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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx


    Really like that bass track especially. Overall production is excellent. Great job. -Bjorn
  2. Well handled story telling arrangement. Really liking the arp-y accompaniments and sound fx. The voc track could use some leveling for consistency. Nicely done! -Bjorn
  3. Tim, sounds very good. Is this improvisational? Not your usual thing as you say but I do detect a little Celtic-ishness in there. -Bjorn
  4. Lynn Yeah, I do remember this one. The video is a bonus but I think the song really stands on its own. Have to say the lyrics and melody really struck an emotional spot in me, so well done with that! We all get older but we just keep on keeping on, my friend. -Bjorn
  5. Love the audience participation. You can hear they're really with you. There was some distortion but I understand you want to keep the live sound of the recording which did come out very well. I even understood some of the Norwegian. -Björn
  6. bjornpdx

    Foolish Days

    Nigel I always like your videos because they take me away to this dreamy place far away from my wintry reality. Again, great song in a professionally produced video. -Bjorn
  7. Jack This is one of the better songs I've heard from you. Good vocal treatment. I'm liking the bass line and guitar. Well orchestrated overall. I think I would drop the whoo hoo part at the end. -Bjorn
  8. So many VSTs but only a few get used. Spent a lot of money over the years on Spitfire, Toontrack, AAS, EastWest, Korg, Melda, FabFilter and then hardly ever use them. I tend to go with u-He a lot - Zebra, Diva and the more obscure ACE and Repro Also on the go to list: Omnisphere, Alchemy (ancient but still good), Kontakt (Session Guitarist mainly, Heavyocity and Indiginus), Arturia (but only CS-80, Modular and Pigments) and a couple more I can't think of at the moment. If stuck on a desert island with only one synth choice - Omnisphere.
  9. bjornpdx

    The Darkness

    Rob- Thank you. Steve- I didn't make the Pink Floyd connection but now that you mention it.. Thanks Wookie - Thanks. Earlier versions of this sounded way more TD than the final version. Mark - Thanks. The girl singer is from Vocalise. My singing is sort of Leonard Cohen on helium.
  10. Vocal treatment is really good. I thought the synth in the back could use a change up here and there, but great song overall. Enjoyed it. -Bjorn
  11. Freddy, I know the feeling all too well! You got my head bobbin' to the reggae beat.
  12. I had trouble understanding a couple of your other songs but the vocal is very clear on this one. You have three or four different themes going on, from the spiritual to kind of new age, which was distracting to me. I thought the ending is quite effective, the spoken "free at last" with the bells. -Bjorn
  13. The creepy music fits the degraded video very well. Nice job with the modular synth. I wouldn't have the patience to do that.
  14. Yeah, great collab. I really like the chorus esp the "breath of air" bit. Clear mix throughout. ?
  15. bjornpdx


    This one made my Douglas top ten list. I like the accompaniment guitar esp all the little fills between the lyrics. The pre-chorus part stood out to me. Nicely done Doug.
  16. I like it. Seems like it's in between cinematic and orchestral. I think it needs a "fuller" sound if you're going for cinematic, a bit more reverb and more lower end eq for more drama, like I know what I'm talking about. Reminds me of the band Deep Forest that used ethnic voices in their mixed genre music.
  17. Nigel, what Starise said above about using video to increase web presence for your music. Your productions are always so professional. Good to look at as well as listen to. I'm guessing you use stock video as well as video you did yourself?
  18. bjornpdx

    Nomad's Land

    Sometimes less is more and that works very well here. I like the moody Celtic sound that you captured. Very nice.
  19. bjornpdx

    The Darkness

    Nigel, Hidden, Daryl, Paulo, Hidden, Tim - Thanks for taking the time to comment Gary - Thanks. NI Reaktor has some strange sounds, well suited for drone-y ambient music.
  20. Nigel - thanks. There's a wildlife refuge near where I live. Great place for photography. tom - The Anna's are brave considering their size. They buzz me once in a while when I'm refilling the feeder. Doug and jack c - Thank you Daryl - I use a Sony a6500 mirrorless camera and 600mm lens. A tiny camera on a huge lens looks riduculous but it works quite well. I meant to tone down the cymbal crash but forgot.
  21. Here's another song I finished recently which became the sound track of a short video The video is a compilation of clips I'd done the last couple of years and if you like birds, you'll like the video, hopefully. The music doesn't really match the video, in theme or synced to the action. I'm still learning Davinci Resolve so this project is mostly for practice. Pied Billed Grebe nest - the babies hang out under the parents' wings. Eagle nest - adult eagle brings a vole (I think) to the eaglets. American coot nest building. Reflection is an office building in an industrial area of town. Bird Feeder - slow motion stuff. Anna's Hummingbird - it got annoyed with me so it gave me a piece of its mind at the end.
  22. I did wonder if Tiny Tim was too ancient of a pop culture thing to fly, but I guess it works in these parts. ?
  23. bjornpdx

    The Darkness

    Jack and tom, I appreciate the comments. Thanks Lynn, wow thanks for the kind words (where do I send the check, ha ha). I truly appreciate them. Doug, Thanks. Yeah Heavyocity Vocalise has some of the best and useful sounds out there.
  24. I enjoyed this one very much. I listened to some of your other songs on SoundCloud - good stuff! You have talent for ambient, a genre that isn't that easy to do. Looking forward to hearing your next one. -Bjorn
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