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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. (1) I've had Nils' K1v for a little while and I forget how I installed it. I probably used the basic method: (1) using the K1v installer and (2) re-scanning my plug-ins with Cakewalk's scanner (which is found under [P]references > File > VST Settings). I never just copy or move around *.dlls. I have heard of others doing that, sometimes with problems. So, I generally just use the manufacturer's installer. If you used the installer and the dlls are in the right place, running Cakewalk's VST Scanner could help. Double check to make sure that the location of the K1v is in the scan path. [For info on rescanning, see scook's post/link from March 28th above--the second post in the thread.] (2) My FYI might not have been as clear as it could have been. I allowed the image to do some of the explaining. I wanted to test Nils' K1v only to make sure the K1v wasn't causing a conflict with Vital FX (if there were such a thing; but so far as I can see there isn't). To test, I loaded the K1v and tested it with both z3ta+ FX and Surge FX. (See the image which has the K1v as an instrument with both z3ta+ FX and Surge FX in the FX bin.) I hope it was clear from the image that the FYI wasn't saying the K1v processed external audio with FX.
  2. Agreed!!! And thanks to you and others for calling attention to this! I just tested it (I'm using the Early Access Release) and it works!!! I have some Workspaces with a full screen Console on a second monitor and can easily imagine tweaking a Workspace (making variants) to easily switch strip display configurations (assuming the preferences get saved and restored).
  3. I don't have vital, so I looked it up and like others have said and as the webpage says (if we are talking about the same plug-in) "Vital is a visual synthesizer." That being said, there are some virtual instruments that have FX that do allow the processing of sounds that are external to the instrument. For years I used Z3ta+ to process audio from non-Z3ta+ virtual instruments. More recently, I have done this with Surge. In both those cases, the synths come with separate files (dll files) that handle the FX. If Vital boasts the ability to process non-Vital audio, you might want to see how they do it. Maybe they also use an FX dll that's in the wrong place. ADDENDUM: I don't see anything in the Vital Press Kit that leads me to believe it can process external (non-Vital) sound sources. FYI: The method I described does indeed work with Nils' K1v.
  4. You can click on View in the Event View to select the >>viewing<< filter. But it sounds like you want an editing filter: Just did a quick test with some midi events in something I was working on. (1) While in the Event View, I did Ctrl+A to select all events. (2) Then I used the E shortcut as Mark suggested but to the Global Binding > Select events meeting certain criteria function (which brought up the Event Filter while in the Event View). (3) I unselected everything in the Include column of the filter except for [x] Note and set the Note range for C0 to Bb3. Maybe there are other ways, too? If so, here's another one.
  5. Yeah--that would work for me if it can be done. Not urgent for the current release.
  6. Just in case it wasn't clear, before the new automatic numbering, I numbered ports myself based on my needs. In the images I posted, I only labeled the ports with duplicate names (OUT, ANLG, ADAT) because of Cakewalk's change. I don't need two sets of numbers for ports--mine and ones assigned by the software. So I got rid of my numbers in those examples. I would prefer my own labelling system, which is why I wondered if there could be an option not to use Cakewalk's numbering system. (Not a major issue for me.)
  7. I used to assign them with my own numbers: OUT 1 & 2, OUT 3 & 4, etc. The only way I can do that is if I have them all "OUT" and let CbB assign the numbers. Also, I would want ADAT 1 & 2 to be ADAT 1 & 2 not to be assigned ADAT 9 & 10. If I name outputs the way I used to, I get redundant duplication. As far as not knowing where I was assigning something, I kept track of my hardware routing. Honestly, I never understood why so many people got confused that port 1 was a stereo pair for what might be called 1 and 2, etc. For me, I just numbered them myself as friendly names. But I can live with being forced to have good habits. I would rather that ADAT 1 and 2 be called ADAT 1 and 2 not numbered 9 and 10. But I can live with it. Was just hoping there could be an option to not have the automatic numbers added.
  8. RE: Improved input/output port naming . . . If this is the way its supposed to be, I can get used to it, but I am wondering if it is possible to have an option to suppress the new automatic numbering when we choose to use friendly names.
  9. If the alleged legacy apps improvement makes my PCI audio card work the way it did a few Windows 10 updates ago, bring on Windows 11!!!! Maybe we will have options like: [ ] It used to work under Windows 10 v. 1809 . Maybe all the Compatibility Telemetry activity over the past year or two will be put to good use with the release of Windows 11.
  10. In a section of the forum designed to give feedback to the makers of Cakewalk, a fellow user requested some changes to make the Audio and MIDI tabs in the Inspector easier to see. Since I am an explorer by nature who now has age-related vision issues, I did a quick test of concept. For other users who might want to customize their own tabs based on vision (or other) needs, they are indeed tweakable.
