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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Asking for clarification of this ^^^^. Are you saying that 25 new modules were added to CV-1 but only 6 of those are new to CV-2?
  2. https://www.crackle.com/watch/8ff12fe0-faa6-49b0-8ce5-5196171984a5/the-big-interview-with-dan-rather/dickey-betts
  3. This statement reminds of several times throughout my life when some individuals told me they were choosing to believe what they wanted to believe about what others said I did regardless of the truth. Nowadays, sometimes I respond when this kind of thing happens, but many times I remain silent. Your claim "Silence is consent" in my opinion is generally untrue. JMO: This statement was included as an insult. You can choose to believe what you want without regard to the truth, but IMO you should not lob insults.
  4. According to this SONAR Professional dates to the era of SONAR Platinum, which came after the SONAR X1 product.
  5. If you have the free version Analog Lab Play, you could try exploring the Tribute expansion packs (use the search term "tribute" here before your purchase (possibly on one of the 50% off sales) to see if they would meet your needs.
  6. (1) I cannot speak for others. (2) If you are trying to claim this is my position, I highly recommend you rethink this in the context of my posts in this thread as well as in other related threads. (3) To be clear, I never thought (or said) that a "complete overhaul . . . ." was required. (4) As regards the issue of adding additional methods/workflow options to delete markers, so far as I can see, I never opposed that. For example, see the "JMO" sections here:
  7. Thanks for starting the discussion and for your very thoughtful replies. I would agree that anthropomorphizing the software to be saying "Read My Mind and if you can't you are rather Dumb" could be considered as a bit of a stretched exaggeration. For what it's worth, yesterday I wrote up the following and decided not to post it. It was in my edit buffer, and after seeing all the new comments thought it might be good to include: I can easily imagine that changing the current procedures (described above), so that a marker can be deleted without having to select the marker (by holding the left click button down to delete) might accidentally introduce what could be called a "regression bug." To be clear, what you call my "defense of the status quo" was not merely for the sake of just keeping the status quo. In my view things should not be kept, changed, or removed simply for their own sake independent of consequences, functionality, etc.
  8. In almost 100% of the cases where I saw that message, another piece of software (such as a utility program) was using the port. TIP: You can put a phrase in quotation marks in the Forum Search Bar and set the scope to Everywhere. Here are the results I got from looking up "not enough memory." There might be other causes. Also, you can look for posts from people whose explanations you like.
  9. Sorry, I still don't see what the problem is. I used the markers extensively several years ago to mark up several digitized oral history tapes. Part of the process involved entering the words of the speaker [and sometimes comments] to mark potential edit points. When the initial or added markers needed to be moved, it was a simple task to left-click on the flag at the top of the marker, hold the mouse button down, and slide it left or right. To me, the parallel vertical lines with the left- and right-pointing arrows is a very sensical icon that let me know when I had grabbed the marker and it was safe to move it. Maybe it took me a few tries to get it right the first time, but after that I had acquired eye-hand coordination that I didn't have to think about the meaning of the lines+arrows. Holding the left mouse button down means that marker is selected for whatever action I want to take. Most of the times it was sliding the marker left or right. But if I wanted to delete the marker that was selected, I could press the Del key. Sorry, but if you want to say something is or isn't intuitive, this is a poor example. Intuition is based on one's personal experience. Experience isn't what happens to a person, it's what a person does with knowledge and understanding of those things the person observes. To me after the first 3 or 4 times I tried, editing markers became transparent to my brain. My eyes saw the icon change, I automatically knew I had hold of the marker, and my hands did what I willed them to do (move the marker left, right, or deleted it). The icon is intuitive to anyone who observes that the parallel lines+arrows allows them to do something with the markers--either move the marker left or right. Implied by holding the left mouse button down is selection (this item has been selected for some operation). The Del button is commonly accepted to mean "Delete." Computer usage implies that a selected item would be deleted by pressing the Del button. I suppose if the icon would switch between the parallel lines+arrows and a pair of scissors, you might say that would make the icon and process of deleting the marker more intuitive? Sorry, but I think making the moving and deletion of markers more "normal" (whatever that would be--having to use a dialog box???) would be very destructive of what for me is a very intuitive process that maximizes workflow efficiency.
