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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. I am not sure how right clicking on the interface would make things seem smoother. Are you saying the playback head seems to move smoother? Maybe by right clicking Windows is giving more priority to Cakewalk? Have you looked through any of the optimization suggestions ? https://www.sweetwater.com/sweetcare/articles/pc-optimization-guide-for-windows-10/ https://helpcenter.steinberg.de/hc/en-us/articles/360008589880-Windows-How-to-set-up-and-optimize-a-Digital-Audio-Workstation
  2. You need to select the Riff audio driver in the Cakewalk setup. The videos referenced will walk you though it.
  3. From the signal flow diagram it appears that you would have to use an auxilary track or a bus to put an effect in after the tracks fader. If you describe your purpose for doing this it might make it more clear if there is a different way to do what you want.
  4. Sounds like the Drum map is pointing to a specific instance of the synth. Open the Latin Percussion drum map and change the output to point to the 2nd instance of SuperiorDrummer. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=DrumEditor.04.html NOTE: if you select all the entries (Ctlr-A) and hold shift or control or one of those down, then when you change one columns entry they all will change to the same thing.
  5. To lock the clips you should be able to lasso select all of them that you want and then lock them all at the same time. No need to do it one at a time. That is the only way I know of to add time the way you are doing it. The other option is to just drag select all the clips that need to move and drag them back the number of measures you want. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=Arranging.16.html
  6. Have you run "latencyMon" program to determine what might be causing the issues? Laptops are much harder to get working consistently because of all the power saving they try to do. Make sure you have your laptop plugged in, set to maximum power profile, turn off usb sleeping in the power profile as well.
  7. Set the clip to not follow the tempo and see what happens. If the temp is set to the clips map then it should like up fairly good with the metronome without stretching it.
  8. I would suggest recording the audio from the PC in one pass. Then record the vocals and guitar parts directly from within cakewalk playing back the backing track from within Cakewalk. Recording the loopback of the audio card most likely is mixing in the guitar and vocals.
  9. I believe that midi chase is a global setting. Maybe double check your settings? https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=NewFeatures.37.html
  10. Looks like you might have transient enabled for that track. click on a clip and hit cntrl-A to open the transient marker toolbar. Then turn off transients. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=AudioSnap.05.html
  11. Probably not a bug since not everyone experiences it. It is probably due to a combination of things like video card audio interface, other software running on the system etc. If you could do a screen capture showing it happen someone might notice something.
  12. What do you see that says that? I clicked on the link and it just shows their current plugins?
  13. Check that you are not in offset mode like the original poster.
  14. Seems like you should be able to move them. Will they not move in time, pitch or both? can you delete them? Can you cut and paste them and then move them? When you select one of them does a clip in the Track View hightlight?
  15. As they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Post a screenshot of your PVR and maybe someone will notice something.
  16. If you post a small project someone might be able to open it and try it out. Or at least a picture of your tracks and console view. Make sure you don't have your tracks set to mono interleave, also any busses that they go to should be in stereo interleave. You should see two meter led strips for stereo tracks and busses. When panning do the two meter levels show a panning effect? If you have plugins on the tracks bypass them all and see if it makes a difference. Make sure your main outs are stereo. Some interfaces allow changing the outputs from stereo to mono.
  17. I would think you just could create another bus and then route that to the desired hardware output. However, I don't quite know what you mean when you say you don't want solo to affect the master channel. If you solo a track then that track will mute all other tracks.
  18. Here is a forum thread that talks about the same issue. It may point you in the right direction. Basically you need to have your expression controller be seen by Windows and Cakewalk so that its inputs can be used. Select it in the Midi preferences of Cakewalk. Create a midi track to receive and record your expression input. The Gojira plugin should be in the effect bin of the audio track you are effecting. In the Gojira Plugin window enable midi input and configure the midi CC messages that your EV pedal produces to control the whammy
  19. I think that there are many people here who use Izotope products. My best best would be to post in the Instruments and Effects subforum.
  20. To me those look like muted midi notes or notes from a clip layer that is not the active one. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=EditingMIDI.10.html
  21. It sounds like to me what you want to do is very much like what youtubers or pod casters do. There are some on this forum that do a lot of this, I am not one. I would search for youtube or podcasting software.
  22. I use goldwave quite often as well. the $20 version is only a 1 year license, basically a subscription model. The $60 version is a lifetime version.
  23. I don't know about why the audio would be glitching, but if you make the audio into groove clips using the inspector panel, then they should follow the tempo of the song. However, the quality of the audio will degrade as the tempo is moved further from the recorded tempo Another option is to split the audio clips up and then manually stretch them to the correct length. Then once stretched, bounce them to insure that the offline algorithm is used to preserve the audio quality. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Tools.08.html
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