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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx

    No Worries

    No Worries Another music project I've been tinkering with for far too long. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn Omnisphere Heavyocity Vocalise Air Hybrid u-He Zebra Arturia Pigments Ilya Efimov Elec Guitar thru TH-U
  2. Mark, I was expecting Bowie-esque and there it was right away. Nice. Very intricate and varying stuff going on in the background which made for a fun listen. I agree with noynekker about the volume of the vocal and that perhaps it could be EQ'd up in the range he mentioned. Great job! -Bjorn
  3. Yes, I did enjoy listening to this one. Great job on the orchestration. I agree with Jack about adding a bit of reverb to the lead instrument to get a fuller sound. -Bjorn
  4. You've got the style down for sure. The English is very good (the "curse" words are ok) but there are so many words flying by so fast I really didn't understand what you were saying. Maybe slow it down a bit? -Bjorn
  5. So this is your old Carpenters cover with a new vocal track? Sorry, I didn't quite follow how you did this. Anyway, sounds pretty good! If you're like me you probably have a lot of original material that you never got to finish, so now is the time. -Bjorn
  6. Very nice. I enjoyed it. I lived thru those events. When I see the newsreels from that time I realize how primitive the technology was compared to today. -Bjorn
  7. Congrats. Very satisfying conclusion to the Warp series. So are you going to use one of the music distribution companies for your CD? -Bjorn
  8. bjornpdx

    Warp 9

    Busy boingy filter sweeps - very nice! 2:34 really like that sort of bell synth that comes in here Another winner for the Wookster. -Bjorn
  9. Great lyrics! Vocal is quite good and stands out well. Crits: some instruments seemed out of sync and the drum track needs some changeups. Very promising. -Bjorn
  10. bjornpdx

    With Being

    treesha I really like the languid feel of your vocal with the unexpected reggae beat. Vocal got a little buried here and there but no biggie. -Bjorn
  11. Esther Nice mix, sounds really good. I went over to your Soundcloud page and I see you've been making music for a while. Welcome Bjorn
  12. Love it! Big thumbs up to you guys. -Bjorn
  13. Jesse, I'm forming an image of your band based on your comments. I like the jam. Sounds promising. -Bjorn
  14. Dorian mode? Sounds like a promising intro about to develop. Tempo could be increased. Nice one. -Bjorn
  15. bjornpdx

    Warp 8

    Blue ribbon for Warp 8 I like the sparser sound on this one with the focus being on that one synth Really nice phrase ~1:40 and elsewhere. Great job! -Bjorn
  16. bjornpdx


    David, I don't know about OMSI. Last planetarium I visited was at Univ of Oregon long time ago. Freddy Thanks as always Doug and Skyline Thanks for the comments Jesse, Thanks for listening. I'm not hearing the crackling you mentioned but I did notice a couple of other glitches I should fix.
  17. bjornpdx


    Jack I like the lyrics. Some of the parts are too long and repetitive Your voice has a David Byrne quality which kind of fits your quirky style (and I mean that in a good way, seriously). -Bjorn
  18. Epic and cinematic. Sounds promising to me. Around 0:44 I started hearing a thumping sound. Not sure if that's supposed to be in there? -Bjorn
  19. Outstanding work. One of the best non-professional (I'm assuming) videos I've seen. Excellent all around. Just a couple of quibbly crits. The space suit guy dance took me out of it and some of the mirror fx were bit too much. Just my opinion and doesn't take anything away. Love the video. -Bjorn
  20. Freddy, I love the chorus. Beautiful. Some of the delay effects seem off but I thought they worked anyway. You should get together with Jimmy Buffet and do a duet. I can only imagine what it's like tracking hurricanes when they're in your own neighborhood!
  21. bjornpdx

    Monkees cover

    I don't think I've heard that Monkees song before. Sounds really good so thumbs up. I do remember your Troop and Camo video listed on the same page. Had to watch that one again. -Bjorn
  22. bjornpdx


    Celestial A 5 minute video of NASA images set to music. Thanks for listening/commenting.
  23. bjornpdx


    Doug, can you come over and show me how to play the guitar? Thanks. Another well produced and arranged song. Very professional. I enjoyed listening to it. -Bjorn
  24. You took it down? Well darn I missed it. It's a familiar situation. Write a nice little phrase and immediately wonder if it's been done before. I tried one of those song identification apps (Shazam I think it's called) which was worthless. I just go with it and hope for the best. -Bjorn
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