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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx


    Nigel, short but sweet bonus track. One of those songs that carry you off to someplace pleasant. -Bjorn
  2. I'm really liking the melody and lyrics John. You have a strong vocal range that handled the highs and lows of the song very well. -Bjorn
  3. Like Larry T. said above, definitely a Eurythmics influence here. Sounds great! I always enjoy your vids because they have that Lynch/Fellini kind of strangeness. -Bjorn
  4. bjornpdx

    Modal Mini's

    Nice one. Different from your usual. I'm guessing you were switching from one mode to another (Dorian, Lydian...) Reminds me of the communicating with the aliens scene in Close Encounters. -Bjorn
  5. bjornpdx


    Spanish guitar song but no guitar? Orchestration with the flute is very nice. I like how you handled the ending with the ascending notes before landing on the final one. -Bjorn
  6. Very nice interplay of instruments. Is the vocal from Micah's choir? -Bjorn
  7. bjornpdx

    Rain - video

    Thanks guys. I appreciate the input. Hey, John B is back!
  8. I like it. Around 0:40 it kinda went into a circus-y bit which instantly brought to mind Country Joe and the Fish. "1-2-3 what are we fighting for..." Well it did to me anyway. -Bjorn
  9. Klaus Schulze and now Vangelis. That's like half my music collection right there. So very sad.
  10. Another one of yours I enjoyed listening to Freddy. Great intro and really nice melodic theme throughout. The overall sound comes across very well. Could use a stronger chorus, one that really grabs the listener. -Bjorn
  11. Bit more aggressive vocal than your usual. Excellent guitar work and nicely done drums - very impressive. -Bjorn
  12. I listened to the Knowing Not Knowing track. Very good! I liked the cinema like bits in the otherwise jazz genre of the track. -Bjorn
  13. bjornpdx

    Rain - video

    David - I hope this doesn't turn out to be one of those years without a summer. I remember a couple of those around here. But I definitely don't want 115F like we had last year. Wookie - Dogs are like little kids. They love jumping in puddles and getting all wet and you having to clean up after them. Jack C - Thanks I do appreciate the comment Doug - Thanks! I read some articles by Craig Anderton about LUFS and limiters and such which really helped my mixes.
  14. bjornpdx

    Rain - video

    The spacey music I was working on didn't sound very spacey so the project came out as a soundtrack for rainy weather. I'm used to the rain here in Portland but seems like it's way more than usual lately. Thanks for listening/comments. -Bjorn
  15. "Mr Amsterdam wants to make the whole world mellow. " I've been there a couple times. Loved it. I think you captured the ambience well. -Bjorn
  16. I really like this. Mix is very good as is the performance. Impressive musicianship too esp the vocal, so no need to sound like Axl ! -Bjorn
  17. bjornpdx


    Simple but catchy tune. David's right, it needs lyrics. Yeah, that last chord kinda hangs there waiting for resolution. Seems strange to me how we want chords to progress in a certain order. They just sound right is the only explanation I've read. -Bjorn
  18. Oh no! One of my heroes is gone. I'm now listening to his Mirage album for about the millionth time.
  19. Paul, one of the first songs I posted here was a drum timing mess. I used an Addictive Drums 4/4 midi drum groove behind a triplet piano sequence. I didn't notice how out of sync it was because I'd gotten used to it while listening to the song over and over. But it became so obvious after it was pointed out to me in the comments. So I guess I'm suggesting you make sure the midi drum and song time signatures match. But I really like the song. Your voice fits the genre very well, and it's distinctive enough to really stand out. -Bjorn
  20. Very nice David. I like it. This would make a very good soundtrack for a video of someone's varying moods during the day.
  21. bjornpdx


    Sounds very good. I noticed a tapping sound during the 1st 20 sec or so which probably isn't part of the song? -Bjorn
  22. Nicely done, enjoyed it. Unique voc delivery. I thought the chorus could stand out a bit more. -Bjorn
  23. bjornpdx

    Sun and the Sand

    Really nice backing track, plays well with the sax. Mix sounds very good to me. -Bjorn
  24. Good sound to this one. You come up with unique lyrics for sure. I'm not a big Steelie Dan fan so didn't pick up many in-jokes. I do know they named themselves after a dil*do but didn't see anything about that. Maybe I missed it. ? -Bjorn
  25. bjornpdx

    The Pleiades

    noynekker - Thanks! Really do appreciate the comment. Tracing arcs - I've used that arp theme before and maybe too many times. It's kinda Klaus Schultz-ish. bdickers - thanks! Larry T - Thanks again. Appreciate the suggestion. freddy - I was in a writer's block for a while, but starting to come out of it. Maybe it's the improving weather. Steve - thank you Kevin P - thanks for listening to my other stuff. I'm surprised at how old they're getting to be! tom - thanks David - thanks. Hey someone noticed the ping pong delay! Treesh - thanks. I'm envious of your clear skies! -Bjorn
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