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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. I expect this to be resolved in Sonar with the new interface. One of the developers mentioned that scaling limitations was something they wanted to correct.
  2. We used a pair of Dokorder 7140's with modded capstans to run 15ips. Worked great for what they were. We moved to a pair of synced Sansui 6-tracks. Worked ok with noise reduction but was never going to be pro sounding. Tascam T80-8 was nice but really the same as the Dokorder - just on one transport. Eventually switched to ADATs and then multitrack DAW. I took CbB being free as a gift for the time it's lasted. Can't complain. I do hope Sonar meets my need (function and cost.) If not, there are other options. I am certainly hopefully but I've been fooled before.
  3. I agree. The Sonar/Next announcement in hindsight seems a bit early. I don't think a 4 month+ heads up did anyone any good. But if you want to see it, you gotta wait. So as suggested, I've gone and done other things. When they finally show up I'll take a look.
  4. We waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.
  5. As long as they are similar to something Kate Middleton wears and I can get them cheaper. But hey, that's just me
  6. I'm running that PreSonus driver in Cakewalk in ASIO mode without any issues. Are you sure to had the correct box checked when you installed the driver? If in doubt, click them all and let it install them. Sure, most won't get used but they are small and you'll be sure to have one that works for your interface.
  7. Used it a lot today with no issues. Clearly a supernatural issue then.
  8. I've seen two new issues that I haven't seen before. 1. Melody (Studio) will stop responding to mouse control such as moving a blob or changing functions. I can still control Cakewalk itself. I have to close the region and reopen. It will work for awhile (hours) and then stop responding again. I left it once for an hour and it never came back. 2. I've had Cakewalk lock up and stop responding. No errors or crashes. You can't do anything and have to kill the processes and restart. Obviously both of these could be totally unrelated to the update but nothing has otherwise changed. If I can find a way to reproduce them I will submit.
  9. I’ve seen this happen too. I believe I posted in another thread. Freezing the track caused it to shift in time enough that it was flat out of time with the music. Unfreeze and it moved back. Back and forth. I never figured out why but closing the project and reopening it seemed to fix it. In my case over sampling, FX on/off, or VST didn’t appear to matter. It’s rare but I still see it. I also made sure it wasn’t related to my tendency to accidental move the clip when I go to open the clip properties window.
  10. I tested this again and can have Ezkey, Ezkeys 2, EzDrummer 2 and EzDrummer 3 windows all open at the same time by pinning them. I also opened Mellotoon and Cinematic in two different instances and both can be pinned. So as stated above you might have the "Recycle Plug-In Windows" enabled in Preferences>VST Settings.General>Recycle Plug-in WIndows. If so, Cakewalk will close any new VST windows unless you "Pin" it by clicking the push-pin icon on the top right of the window.
  11. Sure but what about those of us that WANT to buy a cheaper version of a shoe that Kate Middleton wears?
  12. I just thought it was bizarre wording. I'm not looking to solve it. There's no need to research it.
  13. Who knows! Lol. I have zero plans on pursuing it. It's right up there with Spice "Oh Shit #2"
  14. Cakewalk.exe - Application Error "The exception unknown software exception (0xe06d7363) occurred in the application at location 0x00007FFF24F7CF19." See, I've been trying to warn about this for YEARS. Do they listen? Nooooo..... Looks like a Windows 10 complaint. No, I ain't even going to bother sending it in.
  15. I have Sonitus Reverb occasionally go stupid on me. I've learned to NEVER change settings while the song is playing. It will pop and max the meters never to return until I shutdown Cakewalk and or remove it and insert again. But I too like it a lot and will keep using it. I have plenty of other reverbs but Sonitus gives me a nice full reverb with pre-delay that is easy to use. Just .. don't .. change .. settings.
  16. See if Melda Productions MAutopitch is still free. Watch the formant. A little goes a long way. You could also try Transposing Audio.
  17. I never figured out why the buffer size changed it. I have my suspicions but I've learn that the complexities often go way beyond logic. This what it took and it's been the solution ever since. Same with some Arturia plugins like the Augmented plugins. It works. I'm happy. The performance meters are very helpful but it's unwise to try and draw too much conclusion from them. Once you start seeing them getting "busy" and you have crackling/cutouts/noise, start freezing (or bouncing) and nail down which track/affect it is. I'm glad they are available though. It's an indicator to start checking your CPU load. And heaven knows I can load the living %&$* out of it. Some plugins are just brutal. So where is the new Cakewalk release?
  18. They're trying to create a new revenue stream. It will take time. So far, we aren't a revenue stream.
  19. I worked with early Ambisonic back in the 70's. Sounds like it's improved a lot. I haven't heard of anyone here working with it, but here's a bump just in case.
  20. I came across this and figured I should give the answer: The CPU can’t keep up. Bounce the harmonizer track to another track (just freezing it won’t include any midi control.) Melda MHarmonizor like Waves and many other plugins are CPU hogs. My i7 can’t keep up. Don’t go by the CPU performance bars. They can’t tell the whole story fast enough for you to determine the CPU is being beat to death.
  21. I've been fighting an issue with the surround panner mouse being jerky and slow when the tracks are playing. Stopped, it's fine but once I start playback the panner is very slow. After messing with far too many thing I came upon your comments. Lo and behold, raising the Vertical Zoom factor to anything above 1 (like 1.001) stopped the jerkiness. Not sure why but I am thankful I came upon your comments. If I figure out the "why" I'll post it.
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