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Ghost of Mississippi (Steel Drivers cover)

mark skinner

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 Hello , this was a fun one for me. I got out my cello and bluegrass instruments. Whitt Townsend , a friend of mine did the upright bass and let me use his dobro to finish the song up. I really enjoyed trying to play it ..  Any suggestions for improvement will be Greatly appreciated.      Thanks for the listen ..   mark                        " Mix C"



Edited by mark skinner
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Fantastic! Kudos for using all traditional instruments. Great playing and great vocalist too.

On a tangent, have you seen the film Songcatcher from 2000? Interesting flick, starring Aidan Quinn & Janet McTeer, about a 1900s musicologist who discovers the "missing link" in a remote village in Appalacia, where traditional Scottish & Irish ballads have been preserved through generations of isolated mountain musicians. Worth watching for the soundtrack alone. This song would've been a perfect fit.

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Hey Mark . . . excellent playing,  and it's recorded / mixed  as near perfection as I can imagine . . . you really got that thing with the strings ! Also, really love the way you brought back that ghost of Mississippi from the dead (faded out) for one last rousing chorus. Like Jesse said . . . when the tour comes, I'll be there with my old school bic lighter for the encore.

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  On 1/17/2023 at 3:04 PM, Hidden Symmetry said:

Excellent, this sounds so good. Nailed everything, loved it. Release it.


Thank You , I'm Glad you enjoyed it. But .. (of course) after a few listens I had to go back in and make a few minor changes and do a little more work on the dobro.  I posted another link for mix "C". @DeeringAmps Thanks Tom for the listen and comment on Soundcloud. I Really appreciate it. @SuperFreq Thanks for taking time to listen and comment. I like fooling with a lot of instruments I can't really play. There's even a dulcimer in there somewhere. I haven't seen the Songcatcher movie but it sounds like something I would enjoy. I'm gonna try and stream it. @KSband Thanks , I've had a banjo for a few years but never play it. I've used it once on another song. My hillbilly brother suggested this song for me. @Jesse Screed I don't think they would let me "comp" everything live and on tour. @noynekker Thank You Bruce , If it's got a string on it , I'll at least try to make something of it.  My fishing rod's next ..   Thank again Everybody !      mark 

Edited by mark skinner
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Great sound Mark.  Very interesting mix because every instrument is clear, the arrangement has a lot of movement, especially in headphones.  You do a nice job on the vocal and it sits well in the mix.  As the announcer says in the GMC truck commercial, "this is professional quality".  Love the double fade out.

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  On 1/19/2023 at 12:46 AM, Jesse Screed said:

OK, maybe I'll load up the bus and come see you

Where do you live, just in case?

(I am a peaceful sort)


Jesse , I'd Love it ..  I'm in N Alabama not far from Mississippi. The cover photo was taken from my pasture fence. I might as well be in the Delta. @Jim Fogle I appreciate it. I can't take credit for the double fade out , as it was in the original. I think I will adjust it later though. I caught a response from @Lord Tim about how to create an S type fade that it really needs. Already a long song and the fades put it past the 6 min mark , but I couldn't stop. @steve@baselines.com Thanks for commenting. Yeah , I pretty much had to rebuild the old banjo just to use it.. @PhonoBrainer  "Thanks" for the suggestion. When I redo the fade's , I'll take a Close look at the bass and Vox levels.     Thank You  . If I make any changes I won't bump it up but will include Mix "D" on the post .       mark

Edited by mark skinner
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