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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx

    "Llegar A Ti"

    Beautiful video and song. I wish you success with it. -Bjorn
  2. Love all the little extras in the background The cello is just outstanding down there in the bass range. Love the mournfulness of its sound Wonderful song. -Bjorn
  3. bjornpdx


    I never would have guessed this was a Makke song. Nice toe tapping groove to this one. I like it. -Bjorn
  4. John, I was listening to the lyrics but also to how you insert little musical phrases that enhance the mood. Not sure if I phrased that right. (See what I did there?) For example that transition at ~2.11 that leads into the next part which I thought was very well done. Nice job! -Bjorn
  5. bjornpdx

    Casbah - video

    Bajan, Hidden, noynekker, tom Thanks! Appreciate it. -Bjorn
  6. I just love that intro bit and the audience applause here and there. Right on lyrics esp talking about the music business. Great job Freddy and Lynn! -Bjorn
  7. Paul, I like the sentiment. Voc could stand out more, maybe by expanding the dynamic range. -Bjorn
  8. I like the somber sound of this and the way the Chinese instruments bring it out. I have the Yangqin instrument as well but haven't gotten around to using it. -Bjorn
  9. bjornpdx

    Cool it Down

    Nice and smooth just the way I like it. Good job. -Bjorn
  10. bjornpdx

    kissin up

    I like the overall sound that you've created with all the added in fx. Your voice and its treatment works well here too. Not sure what genre this is but sounds kind of 50s to me. Which is a good thing. -Bjorn
  11. Paul Sad lyrics in a beautiful song. Your vocal delivery is so good. I love the melodic phrase that begins ~1.55. Seems like it could be a different song. Great job! -Bjorn
  12. bjornpdx


    You had me from the get go with that wet synth. Love the transition ~ 2:00. Overall very creative use of all those synths. Do you pick a sound at random and develop from there or do you have one in mind and find the one you need? -Bjorn
  13. bjornpdx


    Really like this one. The vocal treatment fits the theme well and overall production is very good. -Bjorn
  14. Jesse, I would suggest transposing the keyboard down an octave and bringing up the guitar volume. I like the guitar. Name of the song sounds like some kind of insecticide. -Bjorn
  15. bjornpdx

    Casbah - video

    Wookie - I'm not familiar with the album Passion. Sounds intriguing enough to check out. Thx Jack C - I had to listen to it again and yeah I guess it is a bit spooky. Mark - Thanks. A song can be so-so but if you put it to a video somehow it sounds much better! Doug - Thanks. We went to the Louvre a couple of times. Amazingly huge museum and complicated to find things. We got lost several times. Jesse - Thanks. I think I'm getting pretty good at the special effects but the hard part is coming up with a visual story. Which I'm still working on. Makke - Thanks. Appreciate the comment.
  16. bjornpdx

    Casbah - video

    I'm starting to really like DaVinci Resolve. Resolve has what they call the Fusion page for doing intricate effects, but I'm not using that here, just doing some easy effects similar to how they're done in Vegas. I used clips from our trip to Paris a few years ago and some clips I downloaded from Pixabay. Also, some images from NASA and I made some jpg images in Photoshop. There's no theme or anything. I just put in effects that I thought looked good. Thanks for listening/comments.
  17. I love your lyrics John. Inner rhyming and pacing of the words is so poetic. I can almost hear it as a hip hop song too (sorry). Beautiful song my friend. -Bjorn
  18. bjornpdx

    Young Love

    Mark, really good, really *professional* This is one of those songs that inspire me to try harder with my own songs. Makes you ask why isn't this guy famous? He should be. -Bjorn
  19. This is very good. It just sounds like a traveling kind of song. Nice chord changes. Fit well with the song but they got a bit repetitive maybe? Voc started strong but seemed to get buried about 1/2 way thru. Just my opinion that's all. Great song. I enjoyed it. -Bjorn
  20. bjornpdx

    step tap

    Good song. I like it. I agree with John B above about EQ. Also I think you could drop the section 2:10 - 3:00. Just my 2 cents. -Bjorn
  21. bjornpdx

    Cherry blooms

    Makke, the title of the song and tune sounds maybe Japanese theme? But then you have the cool surf sound in there too. Well done. -Bjorn
  22. I checked out Acustica a while ago but didn't get into it that far because it seemed kind of complicated to me. Have to say your mix sounds really good so no doubt it's worth the effort. Really like the song. -Bjorn
  23. Wookie, very creative use of all those Arturia instruments and Cherry audio. And sounds like you had a lot of fun too. The beginning part really drew me in. Really liked how things developed after that. Good one. -Bjorn
  24. This one goes in my Doug Kirby top 5 hits. Besides the solo guitar playing, I'm always impressed with how you do your accompanying tracks too. Just great. I saw a news report on NPR a while ago where they mentioned Westerly and I thought hey that sounds familiar. It had something to do with giving vaccines in Rhode Island and it featured your town. -Bjorn
  25. bjornpdx


    Tom, very nice. Relaxing as all get out. Wasn't sure if that repetitive note was working for me but it fit right in there after a while. Kind of hypnotic actually. -Bjorn
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