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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Happens often here. No single diagnosis yet. Long shots but try these: 1. If the Taskbar MIDI Activity Monitor looks frozen, uncheck it: Preferences > Customization > Display > Show MIDI Activity on Windows Taskbar 2. Check for ghost drivers (faded entries that report "Currently this hardware is not connected to the computer") and remove* them in: Device Manager > Sound, video, and game controllers Device Manager > Universal Serial Bus controllers *Only remove if they're not for known hardware that's currently disconnected, like an external harddrive.
  2. My issues are more so with CbB/Sonar OCASSIONALLY not sending data out to my outboard gear, which is routed thru a micro lite MIDI interface connected directly into the computer's USB. Two scenarios happen: 1. CbB shows output activity. The interface shows output activity to the gear. The gear doesn't respond. 2. CbB shows output activity. The interface doesn't. The gear doesn't respond. Rebooting the system several times will eventually fix it. I also have an external USB harddrive that repeatedly drops connection after hours of use - but I think it's to blame for that
  3. "I have tried different scalings on the external screen. Does not change anything." Right. As far as I can tell you issue is a Windows 11 bug that MS will have to fix. Windows 10 shows the icons in both scenarios. Unless you've bound D to another function in Preferences, you should still be able to hit D to hide/show MultiDock on either screen.
  4. It may be stuck in Background Processes. Open Task Manager and look for it there. If so, try rebooting the system.
  5. At 1st glance this window was so unintuitive I had no idea what it was for or how to use it. Promidi's explanation made me look closer. FWIW, sadicus' post should be in Tutorials.
  6. ... or delete them. Thanks Promidi. I never knew how to use Edit > Select > By Filter before. It will make editing and deleting entire cc lanes more definite. My feature request was to add Select all to the cc lane's right-click menu to highlight the entire lane, which would be more intuitive for most users.
  7. Click the 3 vertical dots top right corner of you phone's browser (Google, Chrome, etc.). Go to bottom of list and select Desktop Site. Use fingers to zoom in. When not in Desktop mode you can turn your phone landscape (if rotation is enabled) and the sign in link will appear. You just can't sign out afterward.
  8. Events = nodes = triggers. CC64's are usually all the way up (127) for ON and all the way down (0) for OFF. Selecting them can be tricky. There's currently no way to easily select an entire cc lane all at once but I've requested it. Zoom way out and drag mouse UP across top 1/2 of the cc lane. Then hold Ctrl and drag DOWN across bottom 1/2 to select all cc's. Then hit Delete. This pic may help:
  9. Right. At any rate I think I've isolated the issue to Windows 11 itself.
  10. Right. The laptop screen uses onboard Intel video while external screen uses nVidia. Typical of gaming laptops. Mine are set to different resolutions and scaling w/o any real issues.
  11. CC lanes only appear when there's data on them. Each CC lane may be on different channels (1-16, as Promidi mentioned). Delete all data on lanes you don't want and lanes will disappear. 1. Select data (right-click & drag) 2. Hit Del key Move data to lane you want to keep 1. Select data (right-click & drag) 2. Right-click CC name of lane to keep in left panel 3. Select Move Selected Values to this Lane
  12. Just discovered if I click on the Taskbar CbB icon three times, the view icons miraculously appear. This might be a Windows bug where MultiDock -as a "child window" - isn't being recognized properly by Windows 11 when displayed in the main view. Or could also be an allergic reaction from the system using separate video drivers for each screen. Still wondering why the "D" key isn't working for you, tho. I'll check this out on Windows 10 later. EDIT: Windows 10 behaves as expected so this is most likely a Windows 11 issue.
  13. @Peter Mangold Sorry it didn't work. My Win11 dual screen setup behaves the same way (no view icons lower left corner when MultiDock is main screened). However, I can hit "D" and the MultiDock will appear/disappear each time. @User 905133 Don't know about Peter's setup but my laptop uses separate video for external screens and they can operate together at different settings.
  14. What I'm not liking about this is when I hit D key I would expect focus to toggle between Track View and MultiDock - just like it does when they are both in the main window. Instead it moves focus to Track View and never again back to MultiDock window when it's reopened.
  15. "Minimize" makes it disappear to the Task Bar. Your screenshot shows it to be just that. The 3 view states are 1. Minimize (minus icon), 2. Restore/Maximize (floating or full view icon), 3. Close (X icon). Click either floating or full screen icon to "restore" it to the screen. You can also hit D key for same results. FWIW, some closing/opening routines don't seem to always work as expected. Shift+D does nothing in a 2 screen scenario for me either.
  16. Current small Select Module: New small Select Module:
  17. Welcome to the 1%ers club. Membership is free. I'm also constantly faced with CbB not Tx-ing MIDI to my outboard devices. It's an odd Stack Flow issue: odds are all stacked against me. 1. Flaky Windows 11 laptop - probably dropped in the warehouse before I bought it. 2. Bad internal USB connectivity 3. Working with old .wrk and X1 projects in CbB 4.Using old outboard synths 5. I'm a low level Slider - one who affects electronics negatively I did find a post from the old forum describing my issues, tho. http://forum.cakewalk.com/MIDI-Activity-icon-on-Windows-Taskbar-m3532498.aspx His remedy to shut off the MIDI monitor wasn't 100% for me but may help.
  18. @JohnnyV Your video doesn't seem to address this specifically. It caught me a while back and was helped by forum members to fix it. It happens when one floats a view and disables floating, then maximizes it, then forgets he had done that. It also happens when one opens a pre-X series or pre-MultiDock project. A clue to the scenario is the top far right red padlock next to the view state buttons. There's no real way to figure it out without help. At least, I haven't found anything in the manual like the example I posted.
  19. 1. Click the top right middle Restore button - This will float the PRV 2. Click PRV window's top left piano key icon and select Dock in MultiDock - PRV is now in the MultiDock 3. Click PRV window's top right middle Maximize button - View should be restored to normal
  20. Probably your WORKSPACE - currently set to "Basic". Set it to "None" or drag the PRV window back to the Multidock and let go of the mouse when it turns blue - then save the current Workspace.
  21. When I select several MIDI tracks and hold Ctrl while changing the Input of one of them, only 1 or 2 of the track inputs actually change. Initially it doesn't work but after changing each selected track individually it will work the next time I do it.
  22. 99% of the time it isn't a plugin - for me. CbB can "crash" (if "crash" means any kind of upset) at will... new empty project, no plugins, no nuthin', CbB will either close on it's own or refuse to reopen when manually closed. It absolutely loves hanging out in Background Processes (where it doesn't belong) when closed improperly, requiring one to either log out of Windows or reboot the system. In this case it seems like a breakdown in communication with host hardware/software.... or something USB related.
  23. Then Windows Update comes along and decides to reset the default to my interface w/o me knowing and I'm resetting things that should be left alone. ?
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