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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Good, we need more positive attitude around here. Your voice lends itself well to the minimalist format of the song. Wouldn't change that. The volume tends to get too low at times, but I see this is a first draft so something to work on. I enjoyed this one quite a lot. -Bjorn
  2. Freddy Cannot go wrong with that good old rock n roll progression. Well done my friend. -Bjorn
  3. 0:30 xylophone (?) stands out well 1:16 didn't realize it was in 3/4 time until this sort of waltz-y part began I think you captured the magical place sound very well. -Bjorn
  4. I really like this one! Great lyrics, well played. Agree the voc could be brought up a bit. -Bjorn
  5. Interesting interactive article about song structure change over the years, especially the last 10 years or so. Interesting tidbit: the 3 min 30 sec "rule" for pop music came about because that was the length that would fit on a 78 rpm record. Well, I didn't know that. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/03/14/opinion/pop-music-songwriting.html
  6. Nigel, HS, Jack, Wookie, Doug - Thank you. I really do appreciate the comments. Mark and David -Thank you. Being the Nordic type I am, it doesn't seem like I would love red rock desert landscapes, but I do. tom - I'm glad you pointed out the quick cuts in the video. I had added in some footage and forgot to do the transitions but it was late and I was tired of working on the video so I just left it. Should have done it though.
  7. In Dreams by Roy Orbison. My reaction is like Dennis Hopper's in Blue Velvet . Only I don't go out and kill people afterwards.
  8. A "rock" video. Scenes from Valley of Fire in Nevada, White Pockets and Colorado Buttes in AZ. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn
  9. bjornpdx


    David, Yep definitely a scary clown soundtrack. This set off some interesting imagery in my head. -Bjorn
  10. bjornpdx


    Lovely ambient and Eno-esque (which I've probably mentioned before). You have a good feel for the genre and express it well. I'm a fan! -Bjorn
  11. I can't get into the genre, but I appreciate the musicianship. Excuse my denseness but would this be considered progressive rock or more like jazz? Seems to be improvisational? Love the video. -Bjorn
  12. Nigel, not sure how many vocalists you have in your group but I think this particular singer gives your productions a signature sound. Always look forward to listening (and seeing) your productions. -Bjorn
  13. Nigel, Makke, HS, Steve, Daryl, David and Freddy Thank you!
  14. Daryl, I recognized your sound two seconds in. Good story telling with engaging music behind the lyrics. Well done! -Bjorn
  15. Pretty synthy sounding but there's always a good old strings pad in there, which I guess would have been the Emulator back then. I like the "wah wah-y" synth. Good job!. -Bjorn
  16. Messing around with synths and playing around with video fx in Vegas. Thanks for listening/comments.
  17. I really like your voice! Guitar accompaniment works very well. The honesty of your lyrics comes across so well in your performance. Excellent!
  18. bjornpdx

    Some arp fun

    Very good! Can't get enough of dial twisting arps! CS-80 is probably my fav Arturia instrument along with Modular. Pigments is pretty good too - I just picked up some Luftrum presets for Pigments. Highly recommended.
  19. bjornpdx

    Need to Forget

    I like it. Just a couple of suggestions: The voc is good but it could use reverb or something to make it stand out more. Good lyrics but maybe repeated too much. Couple of spots where nothing much going on Abrupt ending. But overall a very good song. I enjoyed the listen.
  20. Beautiful tune, beautiful video. I really enjoyed this!
  21. bjornpdx

    Lockdown Blues

    Excellent. You guys never disappoint.
  22. Paul This is a very good song. What really makes it for me is your voice which is just right for this genre. So just sitting here as a casual listener, can't say that I noticed timing issues.
  23. bjornpdx


    David, While listening I kept thinking that your song sounds like someone telling a story. That was before looking up "tone poem" and finding out that's what a tone poem is. Very creative! Reminds me a bit of Peter and the Wolf by Prokofiev. Thought I heard a bear sneaking up on me in there! -Bjorn
  24. Daryl Really liking the chord changes and the kind of circus sounding organ. This is one of those songs that's instantly likable and you want to hear it again and again. Great job on this! -Bjorn
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