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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Steve, I do a lot of bird photography but I've never had them set up a nest so conveniently close like your robin. Our backyard security camera gets some interesting images now and then like overturned bird baths and big holes in the yard. Raccoons. It's always the raccoons. I really enjoyed your take on the song. And that last bit where the robin knocked over the camera is hilarious. -Bjorn
  2. I like the whirly synth bits at the beginning. Toe-tapping head-nodding groove makes me happy. Well done! -Bjorn
  3. bjornpdx

    Laze on the porch

    Makke Yeah, kind of a Credence feel to it. Nice uplifting tune and well performed. -Bjorn
  4. Wow, wonderful lyrics! You had me waiting impatiently for the next verse to come along. Excellent all around. My only crit is that the ending seemed cut off a bit too soon. -Bjorn
  5. Barry Love the concept! The blues is one of my favorite genres but I've never lived the life. I agree with tom (Deering Amps) about filtering out some of the mud (IMO) using the technique he showed. -Bjorn
  6. bjornpdx


    noynekker I like the patriotic drama of the song. Would have fit in nicely with the fireworks! -Bjorn
  7. bjornpdx

    Video Fun

    David Great song. Who's the singer? I've taken a lot of pictures and videos of bald eagles. That pipsqueak call of theirs always amuses me. -Bjorn
  8. John B I always like your arrangements and chord choices. The piano is really good in this. It just moves the story along so nicely. -Bjorn
  9. bjornpdx


    Mark I like how you put the loops and 808 stuff together. Really nice groove just waiting for your upcoming vocals. Speaking of Bowie, I keep thinking of Major Tom floating around Mars. -Bjorn
  10. bjornpdx


    David - Thanks so much. Yeah, eastern Oregon would like to be western Idaho. Lynn - you just have to get in the right frame of mind. Old Joad - Thanks! And the mushrooms are a nice touch.
  11. Steve, one of my top 5 fav Beatles songs. Excellent sound alike cover. Must have taken a lot of searching and tweaking to get the sounds right. I've never seen that series of photos for the famous album cover. Very cool. -Bjorn
  12. Nigel, seems like you have something new every week which is hard to do while maintaining your always high quality productions. Excellent work. -Bjorn
  13. Paul, you did well removing sibilance in this version (I think that's what people had commented on before) I like how clear the vocal is - no problem understanding the lyrics. And the lyrics tell the story very well. Not sure why the outro was repeated so often (the church bit) I really enjoyed listening to this. -Bjorn
  14. bjornpdx

    The Garden

    The sparseness of the song fits the lyrics perfectly. I expected the vocal to come in earlier so maybe the intro is too long. -Bjorn
  15. Doug, I think you should make a video of you singing and playing the guitar. I really liked this phrase (at 0:51 - 1:07 and at 2:13 - 2:30) I thought it should be the main theme that the rest of the song returns to. Not asking for much. ? -Bjorn
  16. Jesse, Yeah, the bass could use some volume adjustment to make it more even (exactly how a real sound engineer would put it). Seemed like the bass player was maybe unsure of herself. -Bjorn
  17. bjornpdx


    Nigel - the Micro Q filter is the best esp for drone-y sweeps. I was thinking of buying a used one on eBay, but I just saw a deal in the Deals forum for Waldorf Nave and yeah I haven't hear of that one either but I bought it. It's sort of reminiscent of Micro Q. Jesse - thanks for mentioning Hearts of Space. I haven't been there in a while. I'm seriously thinking of submitting something to them. Wookie - Thanks for listening. Appreciate it Jack C - Thanks for listening. Appreciate it.
  18. bjornpdx

    Warp 7

    Wookie, add a few opera singers and this would sound a bit Klaus Schulze. Very nice. If you're looking for some chord ideas and such I'd suggest using different scales. Some middle eastern or Asian scales can sound pretty spacey.
  19. bjornpdx


    Champoeg (sham-poo-ee) For some reason I named the track after a state park here in Oregon. Warning: this is an eleven minute droney and spacey track I wrote a few years ago, best if listened to late at night while contemplating a lava lamp. Waldorf Micro Q (wish I hadn't sold it) Korg MS2000 (wish I hadn't sold it) NI FM8 (still have it) Thanks for listening/commenting and congrats if you made it all the way through.
  20. bjornpdx

    Reefer Fiction

    Makke - thanks for watching and commenting Nigel - I remember seeing "educational" movies like this where they'd warn you that smoking that stuff could kill you. David - I think the movie is still playing at theaters that specialize in cult favorites Mark - good luck with your governor. Seems odd that some states like mine (Oregon) has recreational cannabis shops everywhere but it's illegal in adjacent states.
  21. bjornpdx

    Reefer Fiction

    Reefer Fiction I haven't been around here much lately because I just can't seem to complete anything musical. This song wasn't going anywhere either so I put it in the 1938 public domain movie Reefer Madness. So this is my short take on Reefer Madness. Hard to believe how wrong they were about the effects of marijuana but perhaps they were being deliberately wrong. We now have legal marijuana shops, but for most of the 20th century marijuana possession could send you to jail for a long time. Hard to believe how things have changed. Thanks for watching/commenting.
  22. bjornpdx

    Warp 6

    I like it. Sounds like a space ship engine room. I like the little variations that keeps it moving along, as well as keeping it interesting. -Bjorn
  23. bjornpdx


    Very nice. Don't see how you do it every time, the music and video looking and sounding so good. Impressive. -Bjorn
  24. Definitely has that Kirby sound. Don't remember if I've heard organ in your previous songs, but it really makes this song shine. Nice one. -Bjorn
  25. bjornpdx

    My New Song

    I like the playfulness of the melody. Simple but catchy. -Bjorn
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