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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. I always like your social commentary songs Freddy, because I always seem to agree with them. And I like how you always play a little blues in there, whatever the genre. -Bjorn
  2. Nicely done classical piece Steve. Love the interplay of instruments and themes. The piano starting ~1:50 is outstanding. Thanks for posting the article. They have a long convoluted history of conflict which will likely never be resolved. -Bjorn
  3. Kinda wondering how you connected all those synths. I see four Behringer ADA8200's but are the synths also MIDI'd up? That would be way too complicated for me! -Bjorn
  4. I don't know how you do it, Nigel. Here's another great song and singer and story in a gorgeous video from you. Wishing you the best with your efforts. -Bjorn
  5. This is really good. Great collaboration by two of my faves on the song forum. Wonderful opening guitar. Production is top notch as is Lynn's vocal. One thing I noticed is the gtr at 2:30. Seems like it should move up a bit, at least to my ears. Good job! -Bjorn
  6. I haven't heard this song in a long time and it's so nice to hear it again. Really well done, Gary. I like the extra touches, like the drum beats in the wicked war part. I always wondered why the guy would leave a tropical island and go back to dreary England, especially during a war, but there it is. -Bjorn
  7. I really like how the lyrics build up, how the guy is so perfect and he's every woman's dream. And you just know there's going to be something about him not so perfect, which is probably there at 2:45. I say probably because I couldn't make out the words right there which is likely due to my hearing loss issue. So can you provide the text because I really want to know what's up with this guy. ? -Bjorn
  8. I listened to both versions and the 2nd one is a lot better. Nice slow bluesy sound but maybe a little too languid? Tempo could be increased maybe 5 or 10bpm. I like the harmonica which echoes what's going on in the background. Overall a pleasing sound. Enjoyed it. -Bjorn
  9. Great job on the video. Kind of disturbing maybe, but gets the point across. -Bjorn
  10. bjornpdx

    In Time

    Ross, I love the layered development of the music over time. The vocal tracks really add to the wonderful sound as well. Good stuff! Big Omnisphere fan here as well. -Bjorn
  11. bjornpdx

    Mr. Sandman

    Nice. I like the rather sparse piano accompaniment. -Bjorn
  12. bjornpdx

    Alone Time

    Thanks for the nice comments. Totally appreciate it! Larry T - I find myself using female vocals a lot, maybe too much, since they seem to add a bit of ethereal quality to the stuff I do. Something like that. -Bjorn
  13. Classic songwriting. Had me tapping a toe and humming along to the really catchy melody. Totally enjoyed it. Big thumbs up. Love the title too. -Bjorn
  14. bjornpdx

    wont let you go

    Seemed like vocalist came in too quickly at beginning? Nicely produced song that really shows off the vocalist. Nice job. -Bjorn
  15. Very good. Enjoyed it very much. Changeup at ~2:25 very effective. Maybe needs couple of more measures before going back to the main refrain? -Bjorn
  16. bjornpdx


    Not a genre I usually listen to so I'm clueless about jazz. I always assume the music is improvised because that's how it sounds to me. If so, then it's hugely impressive how the musicians can anticipate where things are going and continue on in that direction. Like I said, I'm clueless. -Bjorn
  17. bjornpdx


    Good stuff. Made me laugh. I don't believe I've ever heard "keep your colon greased" in a song before. -Bjorn
  18. bjornpdx

    Alone Time

    Alone Time Kind of hypnotic and Klaus Schultze-ish. I used a lot of delay effect which gets hard to control since the notes tend to step on following notes. Arturia Delay Eternity is pretty cool. I really like Arturia Augmented Voices which I've used here. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn Arturia Delay Eternity Arturia Augmented voices u-He Filterscape VA u_He Zebra Omnisphere
  19. Love the production Lynn. It's a fun listen, so much going on in there. IMO delay on a voc track can be very effective if used sparingly and not quite as much as you have here. Other than that, a really catchy song, one of your best I think. -Bjorn
  20. Always look forward to your posts Daryl. Always upbeat songs with a catchy melody that stays with you, the way songs should be. -Bjorn
  21. Steve, your lyrics certainly resonate with me, for example every time I get on X, formerly known as Twitter. Great song and really well done video too. Keep up the good work! -Bjorn
  22. bjornpdx


    Very smooth and really nice structure. Escorts me to a more mellow frame of mind. -Bjorn
  23. bjornpdx


    Larry, I love the bassline but it could use a changeup somewhere in there. You should try using a more exotic scale to make the song sound more Egyptian. I don't know what Egyptian music is supposed to sound like, maybe something Middle Eastern. Well just a suggestion. I really like the song as is. -Bjorn
  24. Like Supa Reels Steve said above, great hook and yeah I have Sooner or Later stuck in my head too. (Along with "deliver de letter, the sooner de better") I think this video tops all the others of yours, Nigel. Outstanding production, the whole package. -Bjorn
  25. Fun song with lyrics that make you create a story. So what happened in Asia? -Bjorn
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