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Everything posted by paulo

  1. I'd go as far to say that anyone who does have one needs to have a nice sit down and spend some time trying to pinpoint exactly when it was that they became so stupid and then set about reversing as many decisions they have made since then as possible.
  2. When I picked up my car the dealership wanted to put a free app on my phone that would apparently tell me how much fuel was in the car at any given time. I asked the guy is that not what the fuel gauge is for and he replied...yes, but the app can tell you when you're not in the car or not using it. I asked why I would need to know how much fuel I had if I wasn't in the car and not using it and then he looked at me like I was the stupid one. 😀
  3. Many moons ago I did some decorating for a relative... hallway, stairs and upstairs landing. When it was all done the light fittings and switches (white) looked very yellowed with age, so I took it upon myself to replace them all. I'm not an electrician by any means and the three way switching meant that it wasn't totally as straightforward as just replacing a regular one light/one switch set up, but I figured that I could trust myself enough to draw a diagram of which wire went where and replicate that, so I went out and bought 3 new switches/3 new light fittings and 3 new bulbs. I drew my diagrams and replaced everything with new. Looked much better, but one small snag... none of them worked. So I took each thing apart again checked all the connections were good, checked it v the diagram - all good - and then spent some time in head scratching mode. I checked and re-checked and it was all as I believed it should be. In the end I had to leave having not solved the problem. The next door neighbour was an electrician so I told her she would have to ask him to have a look when he came home and to call me if he needed any information on what I had done. I heard nothing that evening, so the next day I called and asked her if she spoke to the electrician. She said she did and he came in and had them all on within minutes. He never charged her anything, but said to just give me a message next time we spoke. The message was that I was very good at doing the wiring part, but not quite so good at checking if the bulbs actually worked ! 😀 I obviously should have thought of that, but they were all brand new, bought that day and all three were defective - what were the chances?
  4. For me PIB login has been a PITA for a long time - only works in private mode and then multiple captchas (sometimes into double figures) before it will let me in. Honestly, I can't remember the last time they had any offers that were even slightly appealing to me. I've never been asked before to change my password in however many years I've had an account with them, so it's totally BS to claim that it is their normal practice. I'm not sure I can even be bothered to jump through the amount of hoops it takes with them any more.
  5. Sorry, you can't see this reply because you do not have permission to see it.
  6. In these days where people bizarrely assume that they somehow have the right to alter what you say, I'm wondering if the pen is still mightier than the sword ? To me it seems like a backwards step to push people more towards swords.
  7. I'm surprised that it didn't turn it into *****. That's what happens when I type *****.
  8. If you really must make reference to such thing, then in future please just say "the w word". Everyone who reads it will still know exactly what you are saying and in their minds will replace it with the actual word anyway, but apparently this is still better because sensitive types who will not have their spirit crushed by actually seeing the hurty words in all their fully lettered horror. This really is better for everyone, because......science. Which, btw, is settled. If you somehow think that the w word isn't a sensitive subject to some, then you've clearly never experienced the hardship of being a diligent, hard working gardener seeing their work constantly spoiled by unwelcome interlopers.
  9. At least you spelt "for" and "questionable" correctly. If only Meat Loaf was still around...He would probably have found that to be reasonably acceptable.
  10. Mouse click and yes, the position of the scrollbar (as per the OP pic) suggests that there is something else below the currently visible area (why else would there be scrollbars ?) but trying to use them either during the countdown or even after it has finished just locks everything up for a few minutes up as I described.
  11. There's nothing to see Jesse. It looks the same as the pic the OP posted. The timer finishes, and the close button comes up, but if I have touched the window sliders at any point either before or after that then the close button doesn't work for a period of time and pressing it or the sliders just gives me the windows "ding" sound like you get when you try to do something that it won't allow until you have closed or acknowledged some other window, except there is no other window. My PC is effectively frozen and won't do anything at all until such time as it decides to let go of whatever is blocking it. Minutes rather than seconds.
  12. What I have found is that it hangs every time if I try to move the window sliders to see the rest of the window, which in my case do not work anyway. Now that I have figured out not to even try that, the close button does seem to work after the timer has run it's course. Whatever secrets the unseen part of the pop up window holds remain a mystery to me. FWIW I think that once the message has been delivered there really should be an option to not show it again. I get that not every user is looking at the user forum all the time and may not be aware of it, but once told this, I don't see the need to be reminded of it every time the program is opened, especially as even when it is available I will not be able to install it if I wanted to without first buying a new pc.
  13. The bot thing could also explain why Bandlab thought that a free 3 day trial of their "Membership" might convince people to give them $15 a month.
  14. If it fluffs a chord change, does it have to start over or is someone going to go back and edit it in their Neuralink DAW in 2640 ?
  15. I guess that would explain why Baha Men were so concerned.....
  16. Never had you down as a nark. Note to self.. be careful what you tell this guy in future.
  17. And now over to live coverage of the DAW makers annual football tournament, where the Bandlab marketing team (playing in pale blue) are defending an attack from the combined other DAW makers first eleven....
  18. 2:30 am, just outside of a quiet town centre....... The policeman asked the apparently drunk man weaving his way along the pavement if he would mind telling him where he was going at this time of night.... "I'm on my way to attend a lecture about how drinking too much, smoking and too many late nights have a highly detrimental effect on health, well-being and also life expectancy" said the man. "Really? " said Plod "and who would be giving such a lecture at this time of the night?" "My wife...."
  19. That depends what you are famous for. Some are probably quite glad that what they are now famous for didn't come out when they were alive.
  20. You guys might want to avoid playing with your organs too much on release day. Don't forget what the following day is......
  21. That reminded me of a sign that a neighbour once put out front of his place that said " My lawn is not a toilet for your dog". The writing was really quite small and therefore hard to read from any kind of distance. As I was walking past one day someone walking by with a dog abruptly stopped to get up close and read it. Guess what his dog decided to do during this unexpected stop on his morning walk...? Mostly I'm quite proud of not being the type of person that instantly remembers that I have a camera in my pocket, but that was definitely a missed opportunity for some comedy gold.
  22. Or maybe it's just you that's not getting it ?
  23. In my recent experience that works both ways. Try asking a "customer service" person a very simple question that isn't on their list of pre-approved questions and it's very much going to be a long haul experience...... Some days I could convince myself that they deliberately employ imbeciles so that people won't bother calling any more and then they can blame the "unfortunate" (but very much profit increasing) closure of the staffed "helplines" on the fact that "nobody uses them".
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