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  1. In the hand of a neophyte amateur, all-in-one mastering solutions are a fine tool, but in my market and what remains of the professional record genre, if you think that a great mastering engineer the likes of Merrill, Grundman, Leonard, Kutch, Reierson, et al, are out of business because of a piece of software, you're sadly delusional.
  2. Probably one of the first dozen artists in my youthful record collection. https://variety.com/2024/music/obituaries-people-news/john-mayall-dead-blues-legend-1236082294/
  3. ARM processors may be lightweight, run cooler, and use less power to execute the RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) single instruction per cycle, but they are not, and probably will not be, compatible with any x86/x64 operating system, which run (including all Apple products) on a CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) architecture. Using multiple ARM processors, parallel path instruction sets have been able to emulate the complex commands required by a Windows OS, but that makes the overall advantages moot when it comes to footprint & power consumption, much less support components (I/O chipset for example). There is no serious plan to manufacture anything other than small mobile devices (tablets, phones) using this architecture, no one is even thinking of using them in laptops or larger surfaces, much less desktop computers. However, if you want to try to run a (IMO toy crippled) DAW on a phone, there are options out there, including several that run in a browser window. So, yeah... you are in a very limited population.
  4. Why are you using the Global Audio folder? Especially on a drive with little room left. "Save as" the entire project to a drive with space using "Per Project Folders" & "Copy all audio" settings. Problem solved.
  5. Have you ever tried to power cycle your audio interface for a ten count when it hangs?
  6. There seems to be great opinions on this forum (and many other DAW forums too) that the Focusrite Scarlett line are fairly bulletproof.
  7. Network Interface Controller; your wifi or ethernet chipset.
  8. @Misha Have you spent any time interacting with other humans? After all... corporations are "people" too.
  9. Try moving start of all tracks to Bar2/beat1, and start playback/export at Bar1/beat1, then edit heads later to see if anything is different. Also extend any automation back to B1b1 as well so there are no jumps.
  10. Since Win Vista, all FW interfaces have required a TI (Texas Instruments) chipset. Others won't work.
  11. FYI; I've been running two dissimilar video cards for a decade without any issues, albeit they use the same GPU Architecture and driver. Never caused any issues with CbB or my video editing sled, probably because I've always run at 48k. However, I am currently sourcing candidates for another, newer quad output card so as to be compatible with a Win11 upgrade. $$$$
  12. Technique #3 from @Promidi previous post is just the ticket for that scenario.
  13. This has always been somewhat 'hit or miss' for me. I have to REALLY make sure that I'm pressing intently on the shift key and wait, because the response time is longer than expected as compared to the other tools. But I'm practicing and it works.
  14. Have you ever heard of "backups"? If your HD dies, CW will be the least of your issues. A good & recent backup image to an external drive will solve that. There are many free applications that will work.
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