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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx

    Love is Real

    Very nice as usual and the Brazilian style puts it in a different genre, bossa nova crooning? The guitar fits in well with the theme. Didn't really notice any issue with it. -Bjorn
  2. Posthumous fame Van Gogh Edgar Allan Poe Bach Thoreau Kafka Me. Looking forward to it.
  3. Bandipur Nan's Cottage A couple of World songs using instruments from NI India and NI Ireland. I also used Rast Sounds India Vocals and Omnisphere Electric Sitar. Completely done in PRV. I've never done a mandolin before so it might sound a bit rocky. I can never come up with good song titles so I just looked at maps of India and Ireland hoping for inspiration. Bandipur is a national park in India and Nan's Cottage is a vacation rental in Ireland. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn
  4. What Steve said above. I always hear something ingenious in your songs so I always come back for a listen. -Bjorn
  5. bjornpdx


    Sounds really good. Would be cool to hear the neighborhood kids' version. Speaking of which, the kids in my neighborhood have never asked me to write a tune for them. Maybe they've heard my stuff. -Bjorn
  6. Sounds really good to me. You should post it in the Songs forum. -Bjorn
  7. Paul, your guitar work is outstanding and your voice brings out the outrage in the lyrics very well. I think the song would be very effective as a video soundtrack. Just a suggestion. -Bjorn
  8. Really nice Steve. I agree with Gary about the lyrics, but in my case the problem is probably my hearing loss. Anyway, great work on this and well timed too. My New Year's resolutions always surrender to temptation about a week into the new year. -Bjorn
  9. Too cool ! Impressive use of the old Monty Python skit. All the clips work out so well with the music. -Bjorn
  10. OutragePro thanks I appreciate the comment. It took a bit of experimentation to come up with something that I like. Tomita used whistle type sounds in the melody which doesn't seem like it should work, but it did and it gave him his unique signature. -Bjorn
  11. KSBand, Outrage Productions, Nigel thanks for the comments Just to be clear, I used midi files from classicalarchives.com. I replaced the intended piano vst with electronic genre sounds, trying to sound like something Tomita might have created.
  12. If Claude Debussy had a Moog. Back in the early 70s Tomita did a version of Debussy's Reverie that I've always liked. Here's my version of Reverie in the Tomita style. Thanks to www.classicalarchives.com/midi -Bjorn Thanks for listening/commenting
  13. bjornpdx

    Billy Ran Off

    Good instrumental performance, clear lyrics and good story. I found the machine gun drum hits a little distracting, but probably just me. -Bjorn
  14. bjornpdx


    Very creative vocal/guitar interplay. I understand maybe half the lyrics but I get the gist. I think you need more transition into the calm guitar part at the end. -Bjorn
  15. Well done. I was surprised by the change ups around 2:30 and 4:30, but they worked out well. Really like songs with a distinctive melody to them like this one. Great guitar work too. -Bjorn
  16. bjornpdx


    One of your best Nigel. I really like the engaging video too. -Bjorn
  17. bjornpdx

    Easy Peasy

    Jack thanks for listening/commenting Tom I admit I didn't pay too much attention to articulations or velocities which could have brought things up a notch. I really appreciate the link to Fret_man's articulation setup that he uses with Indiginus Fiddle. I use that VSTi often and I'm still learning how to use the key switches. Also, he uses Izotope Neutron 3 which I have but don't use so I'll give that a shot as well. KSband Thanks. Yeah, hard to make midi input have the feel of actually playing the instrument. Then you spend a lot of time with key switches etc and lose the feel of the moment.
  18. I've been taking them apart and recycling the metal (but keeping the magnets). Kind of time consuming though. The spike and hammer route sounds promising and fun.
  19. I have a lot of old IDE drives that I want to wipe, then get rid of. It takes a long time to wipe them with software and it takes some time to physically destroy them. I'm thinking about using a strong magnet to delete data, but I'm reading conflicting reports about how well magnets would work. Seems like they should do the job if strong enough. -Bjorn
  20. Wookie I like the delay fx and dark mood but I can't make out the lyrics. Can you post the text. Thanks -Bjorn
  21. Just another radio ready love song. This one seems more contemporary than others of yours. Love the instrumental intro. Not sure about the falsetto bits. Overall, very well done. Just one listener's opinion. -Bjorn
  22. I like how you ponder on an age old question and then write a song about it. You come up with some nice backing tracks for the lyrics. -Bjorn
  23. bjornpdx

    Easy Peasy

    Easy Peasy Yay, another long neglected song finished. The accompaniment track is from Band In A Box, circa 2011, over which I added a melody track. Guitar is Vir2 Acou6tic, one of the best virtual guitars out there IMO. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn
  24. Enjoyed this one a lot, Gary. I agree with everyone above and also just wanted to say that for a Norwegian the lead singer sure has a great C&W voice. ? -Bjorn
  25. Just excellent. The arrangement and orchestration and especially the vocal paint a somber picture. Love the cello which has that naturally sad sound to it. A+ -Bjorn
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