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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Long shot: I have seen products with drivers that don't support more than a certain number of instances of the same product. One used to require a second driver installation for a second instance of the same hardware. Another product would allow Windows to see and keep straight two instances of the same product. Any more than two and windows got confused (and so did software that relies of how Windows enumerates, registers, and reports devices). I don't know about the M-Audio Keystation61 MK3, but if I were trying to use two and got the message you got, that's what I would look into. One thing I would do is use an old tool called MIDI-OX as a simple way to see if Windows is seeing the two identical devices. If not, I would look at the manufacturer's forum, ask tech support, and Google the driver issue. I'd probably watch to see what Device Manager does when each identical device is plugged in.
  2. Not at all the way I read it. It means that you will be responsible for keeping the rug clean on your own. If you, or MS, or a plug-in maker changes something, the team will no longer try to patch it for you and roll that into a new version for everyone. I could be wrong, but they are not pulling the rug out. The last time I checked all my versions of SONAR still worked. All of those have been discontinued. UPDATE: I stand corrected. Based on the latest information it does seem like CbB 2023.09 (1) will indeed need to be reactivated and (2) at some point (undetermined as of now) CbB will no longer function at all. So far as I can see at the moment, it is unclear if owners of pre-SONAR Platinum licenses will be able to install and use those products.
  3. Sometimes it actually is the tool, when the tool is trash. (I definitely am not referring to Harrison's ukulele or playing. I loved all the members of The Beatles). OK. I'll take your word on it. Aside: I have bought some things that some forum members praised and concluded that their standards of what was praiseworthy were very different from mine (i.e., for my needs the products were a waste of money).
  4. Did you contact Arturia support? I have often had success with their suggestions, although if the first solution they offer doesn't work, I have found that updating the ticket with the details can narrow it down to a solution that works on my system.
  5. This makes sense. Thank you for your service!
  6. The nice thing about cheap emulations is you can have a dozen or more variants for the cost of the original.
  7. It's not the tool, it's how you use it. https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/beatles-george-harrison-tom-petty-ukulele-story/
  8. Third-party video, cued up to a brief demo of the Delay function. TIPS for help with the Channel Tools plug-in: Click on the Cakewalk logo (lower left corner of the plug-in for a mini flow chart. Press F1 for the Channel Tools Online Help.
  9. Online Documentation > Included Plug-ins (Cakewalk Legacy Site) > Channel Tools entry
  10. Have you looked in the Cakewalk Reference Guide? There used to be a way to share stuff between the two. Let me see if I can find a link to that section in the Online Documentation. Does this help? As for integration with forthcoming Cakewalk products (Cakewalk Next and Cakewalk Sonar) you will have to wait until there is more information available. As for increased storage space, you might want to contact Bandlab help/support.
  11. I thought referral codes were only good for first time Melda customers.
  12. "Your download has been started, thanks for using SendGB" Thanks. My keyboard blocks the very bottom on my monitor.
  13. There are a number of videos on line (live performances)--I can't remember how many times over the past 5 or so years I have listened to at least to at least one version and/or a related documentary/interview. Happy Music!!!
  14. Yup. This is what some of us have been saying all along. Maybe this time . . . . Seven hours later . . . See how much fun it is when everyone gets to chime in? Thanks for proving my point, guys. ?
  15. Yup. This is what some of us have been saying all along. Maybe this time . . . .
  16. I agree that a poll is not needed. But as long as anxiety-ridden worry warts are using all sorts of manipulative tactics to try to get what they want, having a poll could be a fun, participatory thing that will get all the whiners to stop being so selfish in advocating for what they want. If you have seen some of my other posts, I previously articulated positions that reflects much of what you said (wait and see what happens before jumping to conclusions, trust the team that has previously shown respect and loyalty to SONAR/Cakewalk users, etc. Some forum member have agreed. However, some people that don't have the level of trust I have are being overly vocal IMO. A poll as I described would level the playing field by enabling everyone to voice their opinion and to do so without all the anxiety, negativity, etc. Who knows, maybe your reply will achieve the same end. If so, I'm cool with that!!! Clarification: I never intended for the poll to be used to make decisions--just to allow more people to voice their preferences and "to get it out of their systems."
  17. Could you clarify this ^^^^? It used to be that we purchased licenses for new versions of SONAR if we wanted or we could use the last version we paid for. For example, I paid for SONAR 3, SONAR 5, SONAR 6, SONAR 8.5, SONAR X1 (producer, expanded IIRC) and SONAR X3 (two versions, one for me and the Studio version for my kids' computer). IIRC under the Gibson "Lifetime Update" Promotion, that could be paid off over time, but was that available before? And let us all say, Amen!!!!
  18. Could someone please create a poll that allows forum members to rank order up to 5 preferences each for future Cakewalk products and purchase options with the maximum, minimum, and ideal price they would pay? Let's give everyone a voice, not just those who want to get a head start on their "I'm-naming-my-own-preferred-plan-and / or-price-publicly" posts. Thanks.
  19. Glad to see there's a modicum of optimism there. I think it can be a good strategy to cope with anxieties and doubts by preparing for the worst. I haven't checked my XP SP3 PC in a few years, but the last time I did, SONAR X1 still worked. Also on my agenda with all the comments from worry warts is to see if X1 and X3 will work under Windows 10 Pro. However, I gave up on using Cakewalk for MS-DOS and Cakewalk for Windows decades ago.
  20. If you get your wish, I am so out of here. There is no way I can afford that. That sucks out loud.
  21. Very glad to hear this!!! I am not up to speed with using Bandlab-the-App, but I see great potential for the integration. Hope all the Cakewalk tutorial makers are keeping tabs on the possibilities for using Cakewalk and Bandlab together! I'm already fantasizing a personal Workspace (or other feature) that would allow me use Cakewalk and Bandlab assuming the deeper integration might translate into GUI elements and underlying functionality. (Yeah, I know its an extremely long-shot, but if you can make it happen, it might turn into a quantum leap.) . . . . [Two Years Later] I chimed in on this thread over two years ago. I thought what I was saying and my motivation were clearly laid out. You seem to be implying that there is something underneath what people who chimed in were saying. Not sure what you are looking for based on your interest in a "psychological perspective," but I would be happy to elaborate on what I meant, my state of mind, my reasoning for the post, etc. two plus years ago.
  22. There have been posts about this--including speculation and posts from Cakewalk's CTO. Since this Topic is specifically for reporting issues with the Early Access Release, I will not post links to the comments from users.
  23. Sorry to see that you are sad about this. I have a limited amount of financial resources myself, so I do understand the struggles of others.
  24. I see two (count them two) types of brushes and a mallet. For that alone, I will install!!!
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