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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. Make sure the windows update didn't re-enable disabled audio devices and that it didn't install the Realtek ASIO driver.
  2. Open the drum map and delete the notes you don't want/use. Save as your own drum map and make sure you assign the track to your drum map
  3. Send in a crash dump to Cakewalk staff. Support@cakewalk.com
  4. Sounds frustrating. I can't imagine that it would be a general Cakewalk problem. I have an X32 producer and it works fine with the latest Cakewalk. Can you get any other audio app to play through the X32? Do you have the latest firmware for the X32 installed (V4.09)? Can you see the X32 in the device manager of Windows? Can you see the X32 in the drivers in Cakewalk? from your description it is unclear if you see the X32 in Cakewalk but can't get the selection to stick or if you can't see it at all. I would try un-installing the X-USB driver. Then unplug the X32 from the USB. Install the driver again. plug the X32 into the USB. Make sure your not using a USB hub or a USB3 port. Try a different USB port if that doesn't work. Good luck.
  5. My guess would be you have input echo follows selection of track so when you select one it is echoing something being played through it.
  6. Are you running an old version of Sonar? That temp view has been changed in Cakewalk by Bandlab. It now has nodes and looks like an envelope. Much easier to change where things are. I don't know of any way to move the tempos by a ratio.
  7. I don't use Cakewalk live so you may have to experiment. You could automate the volume of each track or the mute. You would also have to make sure that input echo is enabled for both tracks.
  8. Depending on your goal with switching presets: the way I do this is jut create another track, with Biasfx2 inserted, and have it loaded with the other preset. May help to know what your trying to acomplish.
  9. Did you send the crash dump to Cakewalk? Support@cakewalk.com
  10. You could also copy the track to a new track and then try your automation curve in the new track. Another idea is to assign the current curve/envelope to some other parameter that you don't really care about. Write your new volume automation. If you don't like it, delete it and re-assign the original envelope from the parameter you saved it to.
  11. You might have to go to your old cakewalk account and download the effects and or Sonar packages from you account. Depends on what plugins the FX chain is using. If you can't get into your old account then contact Support@cakewalk.com
  12. It is either something recorded on one of your tracks, or a build up of noise from all of them, or something that is in your playback system. This could be hum from a ground loop, noisy audio interface, noise from a guitar amp or amp sim. You would have to experiment to see where it is coming from. You could use a noise gate on the tracks to cut off the hum when the tracks are not playing. You could cut up the clips to delete the areas where no audio is playing. You could try to use a noise reduction plugin like Izotope RX to reduce the noise, find the frequency(s) and try to notch filter them out etc.
  13. If you want to mix in the wah, like the mix you mentioned with the Reverb, then you would need to put the wah VST on an aux track or a bus. Then send the desired amout of signal to the wah, or adjust the wah bus volume to the desired level.
  14. Are you saying it is too loud compared to the other tracks you have recorded? If that is the case you should just be able to turn the channel volume down or, at the top of the console strips, there is an input gain you can turn down.
  15. Did you install Cakewalk using Administrator privilege's or do you run it in Admin mode? I
  16. Really depends on what you want to do. If you want to send a bunch of tracks to be processed the same, for example to level out a bunch of background vocals, then send them to a bus and put the effect on the bus. If you only want the effect on one track then just insert it on that track. There really are not many hard rules, if it gets the effect you are after.
  17. Did you see this in the user's manual? It should be able to do transport control, mute, solo and some other things I would image. Here is an older thread about it as well.
  18. What are the project settings as far as Bit depth and Sample Rate? Cakewalk will convert any imported audio to the project sample rate. The there is the "double Presicion" checkbox and other things that might affect an export.
  19. from the Manual: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=SoftSynths.04.html#:~:text=Click the PlugIns tab followed,on the pop-up menu. Hope this is what you are trying to do. It you have a simple instrument track (Midi and instrument combined) you should be able to right click on the track and then select "replace synth" to pick a new one. Another option is to duplicate your midi to a new midi track, insert a new synth and then point midi track to the new instrument.
  20. reginaldStjohn

    bad mic quality

    While there are better mics you should be able to get a usable signal and output with this mic without sounding muffled. Make sure you have the correct driver selected for you mic and that your project bit depth and sample rate match what the mic can do.
  21. First off, make sure that you have the most recent PreSonus Asio driver installed. Also, make sure that there are no other rogue ASIO or ASIO4All drivers on your system. From preferences in Cakewalk make sure that you are using the ASIO driver model and have the Presonus selected. If you are still getting clicks and pops on record check that directly monitoring through the Presonus, not through Cakewalk, sounds as you would expect. If this all fails then you may need to download and run Resplendence LatencyMon program to see what in your system might be causing these issues. As far a Cakewalk quitting on you, you would need to capture a dump file to send to Cakewalk staff to see if they can determine why it would be quitting. This is usually due to a audio interface driver issue or a plugin.
  22. This is the job of a control surface in cakewalk. You could try to setup a generic control surface and then map the notes that your pad's send out to move the selected track. I don't know the details of this but maybe the documentation would give you some clues. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=ExternalDevices.03.html
  23. I can't find a way to remove them all but you could bypass them all and then select all the clips and bounce them. That would get rid of the region fx without applying it to the clips. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Region_FX.01.html
  24. Sorry, I don't know how to fix what you are describing. You are saying that the now time scrolls but it not smooth and goes in spurts right? Could be a graphics issue or a CPU or Hardrive load issue. Can you create a new empty project, jut put in a single audio file or midi instrument and see if it plays back smooth or does it do the same thing?
  25. Sounds like your guitar's pickups are picking up a radio station?
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