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Everything posted by antler

  1. Another possibility could be a language thing? or maybe even attempted humour.
  2. They probably want to indicate the hardware that they're modelling, but can't use the real names because of issues around licensing. As ugly as the names are, they probably offer more of a clue (to people more in the know about guitar equipment than me) as to what's being modelled, rather than something like 'Vintage Crunchy Amp'.
  3. Is it worth getting the Everything Bundle if I already have Arturia V Collection 7 (and also quite a few other synths)? Just wondering whether I should opt for this, or the slightly cheaper All The Drums bundle.
  4. Patch libraries? Maybe not - just a guess.
  5. As Ed mentioned, people should use whatever suits them best. Personally, only seeing the midi of the selected clip (instead of for the whole track) would really annoy me. Then again, that may be because Cakewalk was my first DAW.
  6. I've definitely seen the option to deactivate buried in each plugin's settings (or at least the ones I checked).
  7. antler

    PA Voucher Problem

    Don't know if it was a one-off, or they changed their rules, but my $75 voucher was a min-$99 spend; I picked up Streamliner which was $99 (because I had Metric AB).
  8. From their FAQ: If you use the installer you get linked to when you purchase, you should find you don't need to paste any serials.
  9. I don't think it will die; it might go on life support. That said, I think it would still be the leading sampler for a while (in terms of features and content) as the competition isn't quite there yet (as far as I know). It's important to remember though that Kontakt isn't the only product that NI makes - there are synths like Battery, Massive, etc. as well as their hardware controllers. I have no idea what will happen to them; I'm just mentioning this because much of this thread seems to be related to Kontakt.
  10. Stripe is fine - they're a credit card processing company. I think what you're referring to is that some service that allows you to sell your music (possibly it was BandLab Tip Jar/Albums?) only supported Stripe (and not e.g. PayPal), and people were slightly unhappy that Stripe were slightly less generous regarding fees that they charge. Nothing wrong with buying things through Stripe.
  11. I'm guessing it's not more than the cost of two (or more) upgrades from the previous version though? e.g. cost of v9-v11 upgrade < (cost of v9-v10 upgrade + v10-v11 upgrade).
  12. antler

    Wusik MSTR FREE

    Wasn't there a story about the owner of Wusik getting into an online forum 'fight' with some guy and then deliberately spreading the details of the guy he was arguing with onto spam lists?
  13. On the bright side, I think you're doing much better overall than Yoric - I don't think Yoric has any need for plugins... or anything else for that matter...
  14. This seems like it could be a good deal - does anyone have either of these libraries? I seem to remember some people saying that Guitar Fury sounded good on its own, but was quite difficult to actually use in their music; not sure if those were just first impressions though.
  15. I thought you said Gojira was a great band:
  16. According to Jason, iLok is only being used for the Chinese instruments; there are no plans to use iLok on the other instruments.
  17. You have to 'buy' it. If you're logged in, the price will be $0.00.
  18. Softube use iLok for their copy protection so I wouldn't expect a performance hit much different from other iLok plugins (purely from a copy protection point of view).
  19. Epic have been giving away a free game every Thursday this month. It looks like Galactic Civilisations III is coming next on 21 Jan. I tend to forget, so I've set a weekly reminder to check the offer on their home page every Thursday. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/
  20. You expected a deep-sampled angel? 😁
  21. Not really sure, but I think it just means that if you share your copy of the library on dodgy sites, 8Dio can identify who did it (and subsequently do something to their account?).
  22. Some good ideas in there Reid - thanks for the video. Just a small comment about the video itself - I personally found your voice was a little too boomy. Were you trying out Voxessor by any chance and turning the voice type all the way to man?
  23. It kinda looks like a Rigid Audio loop instrument
  24. Yes, that's right. However, the point isn't to simulate what other mix engineers would hear with their equipment (or even to simulate what someone might hear if they spent more money on their own audio monitors/acoustic treatment), the point is to simulate what the end consumers of your music would hear when listening on their consumer equipment - this might be e.g. some ear buds that come with a phone, some high end noise-cancelling headphones, some mid-priced consumer headphones that hype bass, a car stereo system - all of which would translate a studio mix differently. The simulated monitoring environments listed on the product page are: It's very unlikely someone would take their DAW to an LA nightclub and then do their mixes on its actual sound system, but you would want to have confidence that a mix would sound good on it.
  25. Might be a good idea to turn on 2FA for PayPal too
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