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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn
I wish we had the ability to label Chords...
reginaldStjohn replied to David SG Ferringer's topic in Feedback Loop
Or markers. I use the Arranger sections as chord names. A chord track has been requested. -
Cakewalk / Helix Native / Chocolate Midi Foot Controller = No sound
reginaldStjohn replied to guitarzan007's question in Q&A
I don't think you want to create an instrument track for Helix native. It is an effect not a source of audio. You would create an audio track, record some audio, like a guitar, then add helix as an effect in the effect bin, You could then control Helix native with midi to switch snapshots, pedals etc. -
MIDI Control Of Soundtoys 'Little Alter Boy' in Cakewalk
reginaldStjohn replied to Steve Ennever's question in Q&A
This might give you some ideas. It doesn't show Cakewalk specifically but the principles should be the same. https://support.soundtoys.com/article/90-midi-control -
There is a members song forum for this sort of thing., https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/30-songs/
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What is your plugin layout set to? Maybe you don't have the one selected that you are showing in the plugin manager
I have submitted several test projects that exhibit the issue. It was a long time ago, old Sonar Platinum, that they said they could reproduce it but I never saw a fix. There is some magic recipe that I could not consistently preproduce except during normal comping. It most likely shows up if you have sections that do not fully overlap. Meaning, record a few takes between, say, bars 4-8. Then set a loop between bars 7 and 10 a do a few takes. I think it is this clips only partially overlapping that is part of the recipe.
You can demo it and decide for yourself. With the code it is only about $3.
Not Liking the look of the New Sonar Interface
reginaldStjohn replied to mark foster's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Maybe I am just getting old but I don't think flat looks modern. I think it looks more retro and simplistic. In the end I don't care that much but even the apps at my work are going more flat and minimalistic. I think it is more of a style, preference, then looking more modern or "better". As a side note looking at Hillmy screen shots I would have to agree that the CBL images look "cleaner" and more defined then the Sonar ones. -
Often times a plugin doesn't handle what is know as a dirty flag correctly. Always telling the host that something has changed. If this is the case then the only solution is to change your auto save parameters to be bigger or not rely on number of changes and only use the time.
You have to add a sustain controller, like a piano has a sustain pedal. You can do this manually in a controler lane in the PVR or, if your midi controller supports it, plug in an actual sustain pedal and use it to record with. https://taylor.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=EditingMIDI.22.html
The Track View of the reference guide will give you some context of what a clip, track, etc. are to know how to select them.
Have you tried changing your audio devices buffer size? I have had some plugins that, while not overloading the processor, need to have the buffer size changed to work correctly.
Cakewalk TTS Level keeps going back to 127 volume
reginaldStjohn replied to Frank DeFede's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
There is a setting to reset controllers on stop. Reset on Volume may be 128. Try unchecking that option. Or, add a controller lane and manually set the volume level in the lane to where you want it. -
Another option is you can link clips and then what you do to one will happen to the others as well. I haven't tried the folder thing.
Got it.
I use REW, a behringer measurement mic and then my digital mixer to flatten the image. Just a note for all of these room compensation things, They really only optimize the sound in a very small area where your head should be. If you move around the room it can actually make things worse. I have calibration EQs for several positions in the room if I want to be in a different place.
You must be using a global audio folder. If you use per-project audio then you would have folders for each project with just that projects audio in it. It makes it easier to clean up unused audio files and move the project around.
How to match SI drum kit bpm to backing track?
reginaldStjohn replied to RICHARD HUTCHINS's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
You need to match the tempo of the Cakewalk project to the backing track tempo. If you know what it is just enter that tempo in Cakewalk. If you don't know it you will have to use a tool to help you figure it out. Then just put some quarter midi notes for the SI hi hat on the SI track using the piano roll view. -
Creating a tempo map from a MIDI performance
reginaldStjohn replied to norfolkmastering's question in Q&A
I have not done it personally buy several people here have mentioned using this technique. https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=Tempo.14.html#:~:text=Choose Project > Set Measure%2FBeat,to accept the default values. -
You have several option. - Groove clip - Audio Snap - Stretch, shrink the audio file manually by holding cntr-shift and hover the mouse near the edge of the clip - Process Audio menu - Length https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=AudioSnap.06.html https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=AudioSnap.09.html
My first answer would be to try it and see if it works. I am going to say undo does not work for fader moves in the console since I tried it and I could not undo a fader move. You can, however, right click and set a snap point so you can double click it and it will return to that point. You can also save a snapshot or a mix recall point to store the state of everything.