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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. Currently some controls require different routines for the same action. Consistency speeds proficiency. Requests: 1. 1xClick ALL Value Windows to enter values. Like Control Bar does 2. 2xClick ALL Knobs & Sliders/Faders to -0- 3. Scroll Wheel to change values up & down (knobs & faders do. values can too) 4. Slow 2xClick Knobs & Sliders/Faders to enter values when no Value Window available OR - 2xClick top half to enter values & bottom half to -0- Current routines: Console strip Pan values: (1) Turn the Knob (scroll wheel or mouse drag) (2xClick returns to -0-) (2) 1xClick the Knob and hit ENTER. (never knew this) (3) 1xClick the Value Window and hit F2 - Clicking on the Value Window does nothing. Console strip Volume values: (1) Slide the Fader (scroll wheel or mouse drag) (2xClick returns to -0-) (2) 2xClick the Value Window (nice) (3) 1xClick the Value Window and hit ENTER. (never knew this) (4) 1xClick the Value Window and hit F2 Track View values: (1) Scroll Wheel or Mouse drag the Value Sliders. (2) 1xClick the Value Window and hit F2 Control Bar values: (1) 1xClick the Value Window (nicer) Until today, I didn't know Pan values could be entered manually. Because of Dissimilar Command Routines, what else am I missing?! (edited)
  2. Check View > Display > Maximize Waveform Height (or show clip headers) = buttons Uncheck View > Display > Maximize Waveform Height (or hide clip headers) = no buttons
  3. Some MIDI instruments respond to the Track Inspector's Chorus/Reverb module.
  4. Whatever do you mean??!? The java script version ( jKnobMan ) has the Win11 font issues. I've been using it since the Windows version didn't work in Win7-10. For some reason it IS working in Win11 aaand it accepts all fonts as installed. There's also a web based and a 3D version, so I'll be ok, .... I'm sure. Seems g2OÕkg (ITHRN) hasn't been on his forum since 2019, so unlikely to hear from him.
  5. Any users of Knobman know how to contact the author? I see no Contact links on his website. Problem: Since Windows 11, some fonts no longer show up in the jKnobman font list making a few of my knobs unusable.
  6. Noticed the Demo Projects file info displayed in the Start Screen isn't consistent with actual file info. I have never opened or edited any of them yet it implies I did yesterday.
  7. All Audio Tracks may be an alternative. Currently it seems Entire Mix is referring to the entire project length of all audio tracks within the project itself. It includes unfrozen synth/MIDI/instrument tracks and FX but no outboard sounds or outboard FX unless they are recorded onto a track 1st.
  8. Make sure you installed the 64 bit version as most X series required separate 32 & 64 installs.
  9. This normally works, but there are times when mystery phantom data lurks undetectably and the track or entire collection of clips has to be deleted to eradicate the free radicals.
  10. I would assume this is intended - Start Screen follows the main GUI when opened. Another thing that happens is if an instance of Sonar is open before I open CbB, the CbB Start Screen will NOT open at all. So the two start screens are somehow interfering with, or sharing resources.
  11. Yes. You can open CbB (or any program) by double clicking a file or project made by it. However, this method bypasses the Start Screen so it never even opens. Dragging a project to CbB when already open with Start Screen seems to ignore the Start Screen and it stays open.
  12. I've never seen just the top lights (A) flashing. Normally the meters also show activity. I once reported on a bizarre instance where all the meters were bouncing up & down when the transport was stopped. It was a project glitch that hasn't happened since.
  13. Thanks. Forgot I recently selected Generate Scan Log in Preferences. Makes sense this one waits for you to close it.
  14. Lately VST Scan Toast messages haven't been closing after showing. They remain indefinitely. Preferences Timeout is 2 sec.
  15. No. Colored but not color coded. Someone posted in Feedback Forum requesting it, tho.
  16. I have Sonar 8.3 on this system so I'll have to compare it with CbB. Edit: Took 5 sec to Process>Length 200% the same 6 min clip here, as opposed to 8 sec with CbB. So CbB is slower than old Sonar, but I think it uses a different process.
  17. Outrage out times me, but he has better system specs. Mine: Win 11 laptop Intel i7 12700H 2.3GHz 16GB ram
  18. I repeated your scenario with a 6 min mono audio clip using Elastic Pro and it took 8 sec. However, for some reason when I tried to bounce the processed clip I got a "Catastrophic failure" error. "Process>Length" may not need to be bounced but it shouldn't flash an error either. So I slip-stretched it 200% and bounced it... took 10 sec. These times may be slower than Reaper but not unreasonable IMO. (worth about -0.2¢) There's no doubt "newer" DAWs are more efficient at handling certain tasks, but the times I'm seeing in this thread are far from normal for Sonar/CbB. Are you running Reaper and CbB at the same time? Try closing all other programs, including antivirus, before processing or exporting.
  19. I'm curious as I haven't experienced slow behavior. Just bounced a single 5 min audio clip in less than 2 sec. Then I Exported a 6 min song with 8 audio tracks and NO plugins in less than 4 sec. Result was a 100 MB wave file. Then I Exported a similar 6 min song with 7 unrendered softsynths and 3 plugins in less than 1 min. All @48/24. Same song Exported to highest quality mp3 took 1:15 min to make a 13 MB file. Rendering, Freezing and Bouncing individual clips/tracks & plugins 1st should speed up the Export process. There may also be other background processes going on affecting the slow down.
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