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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. I have been playing with ToneX SE but have the darn'est time trying to figure out how to get the user presents loaded. The UI is confusing to me. If I go to ToneNet in my web browser I can see all sorts of user captures but can't download them from the web page. Have to use the ToneNet browser in the GUI and then I have a hard time finding the same models I see in the web. Is there a tutorial or walk through for this?
  2. The Cory Wong is a guitar oriented plugin. I think the bass ones are called Parallax and Dark Glass.
  3. I am sure there are many people that have some waves V14 running on their systems. Make sure you have a WaveShell1-VST*****.dll (or .vst3) in one of your VST search paths. I don't have any V14 plugins but I have the WaveShell1-VST dlls in my VstPlugins folder and VST3 search folder and those that I own show up.
  4. Sorry, I thought I linked to the thread. The Generic ASIO drivers are usually more trouble then they are worth from the threads I have read on them. Delete them and use WASAPI if there is no DEDICATED Asio driver for your hardware. If it is giving you stuttering or bad playback then you may need to optimize your computer for Audio playback. One tool to help with this is Resplendence Latency Mon.
  5. You need to remove the generic ASIO drivers including the Realtek ASIO drivers from your system. They cause problems. Use WASAPI driver for any device that does not have a dedicated ASIO driver. Here is a thread with a similar issue and how to remove the bad ASIO drivers.
  6. Probably. Not the ideal solution for what you want. Maybe add this as a feature request in the Feedback Loop subforum.
  7. It looks like saving a screenset with the plugins open, positioned and pinned are restored when you go back to that screenset. I did lock the screenset as well.
  8. I was confused about people claiming some interfaces recording at 32Bit since I have never seen an A/D manufacture that actually produces a 32 bit ADC at audio Sampling rates. From Zoom's own website it says the Zoom L8 is a 24 bit interface. If it allows you to record in 32 bit then it is converting t he 24 bits to some 32 bit format in the driver. That is basically the same thing that all DAWs do . Am I missing something?
  9. I want to get these sometime but they are out of my budget for now.
  10. I used it to get Kirchhoff for $25, thanks Glad that you have every plug-in you could want this time.
  11. They all have demos I believe. Try them out. Most of theirs, besides maybe the Cory Wong one, will do metal just fine.
  12. try resetting in the plugin manager. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033405834-Using-the-Plug-in-Manager-
  13. I use this even on my one large monitor. If windows goes to sleep or logs out then it restores my window locations when I log back in.
  14. I had this same problem with the Project Sam free Orchestra 2. I went into the Native Access properties and changed the Data Folder to where I wanted it. It was set to C:\Users\Public Documents as well but I was able to change it to my sample drive. Then I installed it and it went to my sample drive.
  15. +1 for removing all PC modules (including the EQ)
  16. Check that your power settings in windows does NOT allow usb sleeping. Beyond that, try a different USB cable and different ports USB ports on your computer.
  17. Is it a single audio clip or many small ones? If you expand the take lanes is it a single lane or many? Does selecting the clip(s) and then bouncing to clip speed it up?
  18. From my quick searches it appears that Artist version does not contain Pipeline XT.,
  19. Just a thought, make sure the measures that sound "louder" don't have duplicated notes/clips on them. Delete a note and see if there is one underneath it or expand the take lanes to make sure two clips are not on top of eachother.
  20. By "Drum Map" do you mean the drum view in the piano roll view rather then the normal piano roll view where the note lengths are shown? Or are wanting help with "drum Maps" which is a related, but, different thing?
  21. You should be able to set a loop around your punch point. You can start the loop several measures before the punch point. Then either let it loop and make several takes or stop it before the loop and the now time should return to the loop start.
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