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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Steve, a fun song. I like the vocal treatment, cadence and story line. The AI images look pretty good too but have to mention the 6 fingers on the guy ~2:00. -Bjorn
  2. bjornpdx


    Thanks Larry. I really like more exotic scales like Middle East and some Asian scales. And esp whatever scale the Spanish guitar uses. Very mysterious sound to them.
  3. bjornpdx


    Thanks Jack Nigel, I bought the library years ago on sale and finally got around to using it. I have a lot of stuff like that. lol Wookie, yeah I thought the saz was a little loud but I'm never sure since my hearing has been steadily going downhill lately. Appreciate the comment. Noynekker Thank you!
  4. Steve, you really know how to hit the emotions with your voice, lyrics and delivery. Very well done (again). Enjoyed it a lot. -Bjorn
  5. bjornpdx

    Space Trouble

    Space Trouble Electronic genre with some old B movie dialog interspersed here and there. Thanks for listening/commenting -Bjorn
  6. Hard to watch and hard to realize that events like this actually happened. Not sure why you're concerned about political correctness? Great lyrics and you made them fit the video well. Looks like the soldiers are marching along to the beat. Only connection I have with WW2 is that I have a relative who helped rebuild destroyed cities in Belgium. -Bjorn
  7. bjornpdx


    The vocalist is from EastWest's Voices of the Empire library. ( www.soundsonline.com/vocals/voices-of-the-empire) Thanks for commenting. -Bjorn
  8. bjornpdx


    Euphrates Middle East instruments from NI Middle East library Female vocals from EastWest Voices of the Empire Thanks for listening/comments
  9. Right on lyrics and sentiment. There have been so many protest songs over the years, you kind of wish the people in charge would take them to heart. -Bjorn
  10. Terry, I remember I really liked your previous songs and was looking forward to listening to this one, but I just can't get it to play on Amazon, not even a 30 sec clip. -Bjorn
  11. Hi Larry, the newer version has a lot more presence to it, maybe because of better reverb use or something. I'm not much of an audio engineer, but I can tell when something sounds better! Good job. -Bjorn
  12. bjornpdx


    Thanks Jack tho I don't know about Depeche Mode ? Thanks Makke I appreciate the comment.
  13. bjornpdx

    In My Life

    Yeah, I can identify with the lyrics. Very original use of synths in the background. -Bjorn
  14. bjornpdx

    Southern rain

    Paul, Your voice really fits the genre nicely. Great tune and arrangement too. And you have a knack with lyric phrases that stand out- "worn out make up and worn out shoes" "a few miles on the clock" Love it. Great work on this. -Bjorn
  15. This is really good! Love that kind of Americana/country-bluesy music and the video looks great. You've probably already found these free video sites, but if you haven't here are a couple that I use: pixabay.com pexels.com and the prelinger archives has some unusual stuff. I recognized a couple of video clips in yours that I've used in the past. Great minds... --Bjorn
  16. bjornpdx


    Hydra, a Tangerine Dream like track Thanks for listening/comments
  17. bjornpdx

    The Gull.

    Hi Wookie, I got some nice visuals of a swooping, diving gull so I think you succeeded nicely in describing its flight in sounds. -Bjorn
  18. bjornpdx


    Hi Freddy, Always reassuring to hear someone else expressing something that you're also concerned about. Nice job. -Bjorn
  19. bjornpdx

    Nest of the wind

    Very nice Markku. Just the essentials well played. -Bjorn
  20. I like the way it is so can't think of anything to improve the song, Nicely done the way you started the song simply then gradually added on the layers. -Bjorn
  21. I got this image last night near Portland. You can't see the colors with the naked eye but a 5 second exposure with adjustable camera brings them out.
  22. Nigel, another outstanding music video. You must have some video production team working with you? I like the theme of this one, that everyone has done something in the past they're not proud of - at least that's the way I took it. Nice job. -Bjorn
  23. Wasn't sure if you wrote the music first and then the lyrics or v.v. Either way great negotiating the bouncy music as Kevin stated. And yeah it does seem to fit in with Nigel's latest. -Bjorn
  24. The guitar sounds really good as do the drums. The vocal fits in nicely. Yeah a bit Pink Floyd but that's okay. -Bjorn
  25. bjornpdx


    Nice studio! Promising track that needs to be developed some more. I can usually find some good presets in Pigments too. -Bjorn
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