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Everything posted by Bristol_Jonesey

  1. I know you said in your first post that you've checked you haven't pressed the Pause/Break key inadvertently, but have you checked the Scroll Lock Key?
  2. Using Ripple Edit is the best way to remove "dead" space.
  3. Sounds like a sample rate mismatch to me.
  4. Freeze will convert your midi into audio, disconnect the synth leaving pure audio. If you need to go back and change anything midi related, just unfreeze it.
  5. Project Name is included by default if you go File > Export > Audio
  6. And what is the output of the Master set to?
  7. I would agree In my experience, Defender is pretty transparent, doesn't intrude at all and is generally not a resource hog
  8. This is what you said. You also said it was fine when just ,midi I asked what happens when it's just audio (.wav)
  9. Yes, I agree with Lord Tim. Export as a wav first, verify that it's ok, the use that to convert to MP3
  10. Graphics driver? Just thinking out loud...........
  11. Not seeing this here Keni. All obey the same logic as for other control-grouped controls
  12. Check the outputs of your busses - where are they going? It sounds like the reverb buss is going somewhere different to the others. They should all be going to your Master bus and from there to your Interface/Main Outs/Hardware
  13. You're asking a lot of your computer to be able to handle opening this many projects without getting glitches - which you are. Please list your FULL system specs which will help
  14. A reasonable price is what a given user is prepared to pay.
  15. I wonder what OS will be supported? My studio computer will not upgrade to WIN11 so I'm stuck on 10
  16. Open up the synth Top right hand corner there is a little keyboard with the caption "Give all keystrokes to plugin"
  17. Just to be clear: Delete it from the FX bin Right click the clip you want to work on Choose Region FX > Melodyne Do your magic and then render the clip Save, then export Is this a fully paid version of Melodyne?
  18. Having Melodyne in the Fx bin sort of stands out It should be applied as a Region FX and rendered after using it
  19. So what happens if open the same project from within Cakewalk?
  20. There is a limit regarding just how much of a project that can be displayed on one screen. My album project which runs to about 140 minutes will only show the first 20 of the 21 songs. So if your import is any further down the timeline this could well be the reason
  21. With Ripple Edit you don't need to delete special with Delete hole any more
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