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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx


    Nice use (and control) of delay fx and I like how the piano fits in so well with the backing track. I really enjoyed this one. -Bjorn
  2. Mar, remarkable how close this sounds to a CSN song. No crits from me, just wanted to chime in and say how much I liked this. Love the guitar! -Bjorn
  3. Impressive array of synths and they're all synced up well. Just my opinion: The thumping drum is too dominant and repetitive but maybe that's the "house" genre signature (IDK. I don't keep up) There were some moments without the drum and right there I heard a nice background for playing improvisational keyboard stuff. Like I said, just my opinion and taste in music. -Bjorn
  4. Thanks for the comments and suggestions. Well I don't know why I put in the dialog stuff except it seemed like a good idea at the time. Gonna take it out. -Bjorn
  5. Sounds really good. Was the vocal track pretty clean after the extraction? Going beyond the techy stuff I thought the song itself was very good. Nice job. -Bjorn
  6. I really like the backing track. Simple but effective and plays off the vocal well. -Bjorn
  7. Very energetic and imaginative. Really liked it. -Bjorn
  8. bjornpdx

    Late evening

    Best song I've heard from you Makke. Love how you bring out the emotions on every note. -Bjorn
  9. Very cinematic track. Would work very well as soundtrack to a nature program. The ending could be resolved a bit better but very nice overall. -Bjorn
  10. Hi Jeff, I'm impressed you were able to write a song while traveling and it sounds pretty good too. Very nice. -Bjorn
  11. I haven't been all that motivated lately - Health issues in the family. I do appreciate the comment, Steve. Thanks
  12. Steve - thanks for the comment. I do appreciate it Jack and Old Joad- thank you equality - thanks. It always surprises me how listeners have different takes on songs (and everything else in life) Noynekker - I've added bits of old movie dialog to my songs before - sometimes they work and other times not so much. No reason for the good manners subject . Just seemed like it might work.
  13. bjornpdx

    A Night in July

    A Night in July Just a dreamy track about a warm night in July, sitting in the backyard viewing the Milky Way and wishing it could be like this all the time. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn
  14. Not the usual nature music I expected - synth pads, harps, whale songs - but a catchy bluesy track that I really liked. Nice one Freddy. -Bjorn
  15. Wow Steve that was outstanding. Love the vocal track interplay and accordion accompaniment. Just wonderful. -Bjorn
  16. Mind Your Manners Kind of a spacey instrumental piece with some old movie dialog inserted here and there. The movie is one of those instructional Coronet films from the 50s which I think were shown in social studies classes back then. Anyway, I thought maybe it would make the track more interesting. Can't seem to get excited about doing this stuff lately. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn
  17. Beautiful song Rex, and very well done production. The melody stays with me after a couple of hours which earns you a big thumbs up from me. Which fiddle vst is that, assuming it is a vsti? -Bjorn
  18. Very cool. Didn't really sound like space music, more like progressive rock but that's just me. I liked the Lowdown vst so much I went ahead and bought it. -Bjorn
  19. bjornpdx


    https://www.audiodeluxe.com/hot-deals Buy UVI Relayer for $19 and get Digital Synsations free.
  20. I put UVI Relayer in the cart and when I go to check out I see UVI Digital Synsations Vol 1 is also in the cart - and it's free?? So I got both for $19. No idea why it was in my cart and why it was free. Edit: Just noticed that Digital Synsations is free with any purchase.
  21. bjornpdx


    I like the pattern explorations that make me wonder where you're going with them next. Seems about right lengthwise. -Bjorn
  22. bjornpdx


    The vocalist is really good. Production has a nice laid back feel to it. I was expecting an instrumental break in there somewhere but that's just me. Very nice job on this. -Bjorn
  23. Who would have thought someone would write a song about a telecommunications satellite? Oh wait, there was a song in the 60s called Telstar (and there's a nod to that song here - pretty sure I had that 45 way back then.) You come up with some interesting subjects Steve. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. -Bjorn
  24. Thanks Jack Nigel - yep, I love pitch bends. ?
  25. The temp in our attic a couple of days ago. Google says attic temps can be 150F or so in the summer heat. Sort of like Death Valley up there.
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