  10. It depends who you mean by "we." Some forum members knew from reading posts; some people might not have read the posts.
  11. Forgive an analogy: As a pedestrian I learned decades ago when crossing a side street that has a stop sign for cars, many drivers will look left to see if there are cars coming on the main road and then sweep their eyes right to see if it is "safe" from that direction and will totally miss that a pedestrian in crossing right in front of them. In my opinion when people are learning robust software (such as Cakewalk/SONAR/CbB) many are like the drivers--looking to see where they want to go. However, the workflow road signs (very consistent and specific cursors) are there to help. Based on decades of experience, for me they are extremely helpful in navigating the software, though it is easy to ignore the signs. Even though I have used the software since Cakewalk for MS DOS, when I teach myself new features, I find it very helpful to understand and pay attention to the cursor changes. Hope this helps.
  12. Cakewalk/SONAR/Cakewalk by Bandlab uses a variety of cursors to clue users into many things, such as focus, working mode, possible actions, etc. I can't speak for the developers, but as a long-time user, paying attention to the cursor changes and developing an automatic/intuitive sense of the workflow based on the cursor changes is essential, helps navigate the robust UI, "paves" an otherwise bumpy "learning curve" for those who just want to speed through using the software by pushing the pedal to the metal, etc. I have found that automatic workflows (i.e., a sense of personal usage and "intuition") are made automatic because of the visual clues. In my experience, Windows' built-in screen capture does not capture the various cursors. I don't know if there are third-party utilities that do.
  13. So far the specific Browser enhancements mentioned are: A system of stars (or hearts or whatever) to have a one-click setting of "Favorites." Images of plug-ins, presumably in the browser lists/menus instead of icons to designate the plug-in formats (VST, VST3, DXi). Putting the search field in focus when opening the Browser buttons (Instruments, Audio FX, etc.). Not agreeing or disagreeing right now, but I think if there are to be requests for enhancements it would be good to be specific.
  14. User 905133


    Just heard this while listening to your Sound Cloud Channel. My kind of music! Well done!! I like the others, too, but for me this is very personally relatable. Happy Music!!!!!!
  15. @Starship Krupa Is it possible you got it previously? I did, so I don't have an option to get a code for the reward. In my plugin boutique account, I used the search bar using "objeq" and there it was. I am pretty sure at one point I had two Objeq Delays, but my AAS account only has one license. I might have turned one in along with some duplicates several years ago for a deal on the full slate of AAS packs. Maybe someone else has a duplicate Objeq Delay for all your service to the community?
  16. You can edit/resave your existing personalized Workspaces to include the Navigator. No need to start all over building them. To add the Navigator to the Views Menu: Load a Workspace, Open the Workspace Manager, Open Views on the left side (Show in GUI), Put a check in Navigator, Save the Workspace. The default Alt+N should work. Also, the Track View's View Tab will have the Navigator Show/Hide toggle/check mark. I just took my "NO VIEWS" Workspace, enabled the Navigator View/Function as above, then used Alt+N to show the Navigator in the Track View and saved that. It worked for me.
  17. I don't use it, but I have played with the category assignment features. There's also the Cakewalk Plug-in Manager. We can Sort by Category and choose to assign plug-ins to categories of our own choice--even one called FAVORITES. For example we can search the list for plug-ins by name and assign each to an existing category or use one of our own. Even though I now prefer remembering my favorites either by Manufacturer or by Type, I found the features we have been given to be flexible and easy to use. UPDATE: I found a few Instruments were listed as Uncategorized. As a test, I changed two to Favorites. Then I found two that were categorized as Synths and added Favorites to them (probably what you would call tagging?). So now those last two are still in the Synth Category, but also in my Favorites List.
  18. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/eclipse-glasses-fake-counterfeit/
  19. The way I have read all the public posts, the Backstage Pass is the alternative way to pay for, download, and run the current early access versions of Cakewalk Sonar and Cakewalk Next. There is also a way to download, run, and not pay for the early access versions that don't allow people to save their work-in-progress. So far as I have seen there has been no announcement of an official release and pricing options for what will be the commercial products.** **UPDATE: 2024 JUNE 14 [two months + later]: There has been a recent update announcement / press release which has started to be discussed in a number of threads, including this one (a page or two down). See also: To me it looks like more update announcements are expected.
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