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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Its needed for a second or third or fourth monitor (however many your PC can support) that might be at a lower resolution than 3440x1440 px. ? My second monitor is 1600 x 900, so I don't have the problem you do. If I did have a larger resolution, I can easily see how the extra space strip could get used by sends, FX, etc. Its not in my budget, but now that I see the potential, it is now on my list of things to save up for. So, thanks for the suggestion.
  2. Thanks for sharing the tune and for the details on your technical and compositional strategies. I am very new to using Voltage Modular, but I find it to be extremely intuitive (probably based on my experiences from long ago). I will have to see if I have this module. As for the "rabbit hole," I know what you mean!! In fact this week I have been reliving memories from the day the synth rep gave a demo at my undergraduate college and two of us stayed to explore and were surprised when the janitor came in to clean the synth room the next morning. We had no idea it was that late--errr, early.
  3. Thanks for posting new screen shot. It confirms what I thought--that the audio you heard came from the Microsoft Synth which was serving as the default midi device to play the audio. Track two shows the Output [O] Track Control Widget is routing the midi data to "1McrsftG..." which is the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth. As Nigel pointed out, to have the midi data sent to the SI-Electric Piano software synth, you need to route the output of that track to the SI-Electric Piano. There are a number of ways to do that. ----------------------------------------------- P[references]:
  4. I asked because I have never had a midi track generate sound unless the midi data was routed to a sound source that plays midi data. Maybe by default it is pointed to the MS sound source. Can you post a screen shot that shows the midi widgets for each track? [I, O, C, B, P]
  5. Track 2 is a midi track. Are you routing Track 2 to a software synthesizer or an external sound module?
  6. As I understand it, Move in Staff View worked properly from Sonar 3 through Sonar X3. After that it seems to have gotten changed and the new behavior got passed on to Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  7. The other day, I only tested one software synth I have and was able to export two arps. I have not yet tested any others, but while it could be a midi routing issue with/within Cakewalk, it could be a function of (a) a specific software synth, (b) what a specific software synth "exposes", and/or (c) how Cakewalk treats those parameters, among other related issues. Not disagreeing that it must be a midi routing issue, just trying to identify possible sources for the problem. Over the past six or seven months I have been trying (without success) to get Cakewalk's Inspector-based Arpeggiator to do what I want and only recently discovered that there appears to have been some midi routing decisions made that impact where remote control midi data [aka midi learn data] gets sent (or not sent). So far I have not been able to find a midi routing/signal map/flow chart comparable to the level of the audio signal flow chart. Something like that might help many people sort out midi-related issues, including those related to automation.
  8. @Colin Nicholls Do you also get the anomaly I get here (upper right-Inspector Strip Tab Bar)? I have been using this (1) for the sake of variety and (2) to see if there are any color combinations I like and want to borrow. I had the Inspector collapsed on the right* and wanted to move it to the left but couldn't because of the layout issue. Also, I switched from a "None" Workspace to one where the Inspector is on the left and the display issue occurs there too. However, once I collapsed and reopened it, I got more evidence that some images (tabs) are amiss.** Also, for me the floating/undocked strip is problematic.*** Not sure if its me or an incompatibility with recent display element changes. If it is an incompatibility issue, it shouldn't be too hard to tweak if someone wants to use this theme. Any idea who designed it? Thanks. *Docked at right: **Docked at left: ***Floating/Undocked: Hmmmm. If this is indeed the minor incompatibility I suspect, it might make an excellent example to demonstrate step-by-step how to override a new Cakewalk theme format with a set of parameters of other theme parameters. UPDATE: Simple import-on-top method seems to work partially, but some other minor tweaks are evidently needed: UPDATE: Found what appears to be the original posting of the theme.
  9. Are you talking about the awkwardness issue discussed in the thread that includes this?
  10. I have several versions of the three files (z3ta+.dll, z3ta+_fx.dll, z3ta+_fx2.dll) on my PC. For one set, they are all 984 KB. Another set ranges from 1,318 KB to 1,320 KB.
  11. Not sure of the details of what you are facing, but maybe this recent discussion addresses your circumstances: In part, pitch bend value depends on the pitch bend range setting of your synth. For example if the range is set to a Perfect Fifth, the full range of the value with be +/- a Perfect Fifth.
  12. I am not sure if this is true, but if it is, it might be good to ask specific sound designers themselves. Just a guess but different sound designers might have different reasons and there is not a single reason.
  13. @DonniebAre you talking about something like this? If so, in my experience it is because a device [or a port] is trying to be accessed by two pieces of software--an error message rooted in Windows and having nothing to do with your PC's available memory. PS: Compare your use of ports with what Craig posted: Notice how MIDI-OX is being used to take KOMPLETE KONTROL - 1 and route it to KOMPLETE KONTROL EXT - 1. In this way, Cakewalk and MIDI-OX are not trying to access the same port.
  14. Thanks for clarifying, @Adam. As I understand it, the issue here is one of using a mouse (dragging a loop edge) verses using keys [keyboard shortcuts, menu selections, etc.]. I can totally relate to personal workflows based on left-hand, right-hand, multiple-hands preferences.
  15. Thank you for mentioning this. Back in the 90s I made chord tracks to send to Roland (!!!) "Intelligent Arranger" modules. Easy Peasy. If I get out one of those,** it should motivate me to attempt starting to navigate the Cakewalk Arranger learning curve. As far as the online videos, some of them are a total waste of time. Maybe its just me but I find that a list of 4-8 steps in text is far more efficient--takes less time than watching a 3-6 minute video (forget about the longer ones that might have a gem of wisdom or two in a 12-20 minute video). I understand that some people can watch animated gifs and infer the steps from the visual presentation. Personal limitation--I can't unless I pause them and unfortunately it is a royal PITA to load an animated gif into software so it can be paused. **I even know where the box of power supplies is!
