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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. I have been using Scaler 2.7.3 as well and have not seen this either. Are you turning off, "unbinding" Scalar after you drag it?
  2. How big is your TV? I use 4k TVs for my monitors and work and home. I calculated that I needed at least a 43'' 4k TV so that things on the screen were about the same size as a 24'' 1k monitor. I run with 100% scaling.
  3. What audio card, driver mode, buffer settings do you have? Have you tried changing the buffer settings to see if it is an audio card issue?
  4. A problem with all these written social interactions is how much effort it is to write out answers, ask questions, wait for feedback etc. The user manual as well as user provided videos and tutorials can often lead a person to discover for themselves how to diagnose and find issues and has most of the stuff already written out, no need to reproduce it here if it is a simple knowledge issue. If they have given it some effort then often times more information is needed to truly help them like telling us what they have tried, posting pictures or video etc. I think any poster is making some assumptions until enough information flows to truly understand each other. Even is an assumption. To the Original Poster. There probably need to be some more information provided like audio interface, screen shot etc. to help
  5. It depends on your interface, but most interfaces will present their inputs either as grouped stereo or separate mono inputs. If you using just a built in audio card then you may not have this option. Driver stereo (1 - 2) Driver 1 Driver 2
  6. Please view some of the tutorial videos in the Tutorials Sub Forum. Here is one that might be useful. There are some good getting started tutorial in the user manual as well, https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Beginners.01.html Make sure the track you want to record on is "armed" and that your controller is selected as an input source.
  7. I haven't tried this but try deleting your "aud.ini" file and see if that helps. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=INI_Files.6.html
  8. I don't have an answer but some things to look for, - Open task manager and see if there are some other high CPU, Memory or Disk tasks running - Check on a new project with only a simple audio file in one track. Does it still do it? - Use Replendence LatencyMon to check for anything taking too much interrupt time. A video card driver could cause such an issue.
  9. You can create new CAL routines. They are text files so any text editor will work. The bigger issue is learning the syntax and how to use it. Do a search on the forum for CAL and you should find some helpful posts.
  10. It also looks like the track you recorded is a stereo track but only one side has audio on it. If you record from a mono source you probably should only select one input to record from.
  11. I don't know what you mean by "Speakers or Master". Usually Master is a bus that you have created where all your audio goes before it goes out to the HW outputs. Speakers are things that are attached to your interface that actually produce the sound that is routed to the HW outputs. If you don't use a master bus that is fine. People use master busses so they can apply compression or other effects, volume automation etc. to the whole mix.
  12. First of all the path that Cakewalk is showing "C:WProgram FilesW.....", Looks funny since it has the "W" in it rather then the expected "\". Are you using a non-english version of Windows? When you try to run Cakewalk you need to activate it. You need a Bandlab account and log into it. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900006746466-Activation-FAQ#:~:text=By default%2C activation is done,in%2C Cakewalk will be activated.
  13. Then you need to trouble shoot a bit. Check the "Devices" to make sure that the Mackie is still selected as the input and output. Check that when you play back you see meters moving. Check that the Master bus and the HW output meters show activity. Then check that the volume on the Mackie interface is up. Do you have Headphones or Speakers plugged in to the Mackie? Basically, run through the whole signal path and make sure that the signal is going where you want it to go.
  14. Probably just a keyboard shortcut difference. try exporting your keyboard shortcuts from the first computer and import them into the second one.
  15. You can if you have Melodyne. You have to have the version that could do polyphonic detection. there are probably other tools as well but that is the one I am familiar with.
  16. Make sure that the g5n is selected as the audio device in Cakewalk. Make sure your tracks are routed to a master buss or to the HW outputs of the g5n. When playing the project make sure that the meters are moving in the HW output display. After that is up to the Zoom device and its settings. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Playback.22.html
  17. That would seem to be a bug or user error then. The documentation seems to indicate that mute should be stored and recalled if it is selected in the mix scene.
  18. Make sure that when you are selecting the tracks that that track number highlights.
  19. Que driver mode esta selectionado (ASIO, WASPI)? Ha visto los tutorials de los quales hay muchos. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/35-tutorials/ Cuando esta corriendo puedes ver actividad en los meters? Especialmente, el master? Estas usando audio o midi instrumentos?
  20. No global mute disable that I know of. A though I had was that a "mix scene" might be useful in this case to save the state of the mute buttons.
  21. I used to have an Nvidia card that caused issues like this. The only solution I found was to get a different video card, I tried an AMD Radeon and the problem went away for my particular system.
  22. I am assuming English is not your first language so I am guessing that your are having audio issues when you adjust the tempo? I don't know what "audio borders" are. Maybe a picture of what you are trying to do would help. Here is a forum post that might be similar to your issue?
  23. Have you ever "midi learned" or controlled the prochannel EQ with a midi controller? It could be a CC event that is causing it?
  24. Are you asking how to use Scaler with just its own audio? If so then just insert it as a simple instrument track. Its audio will be output on its associated audio track.
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