  11. I remember feeling this way back in November (hence my minimalist initial reply back then and my subsequent choice not to engage in a the discussion of others) and I still agree that any discussion of the possible benefits of a midi data flow chart within Cakewalk belongs in its own thread. I am surprised that no one opened up a discussion in another thread or put in a request between then and now. (I thought I had, but I might have decided not to.) As for me, I decided months ago to give up on the idea that the remote control functionality in the Inspector-based Arpeggiator would either be explained or fixed. But this is not the thread to discuss that issue. I was just offering a simple example off the top of my head as to where a midi signal flow might be helpful.
  12. You might not understand but that doesn't mean that others wouldn't find it useful. There are problems in CbB because the flow of MIDI data doesn't seem to work in some circumstances and for those of us who haven't given up, it would be helpful to know what CbB is doing with MIDI data under the hood. One example: MIDI Remote Control doesn't work with the Inspector-based Arpeggiator. It would be nice to see the alleged flow to determine if its a bug or if CbB is doing something that users don't know about.
  13. The one to the problem that was discussed over a year ago? IIRC there were some changes to the Staff View since then, so perhaps the original issue has been resolved.
  14. F1 should bring up the *.chm file, though it might pop up behind another window. Or, if you have a third-party tool that can filter a file list, search for vel*.chm. Another thread that might have useful info: Turn off Velocity Sensitivity. I just ran a quick test of the Cakewalk Velocity MFX with TTS-1 just to make sure it affects volume. I split the Instrument Track into its MIDI and audio components, put the Velocity MFX on the MIDI track (in the track's FX bin), and recorded both midi and audio with the settings that were there. (See image.) Low velocities and high velocities sounded very close to my ears. If necessary (based on what you want to do), you might need to tweak the settings per the help file if the plug-in meets your needs. Since I recorded the audio through the Velocity MFX Plug-in, the loudness has been corrected based on the settings. However, the MIDI track is as I played it (with low and high velocities). With the plug-in on, all notes sound at the same level to my ears. If I turn the plug-in off, I hear the notes as played (softer and louder notes). Hope this helps. Clarification: Based on the following, I don't think the settings I used is the ideal solution you want. Also, I am not sure that you can use the plug-in by itself to adjust for different levels across your keyboard in real time (if that's what you need). That's why I referenced the Help file.
  15. (1) These manuals? (2) Is the automap guide applicable? I have plain old MIDI interfaces with multiple ports and they show up as numbered ports. Is it possible that the ports are for user configuration and not specially dedicated to certain functions? If so, perhaps the automap utility is just a tool for helping users to set up the flexible MIDI ports?
  16. Thanks for mentioning this. I saw previously owned "instruments" got reset for a new round of 180 days, but had no idea the files were changed. Did you compare the sizes of the unzipped files or just the zip files?
  17. I haven't used Mobius in like a decade; so I am not sure what newer versions look like and I forgot how to use even the old version, but let me ask: Are your plug-ins VST2 or VST3? If VST3, try the VST2 versions. This might not be the solution you need, but if I had the issues you described, that's the first thing I'd check. Hope its that easy of a solution. If not, maybe some others here have more current experience with Mobius. UPDATE: I just looked it up and if its the same Mobius I was thinking of, it looks like same software I used a decade ago on an XP PC, probably with SONAR X1. (The copyright date on the site says 2011!) If the software itself hasn't been updated since then, you might want to consider newer looping software--unless others here have gotten it to work properly more recently.
  18. A year or so ago I was exploring an issue related to this IIRC. I remember doing an awful lot of trial-and-error testing to try to see what was going on mainly because I have had successes with my Workspaces set up for two monitors. I seem to recall the specific issue you are mentioning, but I don't recall if there was a "solution." I seem to recall confirming somethings. If I am remembering this correctly, maybe the previous discussion will at least confirm the issue. I will look for it. Found the thread I had in mind. I will try to re-read the thread this evening to see if it relates to your current issue.
  19. See also this discussion. I agree that it would be handy if the MIDI display filter showed all MIDI strips and likewise that it would be handy to be able to show only the audio portion of hybrid audio+midi tracks. I disagree with the original statement in this thread that [Since Track 4, a MIDI track] . . . does not give audio out. . . . . "we don't need to see it in the console view." If the 4th option can be implemented, that sounds like it would add flexibility for all users.
  20. Looks like there are plenty of options for people wanting to get in on Cherry Audio deals. I did a Google search for June sales and one of many hits was for KVR-- where they have the upgrade from Voltage Modular Ignite to VM Core + Electro Drums for $25.** I assume other vendors have sales, too. So, just saying look around to assemble your own best deals and upgrade paths. Note: I am relatively new to shopping for deals (1 year +/-); just passing this on. **EDIT: See another upgrade deal immediately below.
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