superfluous USB device, Nec Firewire card, Presonus FP-10, aftermarket RAM sticks or whatever, while new, improved Windows 10 makes Cakewalk pick its nose for 4 seconds before going into play mode with the exact same hardware configuration. And yes, I have turned off everything on the MB that I don't use, and I'm down to using the onboard HD4000 GPU for simplicity. I had an NVidia Quadro but pulled it. One thing I am noticing is that right before the transport starts moving, I sometimes get a really brief graphics palette flash, sometimes white, sometimes my desktop background image. I'm not that worried about it all for the moment. It still records. Once I find a solution I will report it.
  20. Thanks, scottfa, those are such good ideas that I already tried them. My "Firepods" were firmware upgraded to FP-10's within 24 hours of arriving home, and Mixcraft Pro Studio 8 is having no issues with starting and stopping the transport with projects of similar complexity. I call them Firepods in my sig because I like the name and people recognize it better than FP-10. Only "shooting in the dark" inasmuch as Microsoft hides the underpinnings of the OS with each new iteration. I have 25 years professional experience tuning and troubleshooting Windows systems starting with 3.1; I earned a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer certification as soon as Microsoft started offering it. I concur that it's something in Windows 10. :-) So far, one great success that took hours of Resource Monitor work and deep Googling was rolling back the Intel network interface driver to the previous version so that it wouldn`t be chewing up CPU like crazy. Nothing to do with Cakewalk, just a bad driver I found that was bogging everything down. And yeah, I before I did this, I researched and found several forum threads like that one where FP-10 users had had success using their interfaces under Windows 10. I found none where someone had tried to get theirs to work and given up. That`s why I was and am confident that this problem can be solved.
  21. Mark, I tried this last night and for whatever reason wasn`t seeing a waveform in the track as I was recording. It recorded fine, and I wound up with tidy clips as you said, but I really missed the visual feedback. As talent and engineer, those waveforms are a comfort. Also, when I tried it with a MIDI track, I couldn`t get it to record at all. Something I want to ask about is Overwrite mode. At first when I read the Help page it seemed unsuitable because it sounded as if it would discard all previous takes, but digging deeper, it looks like it might work just like I want it to. What`s the difference with Overwrite mode? It looks like it keeps your previous takes in their own separate lanes, but mutes them, which is what I want. I`m going to try it with a "check one two" project, but I`d like to hear what the collective wisdom says.
  22. This is great, I've learned some new tuning tricks for Windows 10 that I had no idea existed, like the Game Mode one, which seems pretty huge. Good call on the list of spurious services. There used to be this guy who maintained a master list of nonessential Windows services that could be disabled and why; I must search for him again. Since this has taken a nice turn for tuning suggestions, I'll offer up a couple of favorite tools I've been using for over 20 years, Process Explorer and Autoruns. Process Explorer is many things, including What Task Manager Wants To Be When It Grows Up, in that it shows all kinds of details about every process that is currently running. It's also what I fire up when I've tried all of the more polite methods of getting a process to quit and it still won't budge. It has a very "what part of 'End Process' didn't you understand?" way of dealing with them. Autoruns shows you everything that runs when your computer starts up, from services to browser hijacks, and lets you disable, enable, remove, whatever. It's as no-nonsense about making your decisions stick as its sister program. If you've been using CCleaner or something like it just to deal with this, that's way overkill. Both of them are free and may be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ I am going to now sally forth and get rid of all of the XBox crap to start with....
  23. All I can throw at it is to answer your question about "if I can ping it, why can't I connect to it" with the fact that Ping and Https and whatever the BandLab Assistant uses use different ports. They're different protocols. Which is what I was getting at with the firewall thing. Some mechanism may be blocking those ports or protocols while happily letting Ping on through. At this I have no more suggestions as to what that might be. The more I run Windows 10 the more I find out that it has aspects I don't like, such as malware protection I can never permanently disable. It's actually moved past OSX as far as bondage and discipline, which is sad.
  24. Well, the thing is, as I said earlier in the thread, and it was probably tl;dr, I don't use Superior Drummer, I play the drums. I don't use huge sample libraries, I don't do projects with dozens of tracks and big piles of plug-ins. I've learned enough about mixing that I don't need that many plug-ins to get a sound that I like. The first project done on the upgraded Windows 10 system was all live instruments, no VSTi's or samples, and the eventual track count was 12. I do rock songs, pop songs. Under 5 minutes long, guitar, drums, bass, vocals, mostly live audio. The biggest load I ever put on my system instrument-wise is Sonivox Orchestral Companion, which is pretty lightweight as sampled instruments go. I have been monitoring all along with Resource Monitor and have not been straining resources RAM-wise or disk-wise. I don't want to get into a big debate about what constitutes the minimum requirements for a DAW in 2019, but I will say this: As Lord Tim alludes to, the minimum requirements for one use case are entirely different for another. I would never tell someone who is only going to use soft synths to do phat beats to rap over that he needs 16G of RAM and a fast i7, because it would discourage someone who might not be able to afford that when I know he could get a lot done with way less hardware. Heck, he could do that on his phone at this point. To assume that every user configuring a DAW is at some point going to load up huge sample libraries and a zillion effect plug-ins and soft synths is unrealistic. There are many people who never, ever use soft synths. Or sample libraries. At all. They only want to record audio and mix. This in fact describes most of the musicians of my acquaintance. I am unusual in that I sometimes dabble in a bit of synthy stuff and orchestration. My poor old i5 Dell notebook ran CbB pretty well for my kind of projects with only 4G of RAM under Windows 7. What else can I say?
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