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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Did you turn on the playback metronome in the transport module?
  2. This thread proves that everything, no matter how basic, is subject to controversy and debate. Viva Freedom of Speech!!!!!
  3. I could be wrong, but I thought when Windows 10 came out it was intentionally software as a service. I seem to remember that was one of the major complaints about Windows 10 and one of the reasons why some of us were reluctant to give up XP SP3. At least it was for me, but eventually I had no choice but to abandon XP. (Well, my son, the computer scientist, has long railed against Windows, and I did try Linux, but none of my favorite music software worked under Linux.) While I have given up on software as a non-service (not sure that's the right phrase), as a consumer of music software I would support a campaign to try to persuade Cherry Audio to incorporate offline activation and daily offline updates assuming it is a realistic possibility.
  4. Did you PM the designer of that theme? EDIT: I just checked. If the updated theme doesn't work, maybe you could post a note in that thread?
  5. Sorry to hear it doesn't work for you. I have respected musicians who want an audio computer unconnected to the internet. Clearly, their products do not meet your needs. I have products from other plug-in / soft synth makers. Now I am wondering which others don't have offline activation. Thanks for sensitizing me to this issue.
  6. Just an FYI: CA's Quadra includes a multi out *.dll and *.vst3. Cakewalk's Track Pane Context Menu (Right Click > Insert Instrument > Advanced > Instrument Track Per Output) inserts 5 instrument tracks: (1) Stereo Mix (Output Mixer), (2) Bass, (3) Strings, (4) Poly Synth, (5) Lead Synth. Its just like any multi output soft synth, but in the case of the CA Quadra the outputs are dedicated to the mix and the 4 parts. And, yes, getting a substantial credit for "owning" other synths in the Synth Stack 2 during the end-of-year sale is a very nice musician oriented marketing strategy for musicians on a tight budget with internet-connected audio computers and who don't mind automatic updates on a daily basis (JMO).
  7. While an audiologist might be able to test for hearing loss, have you considered consulting an ENT?
  8. Anyone notice a difference depending on which key is held down or is it just me?
  9. When you look at Views > Meter/Key, does it show a Key Change where you don't want it to change? If so, can you remove it? PS: I just did a test using copy special and paste special with the Meter/Key option selected. The Meter/Key change showed up both on the staff and in the Meter/Key list.
  10. @Jimmy NaNa I have gotten in the habit of using the in-app update [Help menu] with a freshly opened Cakewalk--no project loaded. On my PC it is a super smooth installation. You might want to try that to see if its smooth for you, too. Just a thought.
  11. I never did this before (selecting plug-ins and moving them around), but I get different results using Ctrl+Click v Shift+Click. Do each of you get different results depending on which key is held down?
  12. Reply removed because Jonathan Sasor posted a suggestion at the same time.
  13. User 905133

    Out Of Tune

    By any chance are you using MIDI? If so, perhaps there is a pitch bend command in there some place. Recently one of my usb keyboards has started to kick out some random pitch bend commands (verified by looking at the output with MIDI-OX). If the pitch slippage is with audio, someone else might have some ideas for you.
  14. I remember participating in a thread on a similar concern. IIRC the misunderstanding came about because it was assumed that "key change markers" (using your phrase) change the MIDI data automatically. In short (again relying on my memory), when you change the key you are changing the number of sharps and flats as they would be displayed on a staff, not the notes themselves. Not missing something obvious, just not understanding what Insert Meter/Key Change does and not understanding what Insert Marker does. Maybe I am missing it, too, but I don't recall seeing any interaction between these and MIDI note data. In addition to the reference guide, online documentation, and the help module, perhaps the following thread will help fill in the gaps in your personal knowledge: PS: As for Markers, if you look in the Help Module when you choose Insert Marker, there's a brief blurb. Also, there's a [Help] button in the Insert Marker Dialog. There's also an online documentation page. As for Pitch Markers and Groove Clips, see the discussion below. Also, some links to online documentation: Midi Groove Clips, Using Pitch Markers in Track View.
  15. Yes, I thought of that as one possible option, but having multiple tracks using multiple controllers all set to omni can cause problems depending on what the OP will be doing later on.
  16. I have done this using different midi tracks pointed to the same destination (one for a usb keyboard and another for a korg nanokontrol).
  17. For the Archive button the former 5-cell strip is now an 8-cell strip.
  18. Another option is to rollback to a previous version while the problem is being sorted out.
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