  16. I face a similar situation--I really want to learn to use the Arranger Track, but I have never used software that had anything like it. When the Arranger Track was first introduced in Cakewalk, I was hoping someone (staff or users) would do a series of text-based progressive exercises to try to give users like me a series of small, step-by-step "Instant Gratification" style tutorials--to get me started and to introduce me to the essential/important features. Different users have different learning styles, but for me there is nothing like hands-on-learning (aka learning-by-doing, not learning-by-watching-someone-else-do-it). For sure, demo projects to showcase advanced uses can be helpful, too! Thanks for raising the subject.
  17. Well, maybe there's hope! Some more diagnostic questions/comments: Did you use the current driver tool? I used the one referenced here. I don't remember if I used the tool to delete the port that probably had the old driver associated with it. I might have because I wanted to make sure I'd be using the same usb port for the nanoKontrol from then on (not just any old usb port). Not sure if I did that through Windows' device manager. Does the tool show the most recent driver versions? Do you have the current version of the Korg Editor? Does the Korg Editor find the first nanoKontrol(s) [that is, with just one plugged-in]? EDIT: I got them working without unpluging either one. NOTE: I just checked my Korg Editor--and it didn't find either of my nanoKontrols. Also, MIDI-OX sees them, but isn't getting any midi data. Same for Cakewalk] So, now I am wondering if the failed Windows 10 Features Update and Rollback did its usual thing--changing my setup and then failing to put it back the way I had it. ? I know both nanoKontrols were working before the failed Windows update. Problem solving this now.** **UPDATE: I reconstructed what I did before [see post from 4/1/2020] and after rebooting, midi-ox and Cakewalk both verify that Windows is once again passing nanoKontrol's midi data to midi software. Here's what I did: (1) reinstalled and ran the Korg USB Tool, which reinstalled the same drivers I had; (2) downloaded and reinstalled the newest Korg Editor; (3) ran the Editor and when it didn't see the devices, selected the nanoKontrol manually, and set the midi ports manually; (4) rebooted Windows. Just a guess, but after the Windows 10 Failed Update, while the Korg drivers were still installed and my PC still saw the nanoKontrols and they were still plugged into the same usb ports, something got changed that prevented the "Rolled Back" OS from passing on the midi data. Footnote [7/12/2020]: Without going into all the details, I allowed my PC to do another bound-to-fail features update. This time the nanoKontrols worked properly both before and after the failed windows update. Therefore, there was no need to re-setup the ports. ? Once again, I needed to go into the Korg Editor's Preferences and manually set the MIDI ports. Perhaps that was saved in a Korg nano/Editor configuration file that the Failed Update had no knowledge of and therefore didn't restore it, but instead used what Windows 10 thought my setup should be--i.e., its own default. I don't know. Not sure this will help you, but maybe. It worked for me--again!!! ?
  18. If the previous question doesn't lead to a solution, I have another idea that might be worth looking into. Basic idea: someone posted a link to Korg Tools, I downloaded and installed, and then had problems until I did something--which I believe I described in the thread. The clue that jogged my memory--the names of the ports! I had names from an earlier driver, but the new one uses different names. New style names: Earlier in the thread below is the link to the Korg Tools. This post described the issue I had and the solution that ended up with input devices with the SLIDER/KNOB suffix and output devices with the CTRL suffix. Diagnostic questions: Do the nanoKontrols show up in the Korg Editor? Can you get any of the sets from the devices? (That is, does communication work?) For what its worth, these are from the Control Panel:
  19. {P]references > MIDI > Playback and Recording
  20. Is your MIDI Driver mode MME or UWP? Two weeks ago I had a similar problem. I had tested UWP and forgot to switch it back to MME. Once I switched it back, my nanoKontrol[1]s were visible and worked!!!
  21. The synth rack shows instruments that have been inserted into the current project. The plug-in Browser shows which plug-ins have been registered by the VST scan and are available. The blue box is just reporting that Cakewalk found 27 plug-ins based on the scan paths you have chosen.
  22. Probably due to personal customizations primarily due to (1) my choice of a base theme, (2) personal modifications to the theme using the Theme Editor, (3) personal workflow preferences as reflected in UI layout choices , etc. My UI customizations for a series of family audio tape interviews I am working on looks very different from my UI customizations for my usb keyboard note entry / staff editing family of projects. The screen shots I used (above) were from audio interview projects because that's what I was working on at the time when I had the issue with the tabs. For some projects I have a full screen Console View on a second monitor. I enjoy having personal ready-made UIs for different classes of projects. Just personal preferences to help focus on various workflows.
  23. Back to the original issue--no matter how you save projects, they always open with the Console View open. "Is this a feature . . . or a way around this?" Since I started using customized Workspaces, I tend to use them. In the past I would sometimes use Screen Sets, but not recently. Perhaps one of these would work well for you to create customized UIs. Personally, I like being able to choose my custom Workspaces, but there's a bit of a learning curve with them. From what I have read and tested slightly, the "None" Workspace is supposed to open projects with your UI of last usage. If you are using "None" and didn't have the Console View open previously, I am not sure why projects open with it. Maybe someone with more experience can explain it.
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