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Everything posted by sjoens

  1. I use Alt+mouse wheel a lot to zoom in & out but it doesn't center correctly at first. When trying to zoom from Fit Project To Window to a specific point, no matter where I hold the cursor, the first 6 mouse wheel scroll ticks center on point -0- instead of the desired location, making it feel like I'm chasing a wet mouse until the 6th wheel tick when it finally centers on the desired location. Sonar X3 centers on the 3rd scroll tick so it's been around awhile and not improving with age.
  2. Not so straight forward but most updates are available on the Legacy Knowledge Base page. At the top of this page go to... Other Links > Cakewalk | Home > *CLICK HERE FOR LEGACY CAKEWALK ACCOUNT→* > Support > Knowledge Base *at the very top - or "Legacy Website" at the very bottom Type a word in the Terms box and click SEARCH button. If the link starts with "www" you need to change it to "legacy" for it to work. Most of your pre-CbB downloadable products are available here. Some are also available thru Command Center. Be careful downloading content from 3rd party sites.
  3. My mistake. I was dragging several selected audio clips from the same track so they all got bounced together during export causing the project name to occur. Clips names are retained when dragged individually. Clip name = "clip" if not named. MIDI clips always retain project - track - clip name - [#](#) regardless of action or bounced state. Clip name = "untitled clip" if not named. Original request edited.
  4. For some reason that doesn't happen here. Will look further into it.
  5. It's also been Feature Requested to have most or all Meter Options on one dialog window similar to the Track Control Manager window. Now THAT would be fun!
  6. But that won't show/hide the meters. One of the 3 top options in Options>Meter Options must be checked. Funny it's not an option in Track Control Manager. Not funny is having to reenter the menu for each setting you want changed.
  7. Thanks for the replies, will be checking them out. Also learning not all harpsichords sound the same so I may even sample one if it comes to that. I lean more for Renaissance sound. On another ♪, kind of amazed how nice some of the saxophones in Dimension Pro sound in a mix. Probably not so good soloed but my needs are pretty basic.
  8. There's a few in the Sonar/CbB offerings but they sound more like pianos and organs. Any recommendations for free or cheap authentic sounding plugins? William Dowd 1967 Italian harpsichord
  9. They won't be on your products page. You have to open the Support > Knowledge Base page and search for Sonar 8. I found 8.0.1, 8.0.2 and 8.3.1 updates there. They can be downloaded by fixing the links as per msmcleod above.
  10. Yeah, thanks MS. I thought there was a way to make them links work but the support team said the files weren't available. Before I only had to set the browser to allow insecure content to download, but that didn't work this time. BTW, your link reverts to the old link when the page opens so you have to manually change the www to legacy in the address bar after it does... then you see the file downloading and the URL revert back to www. Paulo, I don't think the main 8.0 installs were offered as a download, at least mine isn't. The updates were tho. EDIT: Home Studio 7.0.1 update is downloadable. Home Studio 7.0.2 update link defaults to Support main page.
  11. Yes... 8.3.1 was the final FREE update for version 8 and you must have 8.0 to apply it. 8.5 (instead of 9) was a paid upgrade, which can be confusing. I put a link to the KB article above.
  12. Anyone have or willing to share the 8.3.1 Update for Studio Edition? This was the last FREE update for version 8. I would be grateful as mine disappeared during a system crash years ago and never thought to redownload it. Cakewalk Support said they're ok with sharing since the legacy links are no longer active. https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/20090219/SONAR-8-3-1-Update Thanks in advance. EDIT: Thanks to msmcleod legacy links work when "legacy" is in the URL. Replace the "www" if it's not there.
  13. Thanks Bristol, I figure the pre-themeable Sonar versions show a link because they all share some of the same registry entries with SPlat. AFAIK, tho, it was always a separate program.
  14. After a fresh install of Windows 10 and Sonar X1 thru CbB apps I'm noticing some strange things, or is it my OCD again?: 1. Cakewalk Utilities Menu has no Theme Editor listing when it has a theme editor 2. Sonar X1 Utilities Menu has a Theme Editor listing when there is no theme editor for it 3. Plug-in Manager lists c:\Shared DXi\Dimension LE\Dimension LE.dll under VST Instruments (VSTi) not DX Instruments (DXi) 4. Plug-in Manager keeps rescanning failed plugins when that feature is unchecked in Options Quote
  15. EDITED: To better identify exported audio clips, request project - track - clip name - [#](#) format, same as MIDI clips. Current: 1. When dragging to export single audio clips, file name reflects ONLY the clip name (#). 2. When dragging to export multiple audio clips from one track, they are bounced together and file name changes to reflect ONLY the project name (#). clips: files: Which is which??
  16. When Gibson took over?? NI probably never be that generous as they occasionally offered big discounts to everyone. Mine was around $125.
  17. Are you still collecting minidumps? If so. for which versions? Thx
  18. Thanks for the links. Would have never found them myself. Despite having original install files and being "Activated" with all presets, my X1 version of Guitar Rig 4 LE has been DOA for some time. Every attempt to fix it thru NI failed. Followed your steps and it's all back. Nice thing about NI is their legacy app support.
  19. All I can say is since going back to Win10 I've had no typing issues.
  20. Was doing this almost daily as well. Especially when older projects contained the older BREVERB. It went thru a series of authorization changes when Gibson "crashed", but it shouldn't crash the entire DAW... Turns out it's in a lot of older projects, so I was constantly using Safe Mode AFTER CbB crashed. Kind of a messy hassle when a more friendly way of handling the issue is possible. So far the current install is an improvement from the last 8 years, so I'm hopeful it will continue to be.
  21. Just had my 1st CbB crash into Background Processes yesterday after a fresh Win10, harddrive reformatted, install using one (1) included, long standing Cakewalk plugin. This was happening almost daily before the new install. It then occurred to me that CbB, and maybe SPlat, are the only versions of Sonar that I've had crash into Background Processes forcing at least a Windows logoff - if not a reboot - to correct. I don't remember Sonar 7 thru X3 ever doing that, at least not as often, but they were also on different OS's. It makes one wonder if there's something inherently wrong going on under the hood with Windows 10/11 or CbB or both. Curious if they're still collecting minidumps on a nearly defunct program. I have 4 since 1/9/24.
  22. Just right-click > Properties and give yourself permission. Been doing that a lot since using Win 10 & 11.
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