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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. With my Behringer X32 as an ASIO interface clicking on the Preferences audio setup button has never opened the Behringer ASIO panel. I have to manually open it.
  2. Some of this can do with your audio interface and the driver you are using. Make sure the update didn't install some generic ASIO driver or ASIO3All. If you are using a windows sound card use WASPI driver. Usually the driver reports the latency and Cakewalk adjusts the incoming audio based on the driver's information. If the driver doesn't report it correctly then you can try to adjust it manually using the following dialog in preferences.
  3. Freeze your track or bounce to track is what you want. Check the documentation for settings. https://gaga.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.23.html If you want to freeze or bounce many tracks down to one stereo track then route it to an auxiliary track and then arm record the auxiliary track and play through the project. https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Mixing.13.html#:~:text=Select the audio tracks you want to record to a new track.&text=Hold down the CTRL key while you click the Output,to the new Aux track. To unhide tracks hit the 'H' key
  4. So, anyone can get this price regardless of previous purchases? Too bad there isn't a cross grade price or upgrade from any "MAX" product type thing.
  5. Close and reopen Cakewalk? You could also try to close and reopen just the project. It is probably some kind of graphics glitch
  6. Probably a setting with your sound card/audio interface. What audio interface are you using? If it is the built in Realtek to you have something like "stereo mix" or "record what you hear" enabled.
  7. Send a support request to Support@cakewalk.com
  8. What are you trying to play back? Do you have a track with audio on it? Do you have a midi track and VSTi or a simple instrument track? What is your Master bus set to output to? Try some of the videos in the Tutorials form. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/35-tutorials/
  9. Does the GSatPlus offer a mix parameter? If it does you could automate the wet/dry of the plugin rather then the on/off. Another thought is to create an axiliary track and then add a send for each track to the auxiliary track. Then you could automate the volume of the aux track. Admittedly, those are just work arounds for what you are trying to do. I don't know why the on/off automation would not work.
  10. Or just drag the divider over to only see the first one.
  11. Could be a registry error or a DLL got removed/moved or you updated., Try to reset your vsts and rescan. https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Dialogs2.064.html
  12. You need to follow your signal levels through the whole system. On the track that the instrument is playing what levels are the meters showing? What is the source of the sound your are playing? Audio clip, Virtual Instrument inside Cakewalk or an external device?
  13. Your going to have to give more information. How is the mic connected to the computer? Is it a USB mic or is it connected through an audio interface? What driver mode are you using (WASAPI, ASIO etc)?
  14. You may have to contact support to get your password to work with the old command center. Support@cakewalk.com
  15. I just tried it and you can just type the CC number manually into that field. Those are just the ones that have a default use.
  16. I had the same problem. You have to go into your account and add an address with your location. Otherwise, it defaults to some Europe location and charges you VAT
  17. Find the aud.ini file on your system and delete it. Should be somewhere like Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Cakewalk https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=INI_Files.6.html
  18. Do you have auto-save enabled? If so you might have an earlier version from which you can recover the lost midi.
  19. Make sure that you don't have any workspace selected and if there is one, that it is not locked. Screensets will also store the visible state of tracks and folders. https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Lenses.1.html
  20. Once you use the generic surface you may have to map the controls to what you want to control. Personally, for generic control I have found that @azslow3 controller software the most customizable. Sorry, I can't walk you through it because I have never got consistent results controlling VSTi's and the like with my Nektar controller. I use it mostly for the faders, pan, and recording midi. https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=ExternalDevices.15.html
  21. You may have to start in safe mode and either replace sound center or re-set it up. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035040954-Cannot-Open-a-Project
  22. Could be a midi controller, such as volume, expression etc, that gets reset at the start of the song.
  23. For me when this notification shows up there is another toast with a link to Log In,
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