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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. And they won't disable your magazine if you cancel the subscription
  2. Don't those mean the same thing? Don't export as Midi vs Save as Midi? Ok, I am sure they don't but what is the difference. MIDI 0 vs MIDI 1?
  3. I did the same thing. I'll watch for it. I doubt it's anything nefarious.
  4. They already have. Whether Bandlab adds a one time payment or a cheaper price for those of us that don't want Bandlab remains to be seen.
  5. SoundCloud, Landr and Jango are in the same boat. You pay money and effective get nothing out of it. If you want to be heard you have to play live. And yeah, the content is often pretty unmusical.
  6. Some early form of Asian Gaelic. I’ve heard about it.
  7. Yeah, it’s hard to say what’s really going on. It sounds like they are still tweaking stuff but maybe Bandlab is flinching. We can all get it now at the Backstage pricing. Assume that’s final until Bandlab says otherwise. I agree. All of these pricing and release questions need to be sent to Bandlab directly. We shouldn’t expect the developers to pass them on to Bandlab. Find an email for Bandlab and sent it there.
  8. Long term pricing has not been announced. Right now you can play with Sonar via the Backstage pass. There is also no indication of the "official" launch date.
  9. But it lacks Doug Ingle’s Vox Continental settings! ?
  10. Knowing the developers, if they can squeeze out some last minute fixes, they'll do it.
  11. Only installed VST3 effects and instruments? Pre CbB don’t like that. I fired up Sonar 8 and found it would load everything but not a single VST since they were all VST3. A quick install of VST and they loaded. interestingly I realized I can do 99% of what I do now in C8. Now if Melodyne 5 wasn’t VST3 …
  12. I was making a joke without sufficient planning.
  13. Well I still have some opinions on your comment!?
  14. Cakewalk like most DAWs have to display a ton of buttons and controls. I don’t think there is any resolution where they don’t look crowded. The new Sonar is sharper to me. I’m too running a pair of HP 27” at 1920. However the themes aren’t at all helpful.
  15. The developers have all but said openly that the pricing is out of their hands so they really aren't the ones to approach. I believe there is zero hope that any logic or offer from us will change Bandlab's mind but you need to go straight to Bandlab and let the developers do their work. Now if Sonar fails, Bandlab might release it to everyone like the older Sonar. Ya never know. But hey, Bandlab hasn't said "This is the final pricing offer and you need to just shut up." Yes, the current Backdoor pricing is very likely the final pricing but until they say "This is it." Maybe there will be a one time offer for either CbB or Sonar. I'm hoping we know by June.
  16. Nothing is a fluke in my life. It's all self-inflicted.
  17. I’ve pretty much wrapped up my first look at Sonar. It works but needs more UI refinement. I don’t have a 1920+ resolution display to test but from the comments that part sounds encouraging. But nothing has made me want to open Sonar over CbB. I’ve let my three day trial expire but I’ll revisit Sonar once it’s closer to being finalized. I have a better sense of the cost now.
  18. Thanks David, we effectively did that and it was fine. It's a weird one.
  19. I just ran into this today. I was listening to an export mix and it sounded as if one channel's phase is flipped. It sounds fine in playing Cakewalk but an export has one channel inverted. I split the stereo and reversed one channel and it's corrected. I tried turning off all effects and it didn't change. I also removed the LP-64 Multi-band from the master bus and it's still reversed. I also turned off Multiprocessing and Plug-in load balancing and it didn't change (per an old Noel comment.) Is there some place in Cakewalk where you can invert the phase of a single channel during export? I looked everywhere.
  20. When I arm the first track for recording, it is no longer possible to disarm it. Here's the scenario: 1) Creating the first audio track of a project 2) Arm this track for recording (enable recording) 3) Create a second audio track and enable recording 4) Try to turn off the recording for the first track; No matter how you use it, it doesn't work. 5) Try to turn off the recording for the second track; This works for the second track Cakewalk Sonar version: 2024.03 (Build 388, 64 bit) Do you have a solution? In my best Gaelic: Donc, cliquer sur le bouton rouge sur la piste ou sur le bouton rouge en haut dans la barre de contrôle ne l'éteindra pas? Essayez-vous de Allumez-le ou éteignez-le pendant que le transport est en cours? Si vous voulez le faire, vous devez l'activer dans Édition>Préférence>Projet>Enregistrement>Autoriser les changements de bras pendant la lecture/l'enregistrement.
  21. Dang, that's right. I'll strike it out. Thanks!
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